Sorry, not seeing it.
They look pretty damn similar in setting, for sure. That goes without saying. But Crysis Medium makes so many compromises I feel like it's disingenuous to suggest FC3 looks like it plus a few bells and whistles.
Okay, to make the Crysis shot look like FC3, you would need to add:
- Better grass
- Better LOD quality at distances greater than 0
- Harsher lighting / better tone-mapping
- Custom MSAA (it works on the trees!)
- A more saturated color palette
And THEN they would look identical. But that is a pretty big list.
The people I know in real life who think clothes like Desmond's in AC3 is cool are the same type of people who like tribal tattoos, fantasize about their car engines, and goes to tourist night clubs while on amphetamine.
Sorry if I offended anyone, I just don't like the clothes design very much. It's so safe and boring, like something out of the early 00's.
but its just a jacket with some jeans though
but its just a jacket with some jeans though, i dont get it
i mean, you're scaling buildings at night, roll them damn things down so your wrists dont get cold.
Yeah I really hope you can turn that """ao""" off.
Crysis still looks better than Far Cry 3 even after all these years.
Right. Maybe it's time to take your pills.
Stallion, your pics look awesome. I don't get it though: the first pictures of Blops 2 that popped up in this thread were downright hideous. Is the game so inconsistent, or has it been improved in the meantime?
Right. Maybe it's time to take your pills.
What's the point in making huge environments with tons of scale, and then making it look like a miniature by slathering it with tons of depth of field.. ?
THAT'S what was bothering me about all these FC3 screenshots! The world just doesn't look big or even that open in any of the shots.
Depends where you look! From the bit of time I've put into it it seems decently sized, for an island world game. I've only uncovered two squares of the map though (edit: for reference there's 18), so can't really speak for the feel of traversing the whole thing.
Not as good as the last shot...