2012 High-Res PC Screenshot Thread of Don't Use Imgur


Low Poly Gynecologist
Well the last thread said "No compression. No one wants to see your compressed-ass jpeg, it better be 90% quality or higher. You will get called out on this. By me." and "Irfanview/Photoshop: Use one of these to convert to jpeg at 100% quality or crop out black bars or resize pictures." and it even used JPGs screens in the OP... So I always just posted high qual jpgs, can't spot the difference

(metro again)



Only reason I mentioned it in the first place is because I was able to spot the difference. I don't check every image to be sure it's not a jpeg, only pointed it out because I was noticing it a lot. I don't know if they were your images in particular, but there were a few earlier that were obviously lower quality jpegs.


i like abload, got everything including that massive ACR OT hosted there

it works well most of the time, but occasionally goes full retard.
i've invested too much into it to leave now so i'll use it for as long as its around

i started using minus for gifs though, only place that seems to be not give a shit about filesize


Hey guys, I've been waiting this day to share the best Doom3 shots I've been able to take.. though it's not hard because it looks incredible all the time.

This is my own take on sikkmod and I also modded the enemy damage back to what ID originally planned. I do not understand why the creator of this mod thought it would be a good idea to ruin the gameplay.

The noise filter seems a little excessive on screenshots but it's much much better in motion.

Game feels like a movie.






I will upload some more later. These are all quite old actually. Oh and from the first to last there's small transition on the settings on bloom and contrast level.


Yep, I use Irfanview to convert to JPEG with no loss. works well.

Oh, and because iNVIDIOUS inspired me to buy the oh so pretty HAWX 2, Here is my first Screen shot!!

Isn't it PRETTY!!

Only reason I mentioned it in the first place is because I was able to spot the difference. I don't check every image to be sure it's not a jpeg, only pointed it out because I was noticing it a lot. I don't know if they were your images in particular, but there were a few earlier that were obviously lower quality jpegs.

Yeah I can notice it too, but usually that's when people uploaded to some shitty host. Nothing wrong with the high quality JPGs.


Yep, I use Irfanview to convert to JPEG with no loss. works well.

Oh, and because iNVIDIOUS inspired me to buy the oh so pretty HAWX 2, Here is my first Screen shot!!

Isn't it PRETTY!!



pretty sure its an issue with the uplay revamp, its screwing a lot of stuff up on retail copies

throw steam into the mix and their client must be going full retard

some other people have the same issue, when they fix it the news will prob be here

or you could try a no-cd crack - you'll be posting shots in no time



pretty sure its an issue with the uplay revamp, its screwing a lot of stuff up on retail copies

throw steam into the mix and their client must be going full retard

some other people have the same issue, when they fix it the news will prob be [B][URL="http://forums.ubi.com/forumdisplay.php/138-HAWX-Community-Technical-Help"]here[/URL][/B]

or you could try a no-cd crack - you'll be posting shots in no time[/QUOTE]
I've tried everything, and non of it works :(

Fucking Uplay and their DRM is BOGUS!!


steam might refund you if you ask, or you could push it further down the backlog and play something else, thats what i'd do



pretty sure its an issue with the uplay revamp, its screwing a lot of stuff up on retail copies

throw steam into the mix and their client must be going full retard

some other people have the same issue, when they fix it the news will prob be here

or you could try a no-cd crack - you'll be posting shots in no time

yup lol I'm playing Splinter Cell Convection and it completely freezes after about an hour lol everything on max. fucking u play lol LOLOL


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.


Best real time hair ever.


I turned the ssao off and the dof off and went to 35fps. Using Realistic Lighting in hardcore mode turns nights into this awesome thing:



Fighting an elder dragon in pitch black of night and forgetting to use your area light spell is scary as heck!


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Fable: The Lost Chapters

I'm surprised how good this game still looks considering it's age. I think the fact that it's more closed off, and the engine follows a more modern design approach. Unlike other notable Xbox era RPGs that also are on the PC like KOTOR or Morrowind I didn't have to do any hacks to get it to run at my native res widescreen res of 1920 x 1080 with 8xAA.




I'm using my 22" 1680x1050 monitor right now. I would have uploaded a 1920x1080 if the computer was hooked up to my 50" television.

What's scary is how she looks almost exactly like a person from my high school ._.



Then use abload.de

Does not help when downloading/view pictures takes 10 times as long as it should ;)
Really it's like this joke on the Simpsons where the images crawls down inch for an inch, now imagine that with every picture in this thread. Woo! :)

Could be an issue with my provider for sure, but some colleague have the same problem.
Just getting back into PC gaming so I really haven't kept up with this thread so I hope my screens aren't too redundant. Sorry if they are.

I am sure it is a screenshot darling, but Dear Esther was phenomenal.



I get tired of most games that are excessively posted in this thread, but never of Mirror's Edge. Don't hold back!

Just wish I had PhysX though :(


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
After all these fairy pics y'all should go back and edit the posts complaining about my Forgotten Sands screens. :p

I turned the ssao off and the dof off and went to 35fps. Using Realistic Lighting in hardcore mode turns nights into this awesome thing
But humans have much better night vision than that.
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