If it wasn't for Nintendo this year would had been a complete disappointment in gaming for me.
Pretty crummy year for gaming all around, but 2015 seems like it's going to have huge fun titles every second.
Final Fantasy: Type Zero
Final Fantasy XV (Perfect year to be released. I mean 2015? PERFECTION.)
Kingdom Hearts 3 (I'm not counting on it being released in 2015, but who knows.)
No Man's Sky
King's Quest
Uncharted 4
Batman Arkham Knight
Halo 5
Witcher 3
Star Wars Battlefront
Persona 5
Everybody's Gone to Rapture
Street Fighters 5
The Division
Metal Gear Solid 5
Star Fox Wii U
Zelda U
Zelda: Majoras Mask 3D
Next Pokemon Game ???? (We all know it's going to happen.)
Bravery Second
Xenoblade 3DS
Xenoblade X
.... That's everything I could think of on top of my head, I bet I'm missing a whole bunch. But I'm sure there will be quite a bit of disappointments next year as well. As long as EA, Ubisoft, and Gearbox making games, there will be a trail of crappy games to follow....