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2013 Feb NBA Season lOT| Controlling it like a man, bruh


Patterson is a 3rd year player with lingering foot issues who hasn't gotten any better besides his 3 pt shooting and Morris is Morris bleh. I say give this young PF a shot, who has shown somewhat of an ability to rebound. Scoring will not be a factor on this Rockets team, even losing Patterson and Morris.

This is Morey though, this could all be leading to something else.

Plus good fucking bye Cole and Toney.

Damn, at the game and i didn't even know about the trade.

Explains why Mchale gave DMo minutes though. Lol
Damnit Nash don't save that one. It was off Boston.

Pierce is destroying Ron. Ron used to own him. What use is Ron if he can't guard pierce anymore?
This is the first game Dwight setting some real screens.

He's done fucking up our season and now has ton to prove he's still good so Dallas and Houston will bite.

Looks like one of the few games D12 learned how to play basketball again this year.

Dr. Buss figured out how to pull a Freaky Friday with Dwight. Dwight is in limbo thinking about what he has done. Best owner in sports.


Ben Gordon makes 12.5 million dollars a year?




God damn the Lakers are looking really good tonight. This is what this team is capable of. If they could only keep up this kind of play every game.
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