So If I'm using ATI Catalyst for AA options, is that considered to be MSAA?
Yes, you have the multiplication slider, then below there is a slider with 3 options
Multisample - Handles straight edges. Nearly all curved edges and details will still look like ass.
Adaptive - Some curved things have AA too, but most details are still ass.
Supersample - Coffee, chocolate, and sex combined on your screen. This shit gets EVERYTHING. Unfortunately, it also kicks performance in the nuts. Never use supersamlping with FXAA or MLAA, that's like superman swallowing a kryptonite pill just to get blurry vision.
I was curious because when I went to adjust the settings for Binary Domain for the first time, it only gave me the choice between FXAA and MLAA.
I haven't played Binary Domain, and I'm not sure if my card is just fucked or something, but it is my experience that many DX11 games don't allow real multisampling and you often can't force it like nvidia can. In this case you get a sad choice between DX11 details (tessellation, advanced light & shadows, DoF) fucked up into a jumbled mess of jaggies, or DX9 mode with supersampling. I 100% blame ATI for being shit in this way. I have even gotten weird stuff like AA working everywhere except where there is DoF (and DX11 DoF), clouds (Battlestations Pacific), or water (Shogun 2) behind the object. What the fuck is that?
Shogun 2 actually looks worse than previous TW games because of these issues combined with them focusing on making only the most advanced options look aesthetically congruent and pleasing and leaving medium settings to look like ass compared to previous games.