2012 High-Res PC Screenshot Thread of Don't Use Imgur

The Sims 3 all graphical options turned to maximum. 1920x1080




I know this game has been done to death in here, but these are all I have left after my SSD died for the second time not too long ago.



Do you guys have issues with lower-res screens? older games like that on my laptop, and they don't necessarily look bad. but who knows what's taboo in this thread.
And I don't think anyone will ever get tired of those heavily customized Skyrim shots. Or at least I know I never will. It's like fantasyland Earthporn.

for example:

Recently purchased THPS3 ... as opposed to the HD version.


Low Poly Gynecologist
Do you guys have issues with lower-res screens? older games like that on my laptop, and they don't necessarily look bad. but who knows what's taboo in this thread.
And I don't think anyone will ever get tired of those heavily customized Skyrim shots. Or at least I know I never will. It's like fantasyland Earthporn.

for example:

Recently purchased THPS3 ... as opposed to the HD version.

I just don't get why? If the game doesn't at least look good, and you're not showing something particularly interesting in the screenshot, I don't really get the point in posting it. That's my only real concern.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Arkham City. Good to be reminded every once in a while how beastly the Unreal engine can be.




How do you get rid of the UI in Arkham?

Also, can you detach cam?

Arkham City would make for an amazing environment for eyecandy.

Insert the function "togglehud" into bminput.ini in your documents\wb games\batman arkham city\config\ folder:

Bindings=(Name="NumPadZero",Command="ShowHud", Shift=false, Control=false, Alt=false, bIgnoreShift=false, bIgnoreCtrl=false, bIgnoreAlt=false)

If you want to change the field of view then you can assign different values to different keys. My example:

Bindings=(Name="NumPadTwo",Command="FOV 0", Shift=false, Control=false, Alt=false, bIgnoreShift=false, bIgnoreCtrl=true, bIgnoreAlt=false)
Bindings=(Name="NumPadTwo",Command="FOV 125", Shift=false, Control=true, Alt=false, bIgnoreShift=false, bIgnoreCtrl=false, bIgnoreAlt=false)
Bindings=(Name="NumPadThree",Command="FOV 60", Shift=false, Control=true, Alt=false, bIgnoreShift=false, bIgnoreCtrl=false, bIgnoreAlt=false)
Bindings=(Name="Unbound",Command="TiledShot 4", Shift=false, Control=false, Alt=false, bIgnoreShift=false, bIgnoreCtrl=false, bIgnoreAlt=false)

Flycam toggle is unfortunately not possible.

Arkham City. Good to be reminded every once in a while how beastly the Unreal engine can be.



You do know these are screenshots of compressed FMV, right?
Hey dudes, you're not supposed to use Jpgs in this thead, images have to be lossless.

Well the last thread said "No compression. No one wants to see your compressed-ass jpeg, it better be 90% quality or higher. You will get called out on this. By me." and "Irfanview/Photoshop: Use one of these to convert to jpeg at 100% quality or crop out black bars or resize pictures." and it even used JPGs screens in the OP... So I always just posted high qual jpgs, can't spot the difference

(metro again)




Allright GAF, about to drop some Guild Wars 2 goodness on ya.

I've seen a lot of screenshots of this game, but quite a few don't capture the beauty of the gameworlds as much as others, so I tried to get a few myself.

All settings max, FXAA off, SMAA on, at 2560x1440 downsampled to 1080p (First two are at 2880x1600 downsampled to 1080).

I just finished helping an Asura gather energy to build a bridge to this amazing spot, only for us to be attacked by a giant Golem.

Here's me visiting the Asuran city, Rata Sum, and looking out from one of the side chambers.
Well the last thread said "No compression. No one wants to see your compressed-ass jpeg, it better be 90% quality or higher. You will get called out on this. By me." and "Irfanview/Photoshop: Use one of these to convert to jpeg at 100% quality or crop out black bars or resize pictures." and it even used JPGs screens in the OP... So I always just posted high qual jpgs, can't spot the difference

(metro again)

For people who know what they're talking about, such as yourself, JPEGs are fine. It's easier to have a blanket no JPEG rule, and let those who produce high quality JPEGs post them. This prevents crappy Steam or other shitty 500Kb sized JPEGs from cropping up all over the place.


More Swamplands...NOTE the face in the wall(I was tempted to wait and see if it was a dynamic event or something...)

Here's a small Hylek village in the swamp.


Finally, here is a picture of one of the few views of plant-life in the underground city called Scrittsburg(Or Skrittsburough or something)
This place was amazing. some other Sylvari and I had helped the Skritt steal some goods from nearby Asurans and when we got to the city, they allowed us to come in.
They tried to play with their newfound "Shinies" and ended up activating a Golem and I helped them defeat it. I met with the kind of the city who was later attacked.
I was no match for the attackers, so I lost the fight and was kicked out of the city when the king was killed...

And here's a building just outside of Rata Sum


It's amazing how little atmosphere there is. It seems like they just crammed a lot of stuff in there but there's no believable atmosphere because it's hard to decipher what's what.


You all are out of your minds.

I can't see what the problem is, but GW is like playing a painting.

My only gripe is that SOME areas are a bit less refined compared to others.

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