I'd rather hold out for actual good games, not mediocre corridor shooters with a good script.
I gave up on trying to find a shot without a completely shit texture in it. Deal with it.
Hi again, nice screens... I just got past that section today in DS2 as well.
Hi again, nice screens... I just got past that section today in DS2 as well.
WTF, I took like a month break from it, too.
Holy cow! Makes me wish R* could have included some real mod tools with the game. I imagine that if the process was as easy as it is to mod Crysis then we would see full on alien invasion mods for GTA 4
I will never buy Max Payne 3 now that it seems there are on-rails sections.
This is not the true successor to Max Payne 1 and 2 that we deserved.
Man Cuban Legend, now I know why everyone hates you.
So tell me, a grenade launcher from the sunroof of a car at an airstrip reminds you of Max Payne 1 and 2? This isn't Kane & Lynch 3. Please enlighten me if you've got some sort of valid argument instead of random unrelated statements.
And who's everyone?
Why you hate me when I'm only being honest.*You're acting like this is the whole fucking game. It isn't. It's a finishing setpiece to wrap it up.
Is HR interesting? It looks kinda generic in the second screenshot.
I didn't like it much but it sure is pretty. The weapons are interesting but there's just too many variations you never get to use and the enemy types are pretty boring. Plus, the level design it's just not there. I'd say get it for the pretty graphics and to support the developer, since those are guys we know work their damnest to do interesting stuff.Is HR interesting? It looks kinda generic in the second screenshot.
I think any screenshot can be perceived as "spoiler-y" I guess, it's just that it really is the last level/shot etc. Who am I to say though?