Max Payne looks good in screenshots, but it truly shines in motion. If there's ever an ENB mod for it, it'll blow minds in motion.
Jesus, my mother starting watering just now. Only a bit, but even still.
Also, I've only played the console versions of MP3, but I remember someone asking how to remove "Show Menu" from the corner of the screen, even when moving, stopping and moving the camera some more. Well, I found a small glitch/bug that lets you remove it (though I'm sure there's a way to do that on PC as all of the images don't have it:
If you press the hide-menu button WHILE moving the camera THEN stop moving the camera, NO WORDS will appear on screen, not even the "Show Menu" in the bottom right. Pressing the hide-menu button while moving the camera will make the clicking noise like normal and when you stop moving the camera, there will be absolutely no hud.
After doing the above, you can move the camera and stop it w/o "Show Menu" ever showing up. This is different from just moving the camera after pausing the game since if you do that, "Show Menu" will show up once you stop moving the camera.
Don't know if it works on PC and if the method for removing all text from the screen is at all a hassle, this is easier.