2012 High-Res PC Screenshot Thread of Don't Use Imgur

Battlefield 3




I understand the want to play it vanilla, "The way it was meant", but look at your first shot.
There's the sun there, but it doesn't look like it's hitting anything.

This is about my ninth play through of skyrim. I don't know what I did to indicate otherwise, but meh.

I see, I like your "new" daytime shots a lot more.
That said I still dont like that there can be such extreme contrasts at specific daytimes.
Guess we just like different styles.

Btw that there is a sun out does not mean everything has to glow, that is not how it works.

My problem with extreme contrast in enb is that it crushes blacks, in real life that kinda happens as well, but when focusing on one of these "blacks" the eye addapts and it becomes more diverse.
That is where enb falls flat and the reason I try to avoid such extremes.

I thought it was your first playthrough because you mentioned that you picked it up searching for something to play until GW2 hits and were reminded of pre-searing Ascalon in that specific area.

Im not trying to say you should change your enb or anyting, in fact you should keep at it when you like it.


Got Sikkmod working with Doom 3 finally, but AA sucks. I'm using 0x0000F0C1 in Inspector, but it's not working well.
Stop posting Bulletstorm pictures in this thread. Every time I see that game I just get really depressed that we're never going to see a sequel.


Thanks. For some reason they don't work properly for me, though. I get the Sikkmod Options menu, but the textures look the same as default, and the options cause a weird smearing on the screen when I turn any effects on. No idea what's wrong.

Are you running an ATI card? I can't use most of the Sikkmod options because it causes weird graphical problems and I read somewhere it's because it only really supports NVIDIA cards. Shame because I love the game.
My problem with extreme contrast in enb is that it crushes blacks, in real life that kinda happens as well, but when focusing on one of these "blacks" the eye addapts and it becomes more diverse.
That is where enb falls flat and the reason I try to avoid such extremes.

What do you think ENB's adaptation controls are for?


Literally the only good thing about it was the script and Steve Blum's voiceacting. I hate Generally speaking I tolerate linear shooters but the fact you can't jump makes everything worthless.



Requiring the game name to be posted greatly reduces the amount of posts without names, can you imagine the amount of unnamed games if that rule didn't exist? Likewise, banning JPEGs would greatly reduce the number of ugly compressed JPEGs. It should be implemented IMHO.
Touche, good point.

And what in the world is that punching GIF from? XD


Are you running an ATI card? I can't use most of the Sikkmod options because it causes weird graphical problems and I read somewhere it's because it only really supports NVIDIA cards. Shame because I love the game.

No nvidia. I figured it out. I had to put a bunch of commands into an autoexec in order to max the settings out for it to work. My problem now is there are tons of jaggies regardless of what AA I force. What is everyone using?
Darksiders 1: Max in game settings.. which is like.. resolution. :|
Haven't figured out why fraps tanks my machine when I try to take screenshots at a downscaled 2880x1800. It may not be the prettiest game (JAGGIES OH GOD), but its such fun to play.



Nice indoor shot.

I need to know what Skin texture that is, and those eyes, are they the Eye colors mod or something else?

I understand the want to play it vanilla, "The way it was meant", but look at your first shot.
There's the sun there, but it doesn't look like it's hitting anything. I don't like your ENB setup, but that's why I use mine. It doesn't change the colors, but it makes them deeper and more vibrant during the daytime. It makes night time feel like night time. and it makes use of the weather mod I'm using so that different weather means different lighting conditions.

This is about my ninth play through of skyrim. I don't know what I did to indicate otherwise, but meh. I got the big ass collector's edition day one, and have been playing and modding it ever since. I suppose this is my first "Dawnguard" playthrough, though, so there's that...

Also, I hope you don't thing my grass is always like that. That one during Dusk on a nice clear day in Riften. That's when the sun hits the atmosphere at an angle causing an orange-yellow color.

Here's an example of that area at Mid-day

And here's outside Solitude in the swampy area

As you can see, Blue, Clear Sky equals Yellow Grass. Just like in real life.
And a Pink sky equals pink-ish fog.
That's how the ENB I'm using works with the atmosphere and that's what I like. I've used about 12 ENBs and so far this one is the only one that I feel keeps the original art and palette intact.

Would you mind posting which ENB you are using and any other graphics mods

I really like the look of yours compared to the others. Most of them seem to wash out the color
Been awhile since I posted here. Have more PSO2! (Yes, it's the only game I've been playing lately...)

I'll start off with some My Room shots. Not the prettiest out there, but I like how clean and functional they look. Y'know, like spaces I could actually live in were I so inclined.


(I'm sure some people are absolutely terrified at the idea of sleeping by an uncovered window)


Oh, and I apologize in advance for any aliasing. MSAA isn't perfect, SSAA takes too much off the top, and FXAA doesn't show up in screenshots. :(
Typical PSO2: Three reasonably well-dressed and armed individuals, then a... let's say big-boned chick in a bikini.


But it gets sillier. Yes, that is a tuna fish:


...And a guy in a rappy (chicken) suit.
Rockbears are so nifty.

And I like how swords actually look like they can skewer things that big (as silly as it is to be able to even lift those things in the first place).



(Did you spot the rappy launcher?)
I did join in on the bikini craze, naturally:


And lastly, I think this screenshot neatly encapsulates what playing PSO2 is actually like: Pure chaos.

These are some older shots (before I upgraded my monitor... before I even upgraded to two GTX 560s, even!), but I still think they're good.


How does ENB on Skyrim affect performance? If I'm running 60 FPS on vanilla with everything on high, should I expect something like 30 FPS?


Darksiders 1: Max in game settings.. which is like.. resolution. :|
Haven't figured out why fraps tanks my machine when I try to take screenshots at a downscaled 2880x1800. It may not be the prettiest game (JAGGIES OH GOD), but its such fun to play.


You can force AA and AF through Nvidia Inspector or CCC. Try it out, game looks really solid when downsampled and forced graphics options.

Downsampled from 1440p, force MSAA, SS, and AF.





Stop posting movie sequences, in game shots only.
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