2012 High-Res PC Screenshot Thread of Don't Use Imgur


Junior Member
So what happened to him ?

EviLore told him that NeoGAF isn't a place for advertising your games, and begging for donations, because it's against the rules. So Gavavva PM'd him and called him ActiGAF cuz he "was attacking a little man" so of course EviLore permabanned him. Can't really say I'm sorry for Gavavva. It was kinda dickish behavior.

Beaten. But if someone wants more details then I'll leave it here.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Can someone who owns alice tell me how to change the FOV of the game :(? I've followed several guides but they don't seem to work.


Can someone who owns alice tell me how to change the FOV of the game :(? I've followed several guides but they don't seem to work.

Add this line to the very bottom of AliceInput.ini, then press . on the numpad and it should zoom out a little. I couldn't stand the default FOV either.

Bindings=(Name="Decimal",Command="FOV 90", Shift=false, Control=false, Alt=false, bIgnoreShift=false, bIgnoreCtrl=false, bIgnoreAlt=false)

edit: That's in the C:\Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Alice Madness Returns\AliceGame\Config folder btw


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Add this line to the very bottom of AliceInput.ini, then press . on the numpad and it should zoom out a little. I couldn't stand the default FOV either.

Bindings=(Name="Decimal",Command="FOV 90", Shift=false, Control=false, Alt=false, bIgnoreShift=false, bIgnoreCtrl=false, bIgnoreAlt=false)

edit: That's in the C:\Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Alice Madness Returns\AliceGame\Config folder btw

cheers, I did this but for some reason this didn't work until maybe 15 minutes into the game odd.





Are you running with PhysX high, and Frames capped at 60fps?

Those blobs always fuck with my FPS so much, hate fighting them


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Guess I'll pop the cherry on Syndicate.

Sorry about the black bars on the first few, game lets you pick 16:10 resolutions but doesn't actually have proper 16:10 support.

Also Bloom. Holy fuck so much bloom.




BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Holy shit at that Jasmin ENB mod.

First impressive Skyrim ENB mod I've seen. Goddamn.


Corky, add this to your AliceInput.ini

Bindings=(Name="F10",Command="ToggleHUD", Shift=false, Control=false, Alt=false, bIgnoreShift=false, bIgnoreCtrl=false, bIgnoreAlt=false)

I added it right after the entry for F9 and it works fine. Playing the game without the HUD's pretty easy, too, since the screen gets the brokenglass effect going on when you're low on health.
Question regarding Alice: I forced 60FPS on the thing and the game occasionally freezes for a full second or so, as if it were trying to load part of the map or something. Does that happen to anyone else?


Question regarding Alice: I forced 60FPS on the thing and the game occasionally freezes for a full second or so, as if it were trying to load part of the map or something. Does that happen to anyone else?

Everyone else, and everyone else playing any other game using Unreal Engine 3 :(


Question regarding Alice: I forced 60FPS on the thing and the game occasionally freezes for a full second or so, as if it were trying to load part of the map or something. Does that happen to anyone else?

I think that's caused by physx. I get that without forcing 60fps.
so i'm new to this whole thing. is there a reason F12 screenshots in steam look different once i've opened them up? the color is noticeably off and they seem less crisp than in-game.




Official GAF Bottom Feeder
so i'm new to this whole thing. is there a reason F12 screenshots in steam look different once i've opened them up? the color is noticeably off and they seem less crisp than in-game.



Steam compresses the hell out of them, use FRAPs to take screenshots.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Are you running with PhysX high, and Frames capped at 60fps?

Those blobs always fuck with my FPS so much, hate fighting them

Yeah I'm using high physX though I'm managing 60 almost all the time, there are occasions when everything dies though, example : using the pepper grinder and not moving resulting in a blob of volumetric smoke that just... sigh... fucks everything up.

Corky, add this to your AliceInput.ini

thanks :)

Question regarding Alice: I forced 60FPS on the thing and the game occasionally freezes for a full second or so, as if it were trying to load part of the map or something. Does that happen to anyone else?

Yes, phew I thought I was the only one.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I'm okay with bloom like that in screenshots but when I'm playing I just want to blink every two seconds or try to clean my glasses. It's soooo annoying, like someone doing the "I'm not touching you" thing.

Other than that, I love the look of cyberpunk stuff, it's just unfortunately incredibly cheesy most of the time. People take too many tips from the Matrix and Equilibrium rather than Blade Runner or certain anime.
...if I hear one more goddamn reverberated female computer voice...


Seems Syndicate is one of those "headache" games for me with the amount of bloom going on. There's no way of toning it down?
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