2012 High-Res PC Screenshot Thread of Don't Use Imgur





Game appears to have some kind of over sharpening filter turned on by default, looks gross. Look at the halo around him in the first shot... ugh.

Maybe it's the in game FXAA filter that has it cranked, I'll try messing around with SMAA tomorrow. Too bad MSAA absolutely crushes the framerate.


Most SSAO effects have some sort of halo effect (I believe the SSAO "shadow" doesn't work on pixels shared by to two occluding objects). Usually it's much less pronounced. This looks like they just have a really poor SSAO implementation, so poor that it actually does the opposite of what SSAO is supposed to do.


Love the EVE shots lastplayed, game really is stunning and coupled with the music it's such a fantastic experience. Really wish I had time and patience to deal with the gameplay.
Love the EVE shots lastplayed, game really is stunning and coupled with the music it's such a fantastic experience. Really wish I had time and patience to deal with the gameplay.

My thoughts as well. Every time someone posts it I geek out over the ships and backdrops. I can't for the life of me get into the gameplay though... :\


Tried EVE Online over the past weekend and really liked the atmosphere and mechanics.
If the game would not be a business simulator at its core (a very good one, but a business sim) I could definitely see myself spending hundrets of hours exploring space.


Love the EVE shots lastplayed, game really is stunning and coupled with the music it's such a fantastic experience. Really wish I had time and patience to deal with the gameplay.

Thanks Sethos, I've only been playing a few weeks but already have hundreds of shots. :/

They've really streamlined the experience though, last time I played proper was 2007, but I recently created a trial account to see all the changes, and it seems way easier to gain money and ships now with some excellent tutorials. I was able to get pretty deep into the game in just a week. It's worth trying out even if you don't plan to stay (endless screenshot potential).

My thoughts as well. Every time someone posts it I geek out over the ships and backdrops. I can't for the life of me get into the gameplay though... :\

Yeah I love the ships, you should check out http://www.eveonline.com/universe/spaceships/ if you haven't already. :D


Low Poly Gynecologist
This is 4xTXAA

vs. 8xMSAA

both look good yet different.

First one is blurry but it has a much softer more natural look over all

2nd is sharper but feels more like a video game because of hard edges and the such.

I like em both.


Um... yeah. Wow.

Nice work. Think I've found me some new wallpapers. Feel free to save them in PNG or anything not-JPEG for minimal compression ;)

The original shots from Fraps were actually saved as .bmp files, but they were about 3 times as big. To my eyes, they don't look much different from the .jpg versions:



I can upload the original files of some of the other shots if you want, though.



Ok, those shots look ALOT better than your previous ones. Did you play around with the ENB ini a bit?

Thanks! But no, it's the same ini.

The original shots from Fraps were actually saved as .bmp files, but they were about 3 times as big. To my eyes, they don't look much different from the .jpg versions:



I can upload the original files of some of the other shots if you want, though.[/QUOTE]

JPEG usually entail compression artifacts with crushed colors. Set Fraps to spit out the screenshots in PNG, or use abload.de to automatically convert your BMP shots to PNG.

Trust me, there's a world of difference in IQ between JPEG and PNG/BMP. You'll regret having a bunch of JPEG's once your eye becomes more trained in noticing the image flaws.


Is there supposed to be a fight in this scene? The first redcoat on the left seems abandoned by his friends couple meters in front of him.

There's some kind of mob uprising there, but never any real fighting. They were just statically tugging at each other waiting on you to trigger the next scene


i5 2500k @ 4.4
1440p res downsampled to 1080

Those are maxed except shadows at medium instead of high. FXAA disabled, 2x MSAA.


JPEG usually entail compression artifacts with crushed colors. Set Fraps to spit out the screenshots in PNG, or use abload.de to automatically convert your BMP shots to PNG.

Trust me, there's a world of difference in IQ between JPEG and PNG/BMP. You'll regret having a bunch of JPEG's once your eye becomes more trained in noticing the image flaws.

Is compression really that noticeable in my pictures? Usually, I can easily spot it when it pops up in some of the other pictures in this thread, but I honestly can't see much of a difference in my pictures (after alt-tabbing between the two versions).


i5 2500k @ 4.4
1440p res downsampled to 1080

Those are maxed except shadows at medium instead of high. FXAA disabled, 2x MSAA.

Thx! No directX freezes with 2xMSAA? Is 2xMSAA really usefull when you downsample?

It looks great!!!


Thx! No directX freezes with 2xMSAA? Is 2xMSAA really usefull when you downsample?

It looks great!!!

Oh I've crashed a good 5-10 times, played about 4-5 hours so far.

I only downsample the images, I play at my native res. FXAA implementation in the game is pretty bad so I use MSAA for now. 4x and 8x seem to have a massive performance hit on my cards so I stay at 2x. The aliasing is pretty minimal at this res anyway.

For anyone wondering, the game is alright. It doesn't hold a candle to Blood Money as expected. Story is throwaway garbage, the rare sandbox stuff is good - rest is passable at best.
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