And now that lingering emptiness, after BWE2 ended. Sigh, it was so pretttty.
I'm so disappointed with the graphics in GW2. This shot is a good example. There is zero sense of depth.
Not to be hyperbolic, but that swamp shot looks like a PS2 game.
Question. Do I need to leave Nvidia Inspector running or will it still work if I just apply the changes then close it?
Question. Do I need to leave Nvidia Inspector running or will it still work if I just apply the changes then close it?
Maybe it's my PC :'(
I was all excited, like "HEY! This will be neat for a shot!" And I think I completely destroyed my screenshot taking credibility.
Mass Effect 3 shots depress me too much. Too much.
so people are using nvidia inspector to get high res textures? what do I need to scale up in inspector?
Change the behavior flag to none.
What AA settings are you using?Mass Effect 3
This is a really solid compilation: is there a master list for which games you can change AA with through inspector?
Bah still not working.
Here is a link to a screenshot as I will not defile this thread with so much aliasing.
But why...these pics have high res textures. High res textures make everything better![img]
See what I mean...[/QUOTE]
Already mentioned it in another thread, but the textures by Smarteck stray way too far from the source material. It looks too much like a fan mod and not a higher resolution.
I mean, look at the fucking stapled dots on both Liara's and Shepard's armour when applying Smarteck's mods. Looks ridiculous. And they have the same normal map, yet they're two different armours.
What are you talking about? It looks fantasticAlready mentioned it in another thread, but the textures by Smarteck strays way too far from the source material. It looks too much like a fan mod and not a higher resolution.
I mean, look at the fucking dots on both Liara's and Shepard's armour when applying Smarteck's mods. Looks ridiculous.
What are you talking about? It looks fantastic
The problem with Smarteck's textures is that he reuses the same ones on different characters, besides already taking many liberties with the original art. The Garrus' armour is the same as the Normandy metals (and Liara's), the Liara textures are used again on Shep's armour (which looks awful), parts of the armours have not been fixed.
For example, take a look at this picture:
The "jean fabric" metallic texture on her left arm is used again
The dotted texture is used on Shep's helmet and Liara's chest texture
There are also severe light map issues with some textures. Liara's suit turns black in the Normandy cabin if viewed from a distance.
The left hand texture has not been fixed
The helmet's normal map looks atrocious
Once again he or she is using the jeans texture to everything. I'm sorry, but the texture work done so far is far from acceptable in regards to being true to the original art as well as using simple things like bump and normal mapping.
Look at the recent Miranda suit he/she created:
Compare it to what JeanLuc achieved in ME2:
It's great and all that someone is taking their free time to do stuff like this, but when the job is so poor, he or she might as well refrain from wasting time on it.
The second miranda one, I like because it has what looks to be bump mapping on the hexagons. However the first one is thinking of it less literally. Either could work.
Compared to the source material which has no material data whatsoever, it's a good compromise.
And don't get me started on the texture inconsistencies with a fan project when lots of source material is also horribly inconsistent (head, body primarily)
Though the texture on the helmet, while it looks like one of those reflective patterns, it doesn't mesh well with the rest of the helmet design, though I see what he was going for. It looks fine everywhere else, just not on that helmet.
Bah still not working.
Here is a link to a screenshot as I will not defile this thread with so much aliasing.
BTW is there a master list for which games you can change AA with through inspector?
I agree with you, TEC, he/she has done an admirable job in improving the technical drawbacks of Bioware's complete disregard and mistreatment of its PC customerbase. No question. I especially respect the ambition and effort put into the scope of his/her work. The time it takes to just extract all the maps with Texmod takes a hell of a time and overview.
However, I just don't like being reminded that I'm playing some fan's excessive alterations of existing art. E.g. the yellow stripes used on the shoulders of the Alliance uniform really puts me off, because it's such an unnecessary addition to something that was simple blue, white and silver (true to the colours of the Alliance).
At the very top, under "Antialiasing compability" paste; "0x000000C1"
I use this for Sparse grid AA, almost as good as Super sampling and slightly faster.
Set behavior flags to "none"
AA Mode to override
AA setting to 4x multisampling
and AA transparancy SS to 4x Sparse grid SS.
Under texture filtering set LOD bias to -2.000
it is possible that this will work with normal Super sampling, but i haven't checked.
EDIT: try THIS for a list of compatibility bits.
how come my nvidia inspector settings don't look like this? is there some kind of "advanced" mode i need to go into? i don't have nearly this many choices.Nvidia inspector isnt working with Mass Effect 3 for me. Anybody see anything wring here?
It's obvious ingame that there is no AA at all so i wont waste time posting a SS.