2012 High-Res PC Screenshot Thread of Don't Use Imgur


Seriously. Unless you know what you're doing with JPEGs, don't use them.

Banning them outright would be great as a blanket rule.
Having rules/bans for stuff in this thread doesn't really work, considering there's a rule that you include the name of the game with your screenshots. Yet I feel like every couple of pages, 1-2 people post shots without naming the game. I mean I can sometimes guess what it is (Crysis series or Mass Effect series for instance) but I wouldn't know the individual game since I haven't played much of those games.
Having rules/bans for stuff in this thread doesn't really work, considering there's a rule that you include the name of the game with your screenshots. Yet I feel like every couple of pages, 1-2 people post shots without naming the game. I mean I can sometimes guess what it is (Crysis series or Mass Effect series for instance) but I wouldn't know the individual game since I haven't played much of those games.

Requiring the game name to be posted greatly reduces the amount of posts without names, can you imagine the amount of unnamed games if that rule didn't exist? Likewise, banning JPEGs would greatly reduce the number of ugly compressed JPEGs. It should be implemented IMHO.


Crysis 2



I'd be in the dick
With the CMod weapon position change the weapon models look so much better in Crysis 2, without taking up the whole screen. So nice.


Not trying to be rude Spazznid but I think the colors in your shots from the "Riften area" look a little off.
Seems like everything is on fire...

Shoulddn´t it look more like this:

(You might want to change your enb settings, that is unless the extreme contrast is intentional)

Everything else is georgeous.

Honestly the grass in that shot makes me think the world is dying. Great for Chernobyl, but Skyrim not so much. That's my opinion, at least...

Back for ROUND TWO!!
Loving Dawnguard.
These gloves are boss.

This one is on a different ENB my buddy is playing with. The Wilds ENB. I like it, but it doesn't have the atmosphere I like.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Skyrim just gets so old so fast. I remember when it came out. Thousands of Skyrim vanilla screenshots. The game doesn't look great vanilla. Like, at all.
I was referring to the BF3/Dead Space 2 screen dumps, but it kinda applies to these Skrim dumps as well.


The Next Big Thing

I'm solely playing this game for the visuals alone, the writing is incredibly atrocious, especially considering the fact that it's a point 'n click adventure game




Try turning off DoF and SSAO
Barely any impact on my performance when I did, but the colors were great!

Hah no. Even with DOF and SSAO off it was a good 20fps drop. With dof and SSAO I'd have about 10-15 fps just running around normally.

This is at 1920x1200 with texture mods.


Honestly the grass in that shot makes me think the world is dying. Great for Chernobyl, but Skyrim not so much. That's my opinion, at least...

Well I like the Vanilla Skyrim look a lot and just want to enhance not change it.
High grass kinda looks like that when the leaves are falling, doesn't mean the world is dying at all.

But of course you are free to change the look of the game in every way you like/think it looks good.

I just thought that you might not realize that the game isn't supposed to look like that since it appeared to me as if this was your first play through.

Some more skyrim screens since I would feel bad not posting anything:




Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Hey Corky. What you using for Hard Reset? Shots look awesome. Wouldn't mind my game looking more like it.

Just downsampling, running realtime downsampling ( nvidia ) from 2560x1440 to 1920x1080 and did further rescaling while uploading the images to abload. Really gotta bruteforce that AA because I really don't like the ingame settings :/

edit : oh and r_draw_weapon 0 & r_draw_hud 0


Just downsampling, running realtime downsampling ( nvidia ) from 2560x1440 to 1920x1080 and did further rescaling while uploading the images to abload. Really gotta bruteforce that AA because I really don't like the ingame settings :/

edit : oh and r_draw_weapon 0 & r_draw_hud 0



Skyrim with Jasmin ENB + 20-30 mods or so:



@Lime: your Skyrim looks awesome witch ENB and AA filter do you use?

Jasmin ENB. I've added some saturation (not much) and increased the sharpness, but otherwise it's pretty much vanilla with a fuck ton of texture mods. AA solutions are the usual, i.e. 4xSSAA and 16xAF.


Skyrim with the best ENB mod out there, namely Jasmin, plus a shitload of other mods:



Nice indoor shot.

I need to know what Skin texture that is, and those eyes, are they the Eye colors mod or something else?

Well I like the Vanilla Skyrim look a lot and just want to enhance not change it.
High grass kinda looks like that when the leaves are falling, doesn't mean the world is dying at all.

But of course you are free to change the look of the game in every way you like/think it looks good.

I just thought that you might not realize that the game isn't supposed to look like that since it appeared to me as if this was your first play through.

I understand the want to play it vanilla, "The way it was meant", but look at your first shot.
There's the sun there, but it doesn't look like it's hitting anything. I don't like your ENB setup, but that's why I use mine. It doesn't change the colors, but it makes them deeper and more vibrant during the daytime. It makes night time feel like night time. and it makes use of the weather mod I'm using so that different weather means different lighting conditions.

This is about my ninth play through of skyrim. I don't know what I did to indicate otherwise, but meh. I got the big ass collector's edition day one, and have been playing and modding it ever since. I suppose this is my first "Dawnguard" playthrough, though, so there's that...

Also, I hope you don't thing my grass is always like that. That one during Dusk on a nice clear day in Riften. That's when the sun hits the atmosphere at an angle causing an orange-yellow color.

Here's an example of that area at Mid-day

And here's outside Solitude in the swampy area

As you can see, Blue, Clear Sky equals Yellow Grass. Just like in real life.
And a Pink sky equals pink-ish fog.
That's how the ENB I'm using works with the atmosphere and that's what I like. I've used about 12 ENBs and so far this one is the only one that I feel keeps the original art and palette intact.




Nice indoor shot.

I need to know what Skin texture that is, and those eyes, are they the Eye colors mod or something else?

High Quality Eyes
Better Females by Bella
Detailed Faces
XCE (Xenus Character Enhancement)

Some of them are probably overwriting each other, dunno.


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