2013-14 NBA Oct-Nov Season |OT| They can't hide the championship banners Forever


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
anthonyVslater: Russell Westbrook was asked if last night's final sequence felt like slow motion. Westbrook: "Nothing is slow motion to me."

Dammit Washington. You had one job to do, beat the fucking Pacers...and you can't even do that. SMH.

Still 2 games back. PEACE.

Nene "called in sick" again =(

There was no chance against them minus Nene and Beal.

If it makes Heat age feel any better Hibbz is starting to become the Dwight Howard of offense. He literally missed five post shot isos in a row and was still demanding the ball.

I think the Heat have a good chance of just being smarter a second time around against them.


Yeah other than their games not being anything alike. Such spot on analysis.

Info all from vorped.com/basketball reference

.8-.9 points per shot each in all 3 zones (aka bad)

Shots per area are almost identical midrange/three except rudy took a bunch more inside.

Rudy 19-7-2, 3.5 to 1.3 blck, 38% fg, 39% 3
15.3 per 99 Drtng 31% usg

Gordan 16-6-5, 3+ turnovers .5 blck 39% fg 30% 3
15.0 per 108 Drtng 24.6 usg%

Both are piss poor defenders considering their athletic talents.
Both dribble too much and take bad shots.
Both are hilariously bad using screens both on and off the ball.

The only REAL differences are that
Rudy gay is overpaid now, and Hayward is about to be overpaid
Hayward is younger so his fans are still in denial
Hayward is a better passer/less of a black hole
Rudy is more athletic and stronger so slightly better rebounder and highlight dunks/blocks oh well.

If you switched them both teams would be in just about the same position.


Both are piss poor defenders considering their athletic talents.
Both dribble too much and take bad shots.
Both are hilariously bad using screens both on and off the ball.

Hayward is a decent defender, averages more than twice the assists and less turnovers, and the majority of his career had a higher TS% than Rudys highest TS% season and proven he can be a great role player.

Of course lets judge him off 15 games and in a shooting slump.

But spot on analysis of "Gordan".
Hayward is very likely in a shooting slump. Gay knows he's an awful player because he wanted to ban stat sheets from the locker room under the guise of, "Hey guys, it's all about the wins."
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