2012 High-Res PC Screenshot Thread of Don't Use Imgur


Yeah I'm getting black screen crash with Anteworld too.

I'm using the latest beta drivers from nvidia so that must be it. I don't run any of the softwares they mention in the bug thread and I shut down everything that could remotly have something to do with OGL or even rendering in general but it still doesn't work.

I'll try again on the next WHQL release.
Switched to 4xMSAA + FXAA because of the performance hit from super sampling. I find it a little galling that my two GTX 560s (with 2GBs of VRAM each) can't handle super sampling in a game like this, but I guess driver ambient occlusion just hits the frame rate that bloody hard.

Well, that, and I have to use the Diablo 3 anti-aliasing bits. That might have something to do with it.



Also, I'm not sure of this, but I'm thinking FXAA doesn't show up in screenshots. :(
Good point, fixed...



The compression hasn't changed. It's the fact that the screenshots were taken as compressed JPEGs not that they were uploaded to Steam's servers. Imgur is also a terrible host.


You referring to the darker shadows? I quite like them.

edit: I tried tweaking them a little lower, but it stayed the same. Turns out the latest version of enb is causing this. I went back to an older version and didn't have the same issue.

Dr. Light



Too bad this game is so CPU constrained. The benchmark (on Ultra settings) runs at 120fps but the actual game drops to around 45-50fps regularly. It's running on Cryengine 3 but I can get a more consistently high framerate from Crysis 2...


You referring to the darker shadows? I quite like them.

edit: I tried tweaking them a little lower, but it stayed the same. Turns out the latest version of enb is causing this. I went back to an older version and didn't have the same issue.

In enbseries.ini, go to [SKYLIGHTING] and adjust AmbientMinLevel= anywhere up to 0.7
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