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2 new bundles coming to Europe.


UK dates

A "Mario Kart: Double Dash!! Platinum Pak" will see a Platinum coloured Gamecube and a copy of the game available from November 5th priced at a highly reasonable £79, whilst on November 12th a "Pokémon Colosseum Pak" will follow, which will feature a black Gamecube, Memory Card 59 and a copy of Pokémon Colosseum.

This friday lots of player's choice games will be out.
Too Little Too late

A bunch of Monkies could run NOE and come up with better ways to make the GC more popular in Europe than those idiots.


Not that I'm an expert at this bundle stuff but wouldn't Mario fans already have the game and a GC. I would imagine introducing something like a Pikmin2 would satiate a new buyers curiousity.


Packing in a year old game to try and attract sales.....slightly less dumb than NOA packing in a two year old game.


Platinum GC? WHAT DA HELL! It's supposed to be limited! I see no point buying "limited" consoles when they show up again. Same with Crystal. Make something new instead of re-releasing something that was meant to be limited.


They are good bundles. MKDD and Pokemon are attractive properties. MKDD in particular is a very popular multiplayer game.

Deepthroat said:
Platinum GC? WHAT DA HELL! It's supposed to be limited! I see no point buying "limited" consoles when they show up again. Same with Crystal. Make something new instead of re-releasing something that was meant to be limited.

It is limited. Platinum is rare in Europe. Greedy US ate the lot of them :p


I thought they already had a Pokemon Colosseum bundle.

yeah updated price. slightly tweaked bundles. Platinum is new. Last time was when zelda came out.


border said:
Packing in a year old game to try and attract sales.....slightly less dumb than NOA packing in a two year old game.
or slightly smarter than Microsoft USA packing in a 3-year-old game :p

king zell

ok so here are the options for Europe :

1 - Platinum GC + Mario Kart DD = £79
2 - GC + Donkey Konga = £89
3 - black GC + Pokemon Colosseum + Memory Card 59 = £79

Finally for those who want to be cool you can always get the limited ToS bundle :


now that I call good marketing ;)


Why the hell didn't they do this with MGS TTS? I really wanted that JAP bundle...

I mean, a bundle for ToS but not MGS? It makes no sense..
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