The Sims 3 all graphical options turned to maximum. 1920x1080

Kinda goes against the whole point of the thread, even if all you do is read the title.Do you guys have issues with lower-res screens? older games like that on my laptop, and they don't necessarily look bad. but who knows what's taboo in this thread.
Do you guys have issues with lower-res screens? older games like that on my laptop, and they don't necessarily look bad. but who knows what's taboo in this thread.
And I don't think anyone will ever get tired of those heavily customized Skyrim shots. Or at least I know I never will. It's like fantasyland Earthporn.
for example:
Recently purchased THPS3 ... as opposed to the HD version.
Kinda goes against the whole point of the thread, even if all you do is read the title.
In all honesty, not using AA is like ten times worse.Hey dudes, you're not supposed to use Jpgs in this thead, images have to be lossless.
How do you get rid of the UI in Arkham?
Also, can you detach cam?
Arkham City would make for an amazing environment for eyecandy.
Bindings=(Name="NumPadZero",Command="ShowHud", Shift=false, Control=false, Alt=false, bIgnoreShift=false, bIgnoreCtrl=false, bIgnoreAlt=false)
Bindings=(Name="NumPadTwo",Command="FOV 0", Shift=false, Control=false, Alt=false, bIgnoreShift=false, bIgnoreCtrl=true, bIgnoreAlt=false)
Bindings=(Name="NumPadTwo",Command="FOV 125", Shift=false, Control=true, Alt=false, bIgnoreShift=false, bIgnoreCtrl=false, bIgnoreAlt=false)
Bindings=(Name="NumPadThree",Command="FOV 60", Shift=false, Control=true, Alt=false, bIgnoreShift=false, bIgnoreCtrl=false, bIgnoreAlt=false)
Bindings=(Name="Unbound",Command="TiledShot 4", Shift=false, Control=false, Alt=false, bIgnoreShift=false, bIgnoreCtrl=false, bIgnoreAlt=false)
Arkham City. Good to be reminded every once in a while how beastly the Unreal engine can be.
Hey dudes, you're not supposed to use Jpgs in this thead, images have to be lossless.
Well the last thread said "No compression. No one wants to see your compressed-ass jpeg, it better be 90% quality or higher. You will get called out on this. By me." and "Irfanview/Photoshop: Use one of these to convert to jpeg at 100% quality or crop out black bars or resize pictures." and it even used JPGs screens in the OP... So I always just posted high qual jpgs, can't spot the difference
(metro again)