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2 Silent Hill Games reportedly in Development



According to a new report, not only is one new Silent Hill game in development at Konami, but another is as well. Unfortunately, other salient details aren't divulged, but it sounds like the projects have been cooking for possibly a couple of years, suggesting not only will they come to PS5, Xbox Series X, and PC, but PS4 and Xbox One as well, and if the hardware can handle it, Nintendo Switch. The report comes way of AestheticGamer, a reputable leaker who has reliably reported on scoops in the past. Taking to Twitter, they noted that roughly two years ago Konami reached out to various developers about pitches for a new Silent Hill game, and from here, two got picked up: one that will act as a reboot and one that will be an Until Dawn-like compliment to said reboot.


Writes a lot, says very little

Development? By whom? That team is pretty much gone, so thats a massive no from me as thats like trying to ask for a Banjo 3 and acting as if the damn team even exist at Rare still to even make that title relevant lol

So releasing a title called Silent Hill means next to nothing with what they have left. Remember Metal Gear Survive? So if they sell off the IP, I have a better chance of caring about a new title then if its just under the same publisher, with the same evaporated team.
I wished they would develop it themselves. SH1/SH2 scribe, Hiroyuki Owaku, is still at Konami. And Ito still has a good relationship with Konami. Ito is working on something, I wonder if this is it.

Was he the lead writer? This gives me the slightest bit of hope, but it'll more likely end up like...



Development? By whom? That team is pretty much gone, so thats a massive no from me as thats like trying to ask for a Banjo 3 and acting as if the damn team even exist at Rare still to even make that title relevant lol

So releasing a title called Silent Hill means next to nothing with what they have left. Remember Metal Gear Survive? So if they sell off the IP, I have a better chance of caring about a new title then if its just under the same publisher, with the same evaporated team.
What about Survive? What are you trying to say, cause 2/3 of the old kojiPro worked on Survive. That statement is actually goes against your point.


Writes a lot, says very little
What about Survive? What are you trying to say, cause 2/3 of the old kojiPro worked on Survive. That statement is actually goes against your point.

Not really, the game is the worst selling game of the series. The statement is exactly the point being made bud, 2/3 of the old team worked on it and it was bad, sooooooo pretty much tells us that other half was the team that actually made those games good.

Its called logic...



Was he the lead writer? This gives me the slightest bit of hope, but it'll more likely end up like...

He was the main writer for 2. But you shouldn’t have hope, Konami’s problem has always been management, not development. The choices they have made within the last decade have been ponderous. For every good step forward (turbo mini) they make 2 steps back (Contra Rogue Corps). They’ve been pushing multiplayer in their IPs, and they’ve been mostly misses. Bomber-man R was good, Castlevania Harmony of Despair was fun, Survive was going to be hated no matter what it was, Book of Memories and Rogue Corps were just dumb. I understand that these games have their fans (I personally liked CV HD and MG Survive), but it’s not what people want. They have talented people still working there, there’s no reason they should be outsourcing Contra to ToyLogic when they have a good engine (albeit hard to use apparently) and a solid team. They need to start putting the money they make from mobile gaming into their console/PC games. Square published 2 of the worst games of last year, Quiet Man and Left Alive, but people forgot. Why? Cause of FF7 remake. You cant put out one game a year and have it be shit.


Not really, the game is the worst selling game of the series. The statement is exactly the point being made bud, 2/3 of the old team worked on it and it was bad, sooooooo pretty much tells us that other half was the team that actually made those games good.

Its called logic...

Im sorry, it seems like you have an idea of what youre trying to say but there’s no real point or evidence. I have no interest trying to converse with you, but good luck, sincerely.


Writes a lot, says very little
Im sorry, it seems like you have an idea of what youre trying to say but there’s no real point or evidence. I have no interest trying to converse with you, but good luck, sincerely.

Simple bud, 2/3 of the original team made Survive, it ends up flopping. Clearly the other part of that team that was there for the other Metal Gear Solid titles has a lot to do with making them good, if them leaving results in the worst MG title in the series modern history. Thanks for bringing up that 2/3 thing too btw, it lets us know just how important that 1/3 actually was to Konami if them leaving turned MGS into.....well Survive.

Its not that hard to understand. Shouldn't be anyway... They no longer have a lot of staff that used to make those games great, thus you get stuff like MG Survive as soon as they are gone.

"Square published 2 of the worst games of last year, Quiet Man and Left Alive, but people forgot. Why? Cause of FF7 remake"

Well...also cause the people that actually made those exact games are NOT MAKING FF7 REMAKE! I mean....that one part actually matters, its called context.

Soooooo if Square tells us the exact team that made Quiet Man and Left Alive is making another game, sure we are correct to worry. Think about what you are posting first and foremost as many of us are not just worried about the PUBLISHER Konami, we are worried about the actual teams that no longer have key staff.

That 1/3 that is so important, them leaving resulted in the worst selling Metal Gear title.

HaveButOneLife HaveButOneLife Yup. I'm worried about the majority of TALENT leaving, not simply the over all number. 2/3 left also made the worst title. So the fear of a bad game based on many of the TALENTED members gone is still relevant.
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Not really, the game is the worst selling game of the series. The statement is exactly the point being made bud, 2/3 of the old team worked on it and it was bad, sooooooo pretty much tells us that other half was the team that actually made those games good.

Its called logic...

You're well aware that 2/3rds is a vast majority, right?

It's not simple math and it's not evidence of anything, it's just your analysis. They simply had too small of a budget, doesn't mean the devs weren't competent enough.
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Simple bud, 2/3 of the original team made Survive, it ends up flopping. Clearly the other part of that team that was there for the other Metal Gear Solid titles has a lot to do with making them good, if them leaving results in the worst MG title in the series modern history. Thanks for bringing up that 2/3 thing too btw, it lets us know just how important that 1/3 actually was to Konami if them leaving turned MGS into.....well Survive.

Its not that hard to understand. Shouldn't be anyway... They no longer have a lot of staff that used to make those games great, thus you get stuff like MG Survive as soon as they are gone.

"Square published 2 of the worst games of last year, Quiet Man and Left Alive, but people forgot. Why? Cause of FF7 remake"

Well...also cause the people that actually made those exact games are NOT MAKING FF7 REMAKE! I mean....that one part actually matters, its called context.

Soooooo if Square tells us the exact team that made Quiet Man and Left Alive is making another game, sure we are correct to worry. Think about what you are posting first and foremost as many of us are not just worried about the PUBLISHER Konami, we are worried about the actual teams that no longer have key staff.

That 1/3 that is so important, them leaving resulted in the worst selling Metal Gear title.
Just a disclaimer, I didn’t read your last paragraph. I’m not here to argue with you. I’m not here to educate you. Nor am I claiming superiority over you. People that want to know, will search. You want to know who the 1/3 is? Go through the credits. Mobygames is an easy website to use.
You started this by quoting me, for whatever reason, to tell me that because “Team Silent” no longer exists, that you won’t be picking up these rumored games. Then you go on to tell me about Survive, whose team is mostly intact. Then you bring up Survive’s sales, which was never public, and I can’t imagine it did well even though it topped Monster Hunter in Japan the week it debuted. You don’t know it’s the worst selling Metal Gear. Also, it’s a AA game, not AAA, so comparing Survive to, let’s say, MGS4, is completely unfair. I’m not interested in your opinion, if you had facts, I would most certainly be interested in those. As of right now, your comment is no different from the overly used #fuckonami/pachinko comments that get repeated to nausea.
Simple bud, 2/3 of the original team made Survive, it ends up flopping. Clearly the other part of that team that was there for the other Metal Gear Solid titles has a lot to do with making them good, if them leaving results in the worst MG title in the series modern history. Thanks for bringing up that 2/3 thing too btw, it lets us know just how important that 1/3 actually was to Konami if them leaving turned MGS into.....well Survive.

Its not that hard to understand. Shouldn't be anyway... They no longer have a lot of staff that used to make those games great, thus you get stuff like MG Survive as soon as they are gone.

"Square published 2 of the worst games of last year, Quiet Man and Left Alive, but people forgot. Why? Cause of FF7 remake"

Well...also cause the people that actually made those exact games are NOT MAKING FF7 REMAKE! I mean....that one part actually matters, its called context.

Soooooo if Square tells us the exact team that made Quiet Man and Left Alive is making another game, sure we are correct to worry. Think about what you are posting first and foremost as many of us are not just worried about the PUBLISHER Konami, we are worried about the actual teams that no longer have key staff.

That 1/3 that is so important, them leaving resulted in the worst selling Metal Gear title.

HaveButOneLife HaveButOneLife Yup. I'm worried about the majority of TALENT leaving, not simply the over all number. 2/3 left also made the worst title. So the fear of a bad game based on many of the TALENTED members gone is still relevant.
I don't know if you're replying to my post before I edited it, but you don't exactly know what talent left and what talent stayed.

What about the talent that stayed? Why would most of the talent leave 2/3rds to a low budget mediocre game? Out of that majority, if we use process of elimination... most of the talent should be left, yes?

It all comes down to time, budget, and resources. Would Kojima have made a good MGS zombie game with that same budget?


Writes a lot, says very little
, to tell me that because “Team Silent” no longer exists,

Nope, simply that the talented members are gone and those there are under a publisher that seems to be off the rails right now. The criticism is justified.

Then you go on to tell me about Survive, whose team is mostly intact.

Doesn't matter bud, 2/3 of the original team made it and it was bad, thus its pretty likely that the most talented of that team was the 1/3 that left.

Then you bring up Survive’s sales, which was never public

That alone should tell you something bud...

it topped Monster Hunter in Japan the week it debuted

I'm a HUGE MGS fan, same with Silent Hill, I wish those series did better and hope they do better, but fact remains that those left, are not the same key folks that gave us those best sellers and award winning titles. They need a massive shift in getting more of that key staff back or straight up rebooting of the series. Here is the actual sales chart for the debut of MG Survive. My actual response is based factually on what happened, not what I simply wish is true...

it’s a AA game, not AAA, so comparing Survive to, let’s say, MGS4, is completely unfair

The fact that its not a AAA titles and can't be comapried to MGS4 is a pretty solid reason on WHY FOLKS EVEN DON'T TRUST THE 2/3s left. Couldn't say it better myself. Can't be compared and pretty much unfair to even compare those right? Yet you are seriously questioning WHY we feel the way we feel about Konami's current state? I don't want a AA side game Online cash grab. That choice was by Konami and that product was made by that 2/3 team left. That is a great reason to avoid the new MGS or Silent Hills until they get their act together.

Annnnnnd here is where we ignore, block etc. Don't lie. I can't stand liars. If you have to legit LIE to prove some point, its based on emotion, not logic, facts etc.

It went from 30k sales, to 12k to 5k to off charts. That is the factual data we have on it. No reason to lie about that sort of stuff. No way did that game outsell Monster Hunter Worlds.

HaveButOneLife HaveButOneLife I read the edit, disregard my post. I'm not saying I expect them to make a MGS6 type game with that budget, if anything I'm saying those left made Survive, but even if many returned, its Konami looking for online only, Battle Royal cash grabs. Also, we don't know why anyone left or stayed to really get into any that. Simply that 2/3 made MGS, either the team isn't good enough or the publisher is asking them to make a cash grab with online for a fast buck, or the team is good, they simply have a publisher asking them to create some bad stuff (as to even speculate maybe that is why the 1/3 left that didn't want their careers linked to that). Who knows.
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Yet you are seriously questioning WHY we feel the way we feel about Konami's current state?
No, I’m not. I’m questioning you quoting me. I don’t share your opinion. I liked Survive. I know who the 2/3 are and who are the 1/3.
No Team Silent sucks, but at this point it feels like Konami has to eventually stumble into a good game out of sheer luck. Maybe it will be this one?


Writes a lot, says very little
No Team Silent sucks, but at this point it feels like Konami has to eventually stumble into a good game out of sheer luck. Maybe it will be this one?

I hope thats the case, either that or just sell the IP to someone that gives a damn. Watch them make a Silent Hill Battle Royal, be like "the fog is closing in on the map" lol

"Play all of your favorite Silent Hill Characters......TO THE DEATH! Who will remain...KILL OF THE...SILENT HILL?"
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Good for him, playing an actual game.
kojima productions to make triple A VR title for ps VR2 after half lyf proved that triple A vr titles can be a smash hit sony wil take the lead yet again in next gen as xbox does not believe in vr
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For the love of god, give me back SH. My all time favorite series and it has been treated like absolute trash by the pubs. So much wasted potential.

EDIT: Wtf is it with people defending MGSurvive of all games? That game is dogshit, and near universally hated. Kojima (and I'm sure plenty others) leaving the team definitely had something to do with that cash grab trash seeing light, just like SH hasn't been good since Team Silent disbanded. No, that doesn't mean a good SH isn't possible. It does, however, mean it's unlikely. Until you see gameplay and trailers, keep any expectations in check. In fact, just assume this rumor is BS.
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Writes a lot, says very little
My bet is Koji Pro with money of SIE, comimg to PS5 and PC

Would love that. Its why I feel the IP being bought is the best bet. Konami just wants a cash grab, online only, battle royal, low budget, AA etc game. So even if the team is still great, it might not matter if they are just being told to make a pile of shit every gen or something. Good example, Metal Gear Solid Survive should have NEVER EXISTED! That isn't the message you want to send to gamers. Oh now that the other half of the ace team is gone, lets make a Battle Royal, online zombie game? smh.

They did the same thing to Silent Hill. Key developer leaves, "oh look, time to outsource it to a team that has NEVER MADE SILENT HILL" then acts surprised when it fails and wonders why the community hates them as a publisher lol


Konami be like "ok, you didn't like us outsourcing Silent Hill to some no name team, we learned our lesson"

Also them..


Arachnid Arachnid Agreed. I have no clue why anyone would support a publisher basically destroying a series. Its awful messaging to past fans and I've lost lots of trust in them to actually make a damn game. So I say Silent Hill, Castlevania, Metal Gear Solid fans etc have great reason to worry. We've seen what happens when you leave Konami to do....Konami things to games. The criticism is extremely warranted and its not as if we are saying this because of um "#FuckKonami", we are saying that because of their actions that clearly lead us to respond. Look at Capcom, last gen theses folks were trying to legit be EA number 2 out here trying to make Gears Of War Evil out of Resident Evil 5 and 6, out sourced Dead Rising and by 2014 they were open to being bought out. Its not like we are hating a publisher JUST TO HATE, we love the damn IP and when they fuck up, call em out!!! We saw them lose tons of developers from Resident Evil to Mega Man to Street Fighter, but after Mega Man 11, SFV massive updates fixing the damn game, Resident Evil 7, Revelations 1 and 2 and RE2 remake and DMC, we can safely say they have managed to bounce back.

Many of us actually want Konami to be able to have that type of bounce back, but that means my friends....being honest about where they are currently right now. So until they reboot the whole damn company, I'd rather see those IP else where with a different publisher. Sony, Sega etc
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It's gonna be fun to watch. Are those gonna be worse than the HD Collection? 🤭
People are shouting after Metal Gear Survive but man it's a real gem compared to the HD collection!
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Too many rumors now regarding Silent Hill now along with Ito's words to not believe something is in the works, something with good potential even.

Never viewed Silent Hill as a dead franchise, except in quality. Just a question of when.


Taking a look at konami’s current gaming state... a look at konami’s dev state, taking a look at MGS: Survive... yeah... hard pass


I liked Shattered Memories and Downpour was rough technically but still pretty good. Cautious optimism.

Taking a look at konami’s current gaming state... a look at konami’s dev state, taking a look at MGS: Survive... yeah... hard pass

These would be developed externally, the leak says, like everySilent Hill game after 4 has been.


The rumour of Sony getting Konami may be true, and Kojima, Project Siren and what is left of Silent Team could be working in 2 sequels exclusively for Ps5 (and PC)


Thats the Blue Point's remake. Mark my words

This is the one that makes sense. Not Demon's Souls which has too many awful bosses (Armor Spider, Tower Knight) and crappy levels (Latria) to be worth remaking without completely restarting.


Wondering if these are being financed by one of the big 3 as an exclusive deal.

Strange for Konami to suddenly start to want to make large scale games again.
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