you dont even post the names of the mods your running? fuck this thread
*sigh* I'm going to have to get Hitman aren't I, despite RPS telling me it's terrible :<
you dont even post the names of the mods your running? fuck this thread
Lord this game has bugs everywhere, I had to edit two inis just to get to the start screen...
And I dont think I found a aa option in the ingame settings or ini (and textures are set to 1 in the ini while I have them at high ingame. Does anybody know if this is how it should be?).
Looks very nice nonetheless.
you said it, gaf
Hey Sethos, what AA are you using? I see quite a bit of aliasing in your pics.
Reviews are just some dude's opinion, you really should try it yourself and develop your own opinion on the game. RPS is cool and all, but you never know.*sigh* I'm going to have to get Hitman aren't I, despite RPS telling me it's terrible :<
Yeah, Cuban is right. If you're running mods you really should post them. One, it'll save you the trouble of people asking what they are, and two, you won't get bitched at. Just do it.dude if you take time to take a screenshot, upload, and link it in a post correctly but don't spend a fraction of a moment to type the name of the game/mod ... it seems to reek lazyness and arrogance and rebellion and douchebaggery and makes me have a big fat sad in my brain
Please, sads dont belong in my brain bro.
FXAA and downsampling (using renderquality values above 1 in useroptions.ini) are your only options. tuxturequality=0 is the highest option.[/QUOTE]
I knew about the downsampling but cant go much further without loosing 60fps.
Where do you enable FXAA (looking at the game I guess its enabled by default)?
texturequality=0 is the highest setting?
Are you sure?
If so than thats some counterintuitive way to do things.
Two more Scribblenauts Unlimited:
woh... mods my man. Mods!
In those screenshot, supposedly it should be FXAA but I have my doubts. I just don't want to have MSAA running in a deferred rendering game, big performance hit and my GPUs go into vacuum mode ever so slowly. Why can't everyone just add SMAA natively, means we get a better AA solution and more than 1x that the injector offers.
But still, it's the best looking game out-of-the-box this generation, hands down.
recorded some gameplay here
halo ce modding is weird :|
recorded some gameplay here
halo ce modding is weird :|
Walking around in the snow, getting in that Christmas mood.
Cropped and edited.
Did you crop out the money counter, or have you found a way to remove it?
What kind of performance/cpu do you have MrBig?