Don't want to spam too much with 20 shots of an old game, so I'll link from thumbnails...

A game of knives is afoot!

Dat oculus.

Midas, huh?

Great player death, or greatest player death?

This room gave me classic Tomb Raider feeling.

A priceless artifact! This was certainly worth all the trouble with the fire!

Fortunately the massive puma statue did not come alive.

Pictures really don't capture the atmosphere the lighting gives in this game.

So many details everywhere.

Welcome to MTV Tombz this is my swagger-ass tomb.

Because one picture literally does not capture all of what's going on in this room...

And the gold details really do gleam like gold, it's not just yellow.

They are addicted to textures.

Unlike usual, I resisted the urge to swan dive from this.

Not phallic at all...

Again, not really capturing the mood of that room. It felt majestic, open and quiet compared to the rest of the tomb.

This was actually a lot easier than it looks.

Where the fuck am I?

Apparently the final tomb was made by the Chimera from Resistance.

Atlantian stuff sure seems a lot...
eviler than I imagined it.
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