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2012 High-Res PC Screenshot Thread of Don't Use Imgur


Some pretty Skyrim screens I found in my fraps folder, haven't shared them before:


Showing the very end Max Payne 3... Classy.

Cuban-Legend: You just made an ignorant assumption based one a screen shot. That's pretty much the only on-rails section in the game (there's one other). Max Payne 3 is very much a Max Payne game, and I thought it was awesome except for some really odd difficulty spikes that you couldn't avoid until you knew the enemy pattern.

Yeah i didn't mean for it to sound like a blanket statement, I didn't assume Max Payne 3 was solely on-rails segments.

Once again, my apologies, from what I remember Max Payne 1 and 2 never reminded me of K&L... The statement's core was with the association with on-rails segemnts w/Kane & Lynch sorta hit a nerve with me is all.


Come on Solo, what are you doing? Basically spoiling all or most of the levels/set pieces of a game that came out less than two weeks ago...

I'd be more pissed if I didn't play through it when the pc version came out, but still...

Just use a link for images you think are spoilery.
Skyrim shots

Man! No matter how disappointed I became with Skyrim, I can't fault Bethesda's world building abilities. They make wonderful environments. Those shots seemed ripped right out of a Glen Cook or Lloyd Alexander story.

Cuban Legend: 3 on-rails segments, and only one is 'long'. Don't miss out on MP3, it's by far one of best games I've played this generation (and I was a big fan of MP2).


You're acting like this is the whole fucking game. It isn't. It's a finishing setpiece to wrap it up.

I'm with him. If there's an onrails segment in any game, it tarnishes the whole fucking thing. It's just cheap and boring.

Come on Solo, what are you doing? Basically spoiling all or most of the levels/set pieces of a game that came out less than two weeks ago...

I'd be more pissed if I didn't play through it when the pc version came out, but still...

Just use a link for images you think are spoilery.

I haven't played any max payne game and I have no idea what the fuck is going on in any of those screenshots. Are they spoilers? No idea! It's max payne doing some things and blowing some guys up, who knows when where or how, but I don't really care because it doesn't seem to spoil anything in particular.
question and possibly a bit off topic

but can anyone tell me or actually post some nice shots of some NOTICEABLE differences between DX9 to DX10 in Saints Row The Third? Finding difficult to find much if any difference between the two when playing this game.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Don't want to spam too much with 20 shots of an old game, so I'll link from thumbnails...

A game of knives is afoot!

Dat oculus.

Midas, huh?

Great player death, or greatest player death?

This room gave me classic Tomb Raider feeling.

A priceless artifact! This was certainly worth all the trouble with the fire!

Fortunately the massive puma statue did not come alive.

Pictures really don't capture the atmosphere the lighting gives in this game.

So many details everywhere.

Welcome to MTV Tombz this is my swagger-ass tomb.

Because one picture literally does not capture all of what's going on in this room...

And the gold details really do gleam like gold, it's not just yellow.

They are addicted to textures.

Unlike usual, I resisted the urge to swan dive from this.

Not phallic at all...

Again, not really capturing the mood of that room. It felt majestic, open and quiet compared to the rest of the tomb.

This was actually a lot easier than it looks.

Where the fuck am I?

Apparently the final tomb was made by the Chimera from Resistance.

Atlantian stuff sure seems a lot... eviler than I imagined it.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein Bonus:



Neo Member
One of the most impressive bits of ME3. What's the consensus on the game? I got about 10 hours in and quit, since there may be some changes inbound. Worth waiting, or just keep going?


Some Guild Wars 2 shots taken with the in-game screenshot feature which, apparently, you can set to "High Quality" mode...
Using SMAA, but I'm pretty sure the Screenshot function super-rendered these :D


Judging by some of the shots, it's tiled...


Can't decide weather GW2 is an ugly or pretty game... so confusing. Certainly the execution of the visuals can't match the epic scenery they are going for.


Can't decide weather GW2 is an ugly or pretty game... so confusing. Certainly the execution of the visuals can't match the epic scenery they are going for.

It's a mixed bag. Wonderful art direction that breaks through successfully about 50% of the time.


If there's one thing that pisses me off it's badly compressed cutscenes. All the work put into creating the animations, dialogue, meshes, camera-work, etc. go to waste the moment the developer decides to compress the scenes to a 240p youtube video.


If there's one thing that pisses me off it's badly compressed cutscenes. All the work put into creating the animations, dialogue, meshes, camera-work, etc. go to waste the moment the developer decides to compress the scenes to a 240p youtube video.
Ugh.. I was thinking the same thing.

Those are great shots. BAD quality.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Those mods are not for me. They make cool pictures but when actually playing it's crazy. Grass at your feet is all blown out, the sky is practically gone, contrast is somehow too high and too low at the same time, there is no depth to anything. It just feels weird moving around in the world like that. The only visual mods I use make dark stuff darker and grant me a pimp ass night sky.


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