2012 High-Res PC Screenshot Thread of Don't Use Imgur




I wish you'd stop posting those Mario shots. It's looking like I'm going to have to reformat my computer to totally get rid of MotioninJoy so I can get a Wii remote working with my Bluetooth adapter. I've been putting it off for ages but those screens are making it hard.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Those Galaxy shots honestly impress me more than nearly every other game in the last few pages.


Neo Member
Re bad JPEG hosting, you can host PNGs on your Google account via Picasa. The undocumented way to grab a link to the origional full size image from Picasa is done by coping the URL of one of the smaller views,


Then change the "s800" (which says 800 pixels) or whatever that path is to "w0", then you have the link to the origional,



Fail? Either FXAA is on the TXAA shot or AO is on, both should be off (there is a bug AO turns TXAA into something it isn't).

Anyone even slightly tempted to turn on FXAA for alpha-test, don't do it, turn on TrSSAA instead.

eh, i just flipped them on. Treyarch's fault.


As I suspected, TXAA is a real godsend for players like me who hate aliasing with a passion. I wish it'd be implemented in more current games (Guild Wars 2 especially).

SMAA 2x/4x looks like a nice alternative, too, but I've yet to see it implemented in any games...


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
SMG 1, I really don't remember some of these details/effects playing the game on the wii ( granted it was years ago but still ) like how you can see a reflection of Mario in that red part of the boulders.




The reflections are there on Wii; it's just that you're rendering the game at such a high resolution through Dolphin that all of the details are far more noticeable.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
The reflections are there on Wii; it's just that you're rendering the game at such a high resolution through Dolphin that all of the details are far more noticeable.

Yeah most certainly, like you say they're just hidden behind that godawful 640x520 resolution or w/e the wii's og output was.
Brutal Doom II
MAP32 Große


I love this game, cannot wait for the next version

Also I recommend getting the Dooom II wad levels that came with the xbox 360 version of the game. They are really really good. They play wonderfully in coop and have crazy good level design and enemy encounters. Secrets are really interesting too, they require thought rather than just always smashing use against the wall.


My GOODNESS Corky, those SMG shots are so wonderful. Seriously, amazing!

I wish I knew how to turn off all the HUD/Score display stuff in Hitman. The game is uterly beautiful, but some of the immersion is lost due to point totals and such nonsense. Good game, but no Blood Money!


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