2012 High-Res PC Screenshot Thread of Don't Use Imgur




Was the Witcher 2 always this dark? I can barely see anything in that second shot.

Some people think that high contrast = good graphics (or image, same goes for photography), mostly combined with over-saturation. There was this Crysis mod once that did nothing but increasing the contrast to ridiculous levels and everybody was like "omfg dat graphicccxxxssszz".


How does ENB on Skyrim affect performance? If I'm running 60 FPS on vanilla with everything on high, should I expect something like 30 FPS?

I cap my FPS at 60 normally, but even then, at max, with all my HD textures and High poly meshes and othe mods, I sometimes go down to 50-ish.

That's without ENB.

WITH enb, it can vary.

With Depth of Field on and Ambient Occlusion, I get around 40-50, sometimes dipping down to 20-30 in forest areas.

I don't really care for Ambient Occlusion, so I turn it off,.

With just Depth of Field, I get around 50-60, sometimes dipping down to 30 in forest areas.

HOWEVER, recently, I have been playing without Depth of Field or Ambient Occlusion. Honestly DoF is mostly useful for screenshots. It's a bit nice for gameplay, but sometimes not worth the hit to performance, much like Ambient Occlusion.

Without AO and DoF, I get a pretty solid 60 fps, maybe a dip to 45-50 in very foresty areas. It barely has any impact on performance for me.

Installing it is pretty easy if you follow the directions on the ENB author's page. You'll have to download the ENB base files from http://enbdev.com/index_en.html . The version you need may vary depending on which ENB you're trying to use. The ENB I'm using (Project ENB) requires the V. 0.113 build. There is usually an option between the "Injector" version and the "Wrapper" version.

The Wrapper version just needs to be in the folder with the game's EXE file. Running the game also runs the ENB. This version relies on a D3D9 file that conflicts with some programs like EVGA Precision x.

Injector version requires that you have the included Injector program running while you play the game. This bypasses any problems you may run into with the D3D9 file in the "Wrapper" version.

Then it's a simple matter of installing your preferred ENB profile over the base files and overwriting them. Try to look for a few Profiles to compare. Some are geared for fantasy styles where as others barely change the game at all. Project ENB kind of deepens the colors and darkens the nights, and I like my skyrim that way.


Skyrim Jasmin'ed


This is fuckin' amazing dude i'll remeber about you when i buy skyrim
No. xNAPx is doing the game a severe injustice with some ultra high contrast settings or something.
in my opinion this encounter a more realistic effect according to the period and location the game is played, but this is my opinion anyway
Definitely not. It's just that new trend of turning everything into a yellow / brown dark mess, people love that stuff apparently.
no trend mate, just my taste, for example in the first shot we are in a dark cave with just that fire that give some light to the location. in the second we are in a dark caste with just a little window and some candle, so witch kind of light do you expect from that?


no trend mate, just my taste, for example in the first shot we are in a dark cave with just that fire that give some light to the location. in the second we are in a dark caste with just a little window and some candle, so witch kind of like do you expect from that?

Yes, it's a trend, you aren't the only one posting screenshots with that type of saturation. I just went through the exact same scenes in Witcher 2, even posted an almost identical shot so no need to take the developer's vision, ruin it and then justify it. Personally I think it looks awful when done to entire games, as it looks like next-gen brown filters x20. You even posted the screenshot where he's standing in the window which is in broad daylight and it's still dungeon dark with a heavy morning piss filter.


Catalyst AI is causing this, you need to disable it in Reg edit. Its always been an issue with Sikkmod.


I'm having similar issues with Sikkmod. I've disabled CatalystAI but depending on what I choose in the Sikkmod options I end up with wildly different visual problems; everything from complete white screen to horribly skewed fields of vision. Is there anything else I could try?


Modding skyrim graphically is such a curse to me, everytime I change / add / remove something I'm just like:


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
NexuizZzZ... this game really needs some AA, can't get it to work, even with heavy downsampling it looks bad/jaggy in motion. The game leaves much to be desired... as does it's performance for that matter, awful.




I like that from minus being really slow for me, my ISP seems to have blocked that service as a whole. Can't see half the pics here. I wrote an E-Mail whats up with that, very curious.


Couple F:NV ENB shots. I'm using trillville's config but I'm not getting anywhere near as good colors/DoF as he is. Oh well.


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