Awkward terrible question time, GAF.
I work really weird hours on Fridays so it's hard to make plans to go out with people. Instead I made it a sort of tradition to treat myself to a movie, however late I make it out of work. Then I usually call my mom to talk about it after, since she's the one who got me hooked on trips to the cinema to begin with.
My mom passed away last week.
For obvious reasons it's been a while since I've been to the movies and a part of me wants to go just to aim for a little normalcy, if only for a little while, but it's really hard to pick a film. My emotions are all over the map and out of whack. Mostly I've narrowed it down to Young Adult or Hugo. While Young Adults is going to potentially have more serious, heavy moments, it's also not as likely (I think) to be the kind of movie that my mom would have been into so less likely to remind me of her than Hugo is, even though that's clearly more escapism.
So yeah, like I said, I know it's an awkward question. But any suggestions?