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20 years ago today, [redacted] died and the nWo was born

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Thanks, RBH. Sorry about stealing your WCW Thunder. I said yesterday that you should make a thread, but didn't see any response. Thought you were dead. Please don't Sting me.

*watches Zach from the rafters*


If you guys have the WWE Network, check out the episode of WCW Monday Nitro from August 26th, 1996.

The last 5 minutes of the show with the nWo appearing and wrecking shit is pretty great.


Too bad they never took it further to the point where nWo was actually like a competing wrestling organization. They should have just changed the name to nWo Nitro, made a nWo themed black and white set and ring, and slowly had WCW guys show up looking for work that isn't WCW Thunder so nWo guys weren't fighting each other. Then once nWo started to fizz out, have a savior from WCW (probably Goldberg) run a gauntlet through nWo like it was a fighting game ladder with the big bad being Hogan, who puts the rights to Nitro on the line because of ego.

What I remember most about the nWo days is the theme running like 20 minutes at the end of each Nitro as they spray painted people and celebrated.




literally the greatest night in the history of the sport of kings.

ultimately gave birth to the boom period that we all remember and cherish.

Absolutely. Watched it all, from beginning to end. We used to watch Monday Night Nitro at bars all the time and they were jammed packed, for years. My favorite wrestling era bar none.

Shout out to the quality N64 WCW wrestling games that made that era even more memorable.


Absolutely. Watched it all, from beginning to end. We used to watch Monday Night Nitro at bars all the time and they were jammed packed, for years. My favorite wrestling era bar none.

Shout out to the quality N64 WCW wrestling games that made that era even more memorable.

WCW/nWo Revenge will always be the best wrassle game ever.

And what an intro!



My all time favorite Hogan quote: "all you people can just stick it, brother" yeah hulk, that's telling them.
NWO killed off cartoony WCW. It's funny to think about that mere months before we got Hogan fighting his monsters of the week from the Dungeon of Doom. Not even sure that storyline even finished.


NWO killed off cartoony WCW. It's funny to think about that mere months before we got Hogan fighting his monsters of the week from the Dungeon of Doom. Not even sure that storyline even finished.
Didn't he banish the entire roster in the Doomsday Cage, brother?


WCW/nWo Revenge will always be the best wrassle game ever.

And what an intro!


I don't think I ever played a real match in that game. My friend and I in college would just pick up chairs and weapons and bash each others' heads until there was blood. Similar to how I play wrestling games now.

On topic, all the dinosaurs that refused to get out of the way ruined WCW. Their cruiserweights were on point. DDP, Booker T were good champs. But, fucking Hogan (even though he was cool as fuck as a bad guy).
I've watched all the NWO/WCW documentaries.

Lockeroom friendships played a big role behind the NWO's bloated roster. Being a member meant more matches, more exposure, and potential career advancement. It was hard for Nash, Hall, and Hogan to tell old road buddies they weren't fit for the black and white. That's why they needed executive control to curb it but none were around. Bischoff was like P Diddy, all in the videos, dancing. Had it been Vince McMahon, the NWO wouldn't have exceeded 6 members.


I did not realize so many people liked Buff! Isn't he a gigolo now?
One of the great things about living in Atlanta is you get to see these people in their natural habitat.

My friend came upstairs one time to find Buff and Vincent just chilling in the living room with his mom

Another found disco inferno eating a burrito at a shady restaurant .

The steiners live pretty much across the street from me. Scott used to run through the neighborhood with a monster truck tire tied to him and now owns a Shoney's.


Special memories of this. I followed WWF as kid in the late 80s through to around 93 or so when I just found other interests I guess and fell out of touch with wrestling all together for a while.

Jump ahead to 96 when Pay TV became a thing in Australia and my family were on board pretty early. I used to peruse the old school tv guides back then pretty hard trying to find interesting things to watch given all these new (in hindsight, not so) amazing channels.I noticed one morning there was a WCW pay per view event on - 'Bash at the Beach' on Fox Sports (yup a PPV was broadcast here on a regular paytv chanel - live and free). I wasn't overly familiar with their stuff beyond seeing the likes of Sting in magazines, and when guys like Flair and Flexy Lexy came across to the F (at the time). I thought bugger it, i'll get up early and give it a look. It had been a few years since I'd even seen anything wrestling related so why not

So the day rolled around, got up early and tuned in . I still remember sleeping through most of the card (it was like 8am here, and I was on school holidays, and i've always liked a sleep in) which looking back wasn't the brightest idea. I think from memory it had a pretty great WCW style lucha match to open amongst other things.

Anyway, had sort of woken up by the time the of the main event and saw all of that crazyness. It was quite something back then. I hadn't even been that big a Hogan mark when I had followed years earlier, but something about the intense heat from the crowd and all the rubbish really left a mark with me. That was the day I started following wrestling again. Not long after one of the local Pay TV channels started showing Nitro. I went on to follow WCW pretty heavily through their glory years of the mid-late 90s through to their specfuckingtacular demise.

Sometime, I believe in 98, we started getting RAW broadcast here which I watched the shit out off as well. I still remember when it started showing, the Austin-Owen feud was hot as all shit. Stone cold, after recovering from that nastyass Owen driver, was just doing random run in's, stunning fools, and bailing while the crowd went nuts. Thems were the days.

I don't watch much nowadays. Haven't followed the E since around 2008 (although kept abreast of things like Punk and Danielsons runs). I watched alot of ROH through to about 2010, and have seen a few of the early Dragon Gate USA shows, which were great but its not something I have a lot of time for anymore.

Now I find myself bashing out this lengthy wrestling related post, a day after seeing what will surely be the 2016 moty: Final Deletion (which is the 1st 'wrestling' i've watched in prob a year or two. Amazing btw).

Shit, that turned out a lot longer then planned. Better do a.........

BatB 96 refueled my interest in wrestling, and for the following 10-12 years or so, it was something I considered one of my major interests. Not so much nowadays, but very fond memories


One of the great things about living in Atlanta is you get to see these people in their natural habitat.

My friend came upstairs one time to find Buff and Vincent just chilling in the living room with his mom.

Another found disco inferno eating a burrito at a shady restaurant .

The steiners live pretty much across the street from me. Scott used to run through the neighborhood with a monster truck tire tied to him and now owns a Shoney's.

I crossed paths with Buff at the airport in the nwo days and he was in full character; sunglasses and all.


One of the great things about living in Atlanta is you get to see these people in their natural habitat.

My friend came upstairs one time to find Buff and Vincent just chilling in the living room with his mom

Another found disco inferno eating a burrito at a shady restaurant .

The steiners live pretty much across the street from me. Scott used to run through the neighborhood with a monster truck tire tied to him and now owns a Shoney's.

This sounds amazing
literally the greatest night in the history of the sport of kings.

ultimately gave birth to the boom period that we all remember and cherish.

Psst, love the NWO birth, but the night of Austin 3:16 will always be the true greatest night of wrestling.
Gosh I would have loved to have watched it live.

I remember as a 10 year old kid in England seeing the Nitro episode after Bash, aired on a friday, and having no idea what I was seeing as they only ever showed the still pictures of the PPVs.

I was NWO pretty much from the first promo. Was completely unlike anything else I had ever seen.

Was some great time watching that with my sister.


one of my favourite moments. NWO vs fake stings before the real sting comes down
Pretty much. They might have gotten another year at most out of the slow disintegration of the nWo, but Starrcade '7 should have been the beginning of the end of the angle. The nWo were invaders bent on destroying WCW and rebuilding it in their own image. With that, there's only tow outcomes to the storyline: Either the nWo succeed and the show becomes one giant circle-jerk as nWo guys destroy local jobbers in empty arenas, or WCW expels the invaders in a moment of well-earned catharsis. If you don't eventually reach one of these two points, eventually you'll reach a point where you're just treading water because you don't want to change the status quo, leading to viewers tuning out because they're never gonna get the conclusion they want.
Starrcade 97 was definitely what broke the camel's back. Hogan cleanly beating Sting... still makes me sick.

Also, in classic Hogan fashion, Nick Patrick was supposed to do a SUPER fast count to screw Sting over, but it's suspected Hogan paid him off to slow his count to make him look even more dominant.

With that buildup to the match, and with that unbelievable GOAT entrance for Sting... what a waste.
I remember I was a very light WCW watcher at the time, as I was mostly all WWF as a kid. My dad, I believe, told me one day "Razor Ramon was on WCW Nitro the other night" and me being confused.

I think I remember seeing Nash show up on Nitro live, and then it became a weekly watch.

Bash rolls around, and I remember Mean Gene doing a segment backstage where he was outside the Outsiders' locker room saying "the third voice sounds familiar but I can't quite pin it down". I'm sitting there as an 11 year old dork naming names of all these current WWF guys.

Then the leg drop happens later, and Hogan instantly becomes the coolest guy in wrestling again. I think I spent the rest of the night dusting off all my old Hogan toys and such.
I remember watching it live back in the day. My pops would sometimes let me stay up late to watch WCW. It was so cool at the time when all that happened. I remember telling people at school about it the next day and no one believed me.


I came into wrestling super late compared to most 90's kids; sometime in 99 is when I started really watching WWF. By the time I found my way to WCW, I'm sure the NWO was already 80 dudes strong and split up. So I kinda missed the glory days of the group.

Might be worth my time to get on the Network and watch some of this stuff.
Bret was originally suppose to be the "third man" at Bash at the Beach '96 but decided to re-sign with the WWF at the last minute. I love Bret and all, but no way it would have had the same impact as Hogan.

Where did you get this from? I've never heard this. On the Monday Night Wars special on the WWE Network, Eric Bischoff said the third man was meant to be Sting. I've never heard it was Bret before. I've read Bret's book and he never talks about it.


I still have my nWo t-shirt in my closet, it came with me after moved out and then got married. I haven't worn it since back then though.

My first memories of the internet are wrestling and nWo related. I didn't have a connection at home in 1996 so me and my cousin would go to the Clemson University library to use it and look up wrestling rumors. We would print them out and take it all home to read it over and over.

The big rumor back then I remember was that Mable was going to the the third guy.


As a Hogan fan I marked so hard over it being him. I grew up watching him as a kid and by the time it was 1996 I was hoping for a change also, and him being a heel blew my 26 year old mind and I was all on board! I still wish we could see Cena do the same thing today. Just close to the same thing, haha.


literally the greatest night in the history of the sport of kings.

ultimately gave birth to the boom period that we all remember and cherish.

Absolutely this! Do they have all the WCW Vids on WWE Online? I've been wanting to watch 1996 to 1999 WCW & WWF stuff. I really miss those glory days!
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