I like Florence Pugh and hope she will be the new Black Widow in the mcu going forward, so they at least could carry her character over.

I like Florence Pugh and hope she will be the new Black Widow in the mcu going forward, so they at least could carry her character over.
Lasso my nuts
That’s an actual fetish, too.That's what the creator of Wonder Woman enjoyed.
That’s an actual fetish, too.
I skipped the first one but that looks really rad, love the 80s setting.
you should def watch the first one. it was excellent. easily the best DC movie to date (although i haven't seen joker so that might be the best, but it still it'd a fantastic movie). plus it'll probably have connections to the first one so you'll want to catch before seeing 84
will probably watch this on a plane in a few years the same as the first movie.
it was a good first movie but really really dumb. Wonder Woman herself is a total fucking idiot. decent action scenes tho.
on one hand i want to know how Chris Pine is back but on the other i don't care what the explanation is, the whole idea retroactively ruins the last movie. these comic book guys can't keep bringing back dead characters without it just undermining the meaning of death itself.
However, the high heels fighting had me rolling my eyes.
They are overplaying the lasso and Chris Pine should stay dead.
But in for Gadot and Wigg
I’m not sure it’s fair to compare Joker to the likes of Wonder Woman and Shazam. To me it’s basically two different genres
Coming June 5th, 2020
First trailer just dropped
Lasso my nuts if old
Dig the song. Dig the trailer. Dig the cast.
Looks great IMO
Im in for the lightning riding
Character posters, click to expand
Dope music and remix to go with trailer.
How the fuck is Chris Pine's character back again.
Fish out of water/time stuff at the end, sure why not.
I always thought the shorts on this look like a diaper. Never liked it.To bad they didn't use the better costume .....
I thought Pine's character died?
I was wondering because it's kind of a spoiler but kind of not at the same time.he did and he’s also not aged since WW1, so they brought him back in some comic book way.
It would have been funny if the second movie is set during WW2 and Diana is all like, WTF, the Germans again??? "The 70s tv series took a huge nosedive when it shifted time periods. First season where she is fighting Nazis is great. After that she was in the 70s fighting evil disco producers and such, it was totally lame. Hopefully they don’t make that mistake w this.