Grand Theft Scratchy
In a little over a week, it will have been 15 years since Rockstar released Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas on the

On top of the changes to player mobility (including climbing walls and swimming), you could fly aircraft, break into houses to steal valuable items, initiate gang wars, play basketball, pool, dance, bounce lowriders, ride a bike and train, play a video game within a video game, lift weights, get fat, or forget to eat because you're in the middle of a dark foggy forest with a camera hoping to come across Bigfoot. One day you're performing a drive-by on your rival gang. The next day you're breaking into a secret government facility to steal a jetpack because why not?
Did I mention James Woods voices a character in this game? Mike Toreno, easily my favorite boss in the series. Wu Zi Mu, the blind Triad boss, was pretty cool too. I also enjoyed seeing Claude and Ken Rosenberg again.
Much like with Final Fantasy IX and X, I will sometimes go back and forth with Grand Theft Auto III and San Andreas on which one is truly my all-time favorite. I love the atmosphere and city layout of Liberty City but I also love driving out in the countryside of San Andreas feeling like I'm part of a much larger game world... because if you can travel from San Fierro to Las Venturas or Los Santos, don't you feel like you could do the same with Liberty City and "nearby" Carcer City? At least back then it seemed like this was the direction the series would go in future installments. GTA IV had a really fun physics engine but it was a smaller game and GTA V was larger than GTA IV but it wasn't even half the game that San Andreas was despite more powerful hardware.
I know Rockstar re-released this game on every platform under the sun but still, let us never forget this masterpiece.
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