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2012 High-Res PC Screenshot Thread of Don't Use Imgur


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Pretty awesome game, especially considering its FREE! highly recommended to fans of shooters
Highly recommended to fans of shitty modern shooters.

If you are old school, stay the fuck away from that piece of shit.


I checked the OP, but as I thought, it wasn't there.

Can somebody tell me the difference between the AA types?

-What is the difference between MLAA/FXAA/ Etc.

Why should I use one over the other, for reasons like performance. I feel like its one of the only things I'm not 100% sure on when it comes to graphics settings.


I'd be in the dick
I checked the OP, but as I thought, it wasn't there.

Can somebody tell me the difference between the AA types?

-What is the difference between MLAA/FXAA/ Etc.

Why should I use one over the other, for reasons like performance. I feel like its one of the only things I'm not 100% sure on when it comes to graphics settings.

It depends a lot on the game and your hardware. The biggest difference is that MSAA is directly applied to the assets whereas others are post-process (added in like DoF and motion blur) many of these have lower performance costs but blur the image a bit so things aren't quite as sharp. Super sampling AA is rendering the game at a higher resolution then downsampling to your monitor, which has a huge performance cost but cleans the image up a lot.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
MSAA is a performance hungry though effective way to clean up assets without hurting image quality. Supersampling is even more performance hungry and arguably the best way to reduce jaggies.

FXAA is a 'post processing' anti aliasing solution. Instead of cleaning up jaggies during the render, FXAA/MLAA cleans up the image after it has been rendered. It is an 'overlay' filter, in a sense.

I loath FXAA/MLAA as post processing anti aliasing solutions introduce blurring of textures and image quality. Some people don't notice or mind it, but I do. The big advantage of FXAA/MLAA is that it is very cheap to use. The performance hit is next to nothing.

If you have the hardware to suit (which isn't hard), and want the best quality anti aliasing, the MSAA and Supersampling are the best options (the former before the latter). If you're worried about performance and don't mid a bit of IQ blurring, FXAA/MLAA are the best options.

Find a scene in a game with jaggies, introduce some MSAA and take a snapshot, then try the same scene with FXAA. Compare the images, see which you like more versus performance, and run with it.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered




Oh ok.

So MSAA is DURING the render and makes the IQ better. FXAA/MLAA are cheaper methods that can blur the image a bit.

I was curious because when I went to adjust the settings for Binary Domain for the first time, it only gave me the choice between FXAA and MLAA.

So If I'm using ATI Catalyst for AA options, is that considered to be MSAA?

Now if I can just understand what the hell SSAO is, I'll be in good shape :)


OT slightly, but I'm damn fascinated by (and impatiently waiting for a way to implement) DLAA. Blind linking (it's blocked at work) but basically a dude on his own developed a cheap but seemingly high-quality AA method. He's also made some sweet-arse demoscene demos that are on his site as well (which is how I stumbled across it) but he seems to work for Lucasarts now.


Highly recommended to fans of shitty modern shooters.

If you are old school, stay the fuck away from that piece of shit.

So do you keep a ladder ready to get on to that horse?

I see nothing wrong with this game. It's fun, it's at least 99% skill based, at least 99% fair (Considering it's F2P, That's amazing) and I can play it for more than ten minutes at a time without getting sick of it. I've been playing FPS games since Doom (Albeit on a playstation) and I like to consider myself appreciative of "Old-school" gameplay. But... Why then am I not conforming to your ideals?!!?

You don't have to like it but don't advise others not to try it based of of a Generalization.

My only gripe with the game is that the servers are not always up. But that's probably due to the extra traffic from Steam users. They perform excellently when they are on.


Low Poly Gynecologist
There's no texture mods or anything. But he is forcing AA and has modified the EXE to be able to have it in that resolution, I got the exe edited to run in 1080 laying around if you need it.

Here's some more (Only forced AA and widescreen)


For a game released in 2002 on PC, it can be made to look really, really great. I'd appreciate the .exe if you could upload it somewhere.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I don't base it on a generalization, I base it on the low quality of the game. But this is an argument for the Blacklight thread.


So this is what I get with MLAA. Runs great. Looks good. But I can tell that it's just kinda SMOOTHING the jaggies over, instead of getting rid of them at all.



Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
So If I'm using ATI Catalyst for AA options, is that considered to be MSAA?

Now if I can just understand what the hell SSAO is, I'll be in good shape :)

I don't know how ATI drivers work, sorry. I'm team green.

SSAO = screen space ambient occlusions. It is a method of real time rendering the attenuation and radiating of light based on occluded objects. Or to put it simply, it simulates the way light realistically falls on objects, reflecting between objects (and upon the same object), based on angles and occlusion, rather than simply flat lighting the scenery. Ambient occlusion makes an object's lighting look more 'full'.

An untextured example of models with SSAO on:


Notice how the shadows are cast around surfaces, in corners, and between objects.


I think SSAO in most cases is very ugly and low quality. Ends up looking like blotchy shadows between objects.

And for me the biggest problem with FXAA/MLAA isn't the texture blur, it's the lack of sub pixel information destroying thin lines and transparencies.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
So If I'm using ATI Catalyst for AA options, is that considered to be MSAA?
Yes, you have the multiplication slider, then below there is a slider with 3 options

Multisample - Handles straight edges. Nearly all curved edges and details will still look like ass.

Adaptive - Some curved things have AA too, but most details are still ass.

Supersample - Coffee, chocolate, and sex combined on your screen. This shit gets EVERYTHING. Unfortunately, it also kicks performance in the nuts. Never use supersamlping with FXAA or MLAA, that's like superman swallowing a kryptonite pill just to get blurry vision.

I was curious because when I went to adjust the settings for Binary Domain for the first time, it only gave me the choice between FXAA and MLAA.
I haven't played Binary Domain, and I'm not sure if my card is just fucked or something, but it is my experience that many DX11 games don't allow real multisampling and you often can't force it like nvidia can. In this case you get a sad choice between DX11 details (tessellation, advanced light & shadows, DoF) fucked up into a jumbled mess of jaggies, or DX9 mode with supersampling. I 100% blame ATI for being shit in this way. I have even gotten weird stuff like AA working everywhere except where there is DoF (and DX11 DoF), clouds (Battlestations Pacific), or water (Shogun 2) behind the object. What the fuck is that?

Shogun 2 actually looks worse than previous TW games because of these issues combined with them focusing on making only the most advanced options look aesthetically congruent and pleasing and leaving medium settings to look like ass compared to previous games.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
The existence of SSAA is the reason why I get up every morning.
If I were to drop $500 on a new videocard. It wouldn't be to get much faster framerates and all the fancy extra graphical stuff. It would be to get that sweet, sweet 8xSSAA at a playable speed. Knowing that is probably why I haven't done that, aside from being dirt poor.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I really must know everything you're running to make it look like this. I haven't played Skyrim in a while and did a clean install in anticipation of re-modding it.
It looks great but it hurts performance. The game still runs well enough, but it definitely loses its consistently smooth 60 fps with the ENB stuff maxed out like that.

Unfortunately, you can't really use the half-refresh rate trick for 30 fps either as it breaks the loading times in the game (resulting in VERY lengthy load times).

Does Syndicate take place on the sun or what?
Nah, that's just the Riddick section. :p


It looks great but it hurts performance. The game still runs well enough, but it definitely loses its consistently smooth 60 fps with the ENB stuff maxed out like that.

Unfortunately, you can't really use the half-refresh rate trick for 30 fps either as it breaks the loading times in the game (resulting in VERY lengthy load times).

You can cap framerate using MSI Afterburner. I did it all the time with my AMD card.

scitek, I recall you had an AMD card. How does the 670 stack up? Im currently running 6870s crossfired and have always considered switching over. Have you tried BF3? Do you hit 60+ on most games?

If I run games at 1080p, most are at 60fps. Even Crysis 2 completely maxed with Maldo's mod (except particle shadows) with normal tessellation runs at 60fps.

I like to downsample, though, and it seems like some games don't run much better when doing that than they did on my Radeon. Probably the VRAM, which makes it funny you couldn't downsample until recently on AMD cards, too, because it always seemed to me that the extra RAM they have would likely allow them to do it well.
Unfortunately, you can't really use the half-refresh rate trick for 30 fps either as it breaks the loading times in the game (resulting in VERY lengthy load times).

Limiting to 31fps will fix the lengthy load times. Splinter Cell Conviction also suffers from near indefinite load times if you limit the framerate to 30.


Oh ok.

So MSAA is DURING the render and makes the IQ better. FXAA/MLAA are cheaper methods that can blur the image a bit.

I was curious because when I went to adjust the settings for Binary Domain for the first time, it only gave me the choice between FXAA and MLAA.

So If I'm using ATI Catalyst for AA options, is that considered to be MSAA?

Now if I can just understand what the hell SSAO is, I'll be in good shape :)

1 Tip: Make sure you grab RadeonPro and use that instead of CCC. Forcing AA can lead to problems in some games, so it's best to roll with everything on default for most of them.

Oh and downsampling is something you should definitely look into.


Low Poly Gynecologist
So I figure this is probably the thread to ask this in, but what actually causes Aliasing? Are things just modeled with jaggy edges to save memory and developers figure they'll offload the work to the graphics cards AA to smooth the models out, or is there something else at work?


Finally got in on this game. Cant wait for full version. What AA settings are you guys using with this? So many to choose from. ALso, what weather type do you find looks best?



So I figure this is probably the thread to ask this in, but what actually causes Aliasing? Are things just modeled with jaggy edges to save memory and developers figure they'll offload the work to the graphics cards AA to smooth the models out, or is there something else at work?
Pretty sure aliasing is the result of displays being made up of square pixels. It's the stair-stepping that happens when there aren't enough pixels available to resolve the entire image smoothly, right? Hence aliasing being reduced at higher resolutions because there are more pixels to be used.

I could be totally wrong.


Pretty sure aliasing is the result of displays being made up of square pixels. It's the stair-stepping that happens when there aren't enough pixels available to resolve the entire image smoothly, right? Hence aliasing being reduced at higher resolutions because there are more pixels to be used.

I could be totally wrong.

Yeah, that explains it pretty well in layman terms. Make a circle with small squares and you'll get jaggied edges.
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