If you find a new GOTY, please post in this thread. Thanks!
Archive: 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007
Current standings:
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - 72
Portal 2 - 24
Batman: Arkham City - 19
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - 7
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception - 7
Gears of War 3 - 4
Bastion - 2
Catherine - 2
Dark Souls - 2
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - 2
L.A. Noire - 2
Star Wars: The Old Republic - 2
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP - 2
Battlefield 3 - 1
The Binding of Isaac - 1
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - 1
Forza Motorsport 4 - 1
Infinity Blade II - 1
Killzone 3 - 1
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D - 1
Minecraft - 1
Renegade Ops - 1
SpaceChem - 1
Super Mario 3D Land - 1
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings - 1
[360][PC] Bastion
Paste Magazine
Quarter to Three
[360][PS3][PC] Batman: Arkham City
Blistered Thumbs
Global Grind
The Guardian
Nerd Reactor
Next-Gen Gaming Blog
The Students' Blog
The Telegraph
Ultra Mega Cyborg
WillyG Productions
Yahoo! Games
[360][PS3][PC][IOS] Battlefield 3
[PC] The Binding of Isaac
[360][PS3][WII][PC] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Power 98 FM
[360][PS3] Catherine
The Northern Light
What Culture
[360][PS3] Dark Souls
The Big Nerd Show
[360][PS3][PC] Deus Ex: Human Revolution
[360][PS3][PC] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
ABC Television (Australia)
All Age Gaming
ars technica
The A.V. Club
Bad Haven
The Birmingham News
BnB Gaming
Boy Howdy Podcast
Classic L337
The Controller Online
Critical Gamer
Digital Spy
The Examiner
Extreme Gamer
Archive: 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007
Current standings:
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - 72
Portal 2 - 24
Batman: Arkham City - 19
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - 7
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception - 7
Gears of War 3 - 4
Bastion - 2
Catherine - 2
Dark Souls - 2
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - 2
L.A. Noire - 2
Star Wars: The Old Republic - 2
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP - 2
Battlefield 3 - 1
The Binding of Isaac - 1
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - 1
Forza Motorsport 4 - 1
Infinity Blade II - 1
Killzone 3 - 1
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D - 1
Minecraft - 1
Renegade Ops - 1
SpaceChem - 1
Super Mario 3D Land - 1
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings - 1
[360][PC] Bastion

Paste Magazine
Brendan Keogh said:Bastion finds itself on that ever-so-small list of games that left me short of breath and covered in goosebumps as the narrative conclusion drew nigh. What gives Bastion its potency isn’t its (admittedly simple) story or its (admittedly simple) gameplay, but its masterful synthesis of the two. Most games struggle to blend story and gameplay, as though one were water and the other oil. But Bastion, through a conscious and deliberate distilling of narration of play, through playing to the strengths of both words and games, brings the two into a much tighter relationship of worldbuilding. More than anything, Bastion is about piecing together a world that no longer exists. And it does so through its playing and its telling.
Quarter to Three
Tom Chick said:This is what it was like to be a kid and to play your first Zelda game. Supergiant’s ability to recapture that feeling was profoundly moving.
[360][PS3][PC] Batman: Arkham City

Blistered Thumbs
Our fave game of the year took us back to Gotham, where the sequel to megahit Arkham Asylum gave us the keys to the city in an expansive open world. Being the Dark Knight (and Catwoman!) means brawls, gadgets, more than 400 Riddler puzzles, and the most badass super villains in DC history. Including The Joker, voiced by the always-awesome Mark Hamill.
Joaby said:The award goes to Batman: Arkham City - one of the very best titles to come out in years and a truly awe-inspiring piece of work.
Gregory Laporte said:The graphics in the game are absolutely gorgeous and the gameplay is outstanding to play.
Global Grind
Cacy Forgenie said:How cool was it to play as Catwoman or Robin? New gadgets, awesome gameplay and story made us couch potatoes for a long time.
The Guardian
Nathan Ditum said:But at the very top of the pile, and a welcome success story for the British Rocksteady Studios, was Batman: Arkham City, an object lesson in tone, setting and playability that astonished with its depth and quality.
Charles Webb said:You're trapped in a city of thieves, murders, lunatics, and bona fide supervillains--and all you've got are your wits, your nerve, and billions of dollars of Waynetech at your disposal. You are Batman, and this is your number one game of the year. While it might not have been the top seller on this list, it was certainly one of the most anticipated and talked about games this season.
Kyle Dickson said:Arkham city was an amazing sequel, whereas Asylum was all corridors and claustrophobic battles, Arkham City managed to keep you still trapped but within a sprawling metropolis which was all for you to explore.
Nerd Reactor
John Nguyen said:The game has got it all; the most intuitive and fun combat system that truly makes you feel like the dark knight, cool gadgets that allow you to take down many foes, an open city to truly explore and survey, beautiful graphics, and voice acting by the best Batman and Joker voice actors ever, Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill respectively.
Next-Gen Gaming Blog
Toby Ross said:Arkham City is characterised by an incredible level of polish, a fascinating and Batman-lore studded world, and gameplay which rarely gives anything less than brilliant. From a stunningly honed combat system which simply puts all competing systems to shame, to the imaginatively designed levels, and the catalogue of infamus villains, Batman is an all round triple-A experience from the independent, British developers Rocksteady.
The Students' Blog
Shannon Rasberry said:Batman: Arkham City is quite simply the best licensed-product video game of all time. It took a storied game franchise in such an extraordinary direction — including an alternate parallel world in which Gotham City is barricaded off into a prison, complete with its own societies, rules, and alliances — that mere words can’t describe all of its successes.
Gerard Campbell said:The voice acting is top-notch (notably Kevin Conroy as Batman and Mark Hamill), the story is more cohesive and the side missions set the scene for a third game nicely (and I believe there will be a third game). The addition of a playable catwoman to the mix, while not essential, is a nice change of pace from the brooding bat.
The Telegraph
Rocksteady's vision of the Dark Knight is a prime example of a studio reaching a supreme level of confidence and duty of care. Every aspect --the brawling, the gadgets, script and acting performances-- are presented with a huge degree of polish. And they all blend together seamlessly, stuffing the grim, terrifically detailed cityscape with constant, compelling distraction.
Ultra Mega Cyborg
Blake Lockman said:This game gets everything right, you actually feel like Batman. You play the game, you get pulled into Arkham City and you are Batman. Never in my life have I played a game that pulls you into it and makes you feel like the character more than this game. The voice acting, the graphics, the story, the combat, the game play, there is nothing wrong with this game. I can’t find anything to complain about, it’s a perfect video game.
WillyG Productions
WillyG said:Even if you didn’t consider the story Arkham City is still an amazing game, with combat moves to rival Nathan Drake, impeccable characters and voice acting, and a staggeringly dark and rich world armed with a variety of fun missions to complete. Add what I think is one of the best plot lines in gaming history and Arkham City just rockets above and beyond everything else around it. Keeping to a common trend in Batman media, The Joker steals the show — and this Joker is good enough to make Heath Ledger proud.
Yahoo! Games
Holy Game of the Year, Batman! Despite stiff competition from the massive Skyrim and the brilliant Portal 2, Arkham City swooped down and snagged the trophy when none of us were looking. And we should have expected as much. A love letter to comic book fans, Arkham City expands on everything that made 2009's Arkham Asylum such a treat. From its fantastic gameplay to its stellar delivery, this is more than just the best superhero game ever -- it's the best game of 2011.
Chet Roivas said:Rocksteady’s resplendent sequel was a marvel; a sandbox game with incomparably decisive narrative threads running through it, a rollicking action title buoyed by a rich and engaging plot, and a sprawling enterprise as polished and refined as something half its size.
[360][PS3][PC][IOS] Battlefield 3

Manfred Beck said:The multiplayer mode alone would justify the purchase price already, but that's only part of the package in the most complete shooter in the "Battlefield" series and one of the best shooters of all time. As a bonus, there's a more than satisfying single-player mode and an online co-op mode. The graphics and sound are stunning and the atmosphere immediately draws the player into the spell.
[PC] The Binding of Isaac

Josh Miller said:It’s irritatingly difficult yet each and every time I play it i know that “THIS TIME” I can do it. This time will be different. And then it’s not, and I get killed, but I know that next time I’ll make it. I generally hate games that kill the player a lot but the binding of Isaac somehow manages to just not feel cheap. It also is a game that almost every play through I manage to make it a little bit farther, I get a little bit better. i know I’m not losing because the game is “cheating”, I know that I lose because I need to be better, and I can get better.
[360][PS3][WII][PC] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Power 98 FM
Willy J said:The Call of Duty franchise is so popular that this game sold over 6.5 million units in the first day alone! You can save the world from terrorists’ plots and snipe-shoot the bad guys to save the day and Earth from World War 3.
[360][PS3] Catherine

The Northern Light
Bryan Dunagan said:“Catherine” is one of the games that was under the radar for a while prior to its release. The strange and very adult story of Vincent and his K/Catherines hooked hundreds of players this summer. With the story focusing on adult relationships and hard themes, “Catherine” gives you reason to fall in love with games and their narratives all over again. Multiple endings, saving your fellow bar patrons, tons of twists, big reveals and hard-as-nails puzzle mechanics really creates one of the greatest titles of the year. It is so weird that you can’t not love it.
What Culture
Matt Mann said:The puzzles in Catherine were some of the most challenging gameplay I have ever faced in my gaming life. However, the time I spent with the main character Vincent was some of the most fulfilling time I spent with a game character all year. The relationship questions this game asks and how we as a society view being in a relationship are some of the toughest questions ever presented by a video game.
[360][PS3] Dark Souls

The Big Nerd Show
Sk4zZi0uS said:It has stunning visuals, so absorbing atmosphere and most importantly it's really damned hard almost to the point that it would put the average to casual gamer off. It's this difficulty that I love about the game, you are just a man, a regular man with no superpowers, no super strength and average everyday speed and athleticism. You have to think about how you play, how you move. You can't just barrel in and hope that your amazing button mashing skills will get you through because it won't.
John Robertson said:This sounds like a nightmare, and it is. But imagine the feeling of satisfaction upon facing ones nightmares and overcoming them, triumphing in the face of overwhelming odds and relentless hostility. That is the feeling of success Dark Souls offers. But it only offers it to those that put in the time and effort required to garner such rewards.
[360][PS3][PC] Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Paul Tassi said:Deus Ex, when played from a stealth perspective, has a level of complexity that far exceeds that of Skyrim’s sneaking play style. There’s much more to consider than just staying in the dark and wearing padded shoes. Each area requires masterful planning and patience to progress through unseen, and the level design makes each new section a kind of puzzle to get through. Even playing as a guns blazing warrior instead, the varied enemy types require a great deal of strategy for you to survive as you have to place your perks accordingly and decide the appropriate weapon combination to use in each setting.
[360][PS3][PC] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

See, there's another location I haven't found showing up on my compass indicator. I'll just go check that out... and it looks like I'm pretty close to my next quest objective now, so I might as well wrap that up. Oh, huh, somehow I just opened up three more quests. Hmm, but first, maybe I should go forge some new armor and grind up my lockpicking skills and... wait a minute. It's morning already!?
ABC Television (Australia)
Hex said:But beyond the superior animation, refined combat, and gorgeous weather effects, the most beautiful changes are under the hood. You may get to play a shaggy Viking, but Bethesda has really given their RPG formula a haircut. They got rid of weapon degradation, and they streamlined the skill system to the point where it's just about invisible.
It's one of those rare games that lets you be whatever you want to be, giving you the freedom to explore, master whatever skill you want and get into one adventure after another. Its beautifully crafted surroundings and engaging story, makes the experience worthwhile.
All Age Gaming
John Elliott said:The game is a lovingly crafted fantasy adventure done right. Players have almost unlimited choice in how they want to play, with the mechanics to back up every decision you care to make. You can play the game how you see fit, with magic, combat and stealth and unlimited numbers of ways to mix them up into the super badass or heroic do-gooder you want to play as.
ars technica
Jason Schreier said:The game is at its best not during its grandest moments but during the little details that flesh out its world, those bits of environmental storytelling that make every sight worth seeing. From a bustling wizards' college to an abandoned lighthouse filled with corpses, the landmarks in Skyrim are peculiar and unparalleled.
The A.V. Club
But when the engine turns and the game manages, somewhat impossibly, to lift off, the result is awe-inspiring. Skyrim’s Nordic take on Tolkien is vast and involving—the kind of sword-and-sorcery diversion that people fall into like a drug coma.
Bad Haven
Kevin Lenaghan said:There may seem something odd about enjoying walking for miles between locations in a virtual world and chatting to electronically generated people about psuedo medi-evil nonsense, but I can’t seem to get enough of it. Also, YOU GET TO FIGHT DRAGONS, YO’!
The Birmingham News
Bryan Crowson said:I've spent many hours happily hunting dragons, and there's no end in sight in this vast fantasy landscape.
The consensus was that Skyrim offers such diversity that its few faults are lost against a backdrop of brilliant potential. Skyrim's capacity for player-generated stories also shone through as a highlight, with several judges taking the time to share tales of how they've exploited Skyrim's fully realised fantasy world.
BnB Gaming
Skyrim remains a technical masterpiece with a sense of scale and longevity that only Bethesda can claim to have truly tamed. The game offers hundreds of hours of questing and journeying, and those hundreds of hours may never be filled with the same thing, nor serve to advance the main narratives in any way. The land of Skyrim is yours to do with what you will and the possibilities are almost limitless. Never has a game offered so much freedom.
Boy Howdy Podcast
Classic L337
The Controller Online
Scott Grant said:Bethesda drops you into one of the biggest game worlds out there and asks you to go nuts. This huge world is filled with hundreds of locations, side quests, non-player characters, items, monsters, caves and ruins. The depth of this world is stunning and makes the actual story of the game secondary to its brilliance.
Critical Gamer
Stephen K said:It was adventure that welcomes everyone, retaining depth and subtlety while fixing the broken parts. Experienced travellers could rediscover Tamriel’s vast beauty once again, and newcomers had the chance to experience for themselves what it is we’ve been pretending to see all this time.
Matt Gardner said:Of course, the joy of Skyrim was that at any moment if you wanted a change of pace, you could have it. If the bloodletting proved too much, you could always go off on a ramble and plunder the depths of one of the 150+ individually crafted dungeons, or scale the peaks. If you were bored of wandering around, there were over 200 quests to get on with, you could get married, buy a house, join a rebellion, rob a tomb, serve a demon lord, rescue prisoners of war, become a mammoth poacher, save a nature reserve, become a thief/assassin/wizard/werewolf and so much more.
Digital Spy
Matthew Reynolds said:Becoming the Dragonborn and saving the world is just a slice of what's on offer; this vast open world's carefully-crafted quests and surprise encounters out in the wilderness are both equally as enthralling, and the hundreds of stories and secrets hidden in its many villages and dungeons provide a sense of unparalleled discovery.
Simon Cranmer said:I don’t really know what I can say about Skyrim other than its just a brilliant game, with so much to do, you’ll never find yourself with nothing to do in the game. Theres so much fun to be had in the game like putting a cauldron on somebody’s head (for some reason I find that funny!) to killing mammoths and just exploring.
The Examiner
Kyle Anderson said:Bethesda has truly conquered the world of open-world role-playing, and I cannot wait to see what they do going forward now that they just have to perfect it.
Extreme Gamer
The next chronicle in the Elder Scrolls saga doesn't disappoint with one of the most captivating gaming experiences to date. Either slugging it out with massive dragons are simply enjoying the countryside, Skyrim has something for everyone.
I think the best way to explain the feeling of this game is to imagine that you are a character in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and this is your character’s “hero” story. From the seemingly endless quests, to the custimization available to just about any object you can pick up to the fantastic back stories for just about every town and character, this game has raised the bar for RPG play, and the open world experience by far.
Corey Winter said:A vast, extremely detailed open world that seemed to come alive all on its own....with gigantic dragons. From the opening scene, it was obvious how much time, energy, and detail the designers at Bethesda put into this game. They probably put as much time into the game as most of the players have.