Hey! I recognize you from the posts I included!
Please don't murder me!
It was a pleasant surprise. I enjoyed it.
Hey! I recognize you from the posts I included!
Please don't murder me!
Great write up, but you forgot three major things:
*The last guardian/ ign fiasco right before E3
*The Tomb Raider 2 xbone exclusive
* And of course one of the biggest troll moments ever in gaming. The FF7 reveal at PSX. Ouch!
I got the last one! That's in there! I think I'm missing a pokemon someone in there too, but that was plenty of work as is.![]()
Just wanted to say thanks/offer a shameless bump for this thread. I know how much work this has to be and the level of detail doesn't go unappreciated.Just happy Infamous second son gets a mention.
Thanks for the kind words! I like to make more elaborate threads, and the biggest worry, bigger than "maybe people will hate this," is "maybe no one will read this."
I'd love to do one in 2015 again if a) we still have videogames in the future and b) people are into the idea.
Well, not videogames where you have to use your hands. That's like a baby's toy!
Is this a reference to something and, if so, should it have made the review?
Thanks for the kind words! I like to make more elaborate threads, and the biggest worry, bigger than "maybe people will hate this," is "maybe no one will read this."
I'd love to do one in 2015 again if a) we still have videogames in the future and b) people are into the idea.
Back to the Future Part II. It's more or less what a kid (played by Elijah Wood) in 2015 says after Marty demonstrates his skill at Wild Gunman.
FTFY.The games longevity is evident in the fact that, 9 months later, there are literally tens of thousands of people still playing it (at peak hours).
really nice idea and well done, Bagels. I enjoyed it, you should make one thread like this every year.
by the way,you were far too good on destiny.
Brilliant OP, I was engaged seriously.
Looking back 2014 started slow as fuck, but became too much to handle game-wise later in the year. Great year for me.
Another kickstarter success, Wasteland 2, officially leaves beta status. Like so many other titles I financially backed and closely followed throughout development, the instant it was available, I rushed to add it to my backlog and immediately forget about it.
It's been a pretty interesting year. Lots of dramas and scandals, and also a fuck ton of games, some of them genuinely surprising (in all honesty, who was anticipating anything even remotely decent from a new Wolfenstein or a puzzle game by Croteam?).It's interesting to me how widely divergent people's opinions are on 2014. There are people arguing for it being a miserable year in gaming and other people calling it one of the best ever. For all my snarkiness, it was a pretty good year to me. I adored Shadow of Mordor, I can't wait to play Dragon Age: Inquisition and FarCry4, I played some great indies, we got Suikoden II on PSN...tons of highlights for me!
I forgot Far Cry 4! Anyone got a joke for it?
Final Fantasy X and X-2 HD Remaster(s) are launched for PS4 and Vita.
Highly anticipated PS4 title Infamous Second Son sees a worldwide release. I admit to being vaguely mystified by this game, in particular the decision to set an open world game in Seattle, of all places. Its not that Seattle isnt a wonderful, vibrant place, with, among other charms, its own Space Needle. Its just that, as American cities go, Seattle is among the most Canadian. If you tell me a game is set in Miami, NYC, Chicago, Los Angeles, I think, well sure, someone needs to get in there and clean up those mean streets. If you tell me the game is set in the mean streets of Seattle, on the other hand, my first thought is, what, were the mean streets of Minneapolis - St. Paul too hard to model?
Reads like an insidery Cracked article, in a good way. Enjoyed it, OP.
More people should read this thread.
Awesome OP! I miss gaming write-ups like this...everyone is so goddamn serious these days.....
The OP was serious. DEAD serious about every single word.![]()
I thought it was a very respectful treatment of the subject matter.
I'm stoked the fountain pen thread guy is also an hilarious writer! Even if I did work on one of the lampooned games!
Excellent work, if you have any other of these laying around link 'em up.