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2014 NBA March-April |OT| Reunited and it Phil's so good.


bish gets all the credit :)

Looking like Vince Carter out there.
Oh well that's cool. Why pass it though.

Edit wow at the west 5 to 8 seeds. It's like every game right now is a playoff game to those teams.


Yeah, Lebron is out after this season, poor Miami

regular season bball means nothing for a team like the Heat, especially given the the eastern conference. at least teams in the western conference need to put in work. Heat and Indiana got it on lock.

where's my college bball. they actually try.
Yeah, Lebron is out after this season, poor Miami

LeBron and Pat need to force Wade to take a pay cut, he can't be getting all that money anymore

then LeBron takes a slight pay cut or Bosh so they can sign more people,

Chalmers is gone though, someone will over pay him haha, LA 0_O


Yeah, Lebron is out after this season, poor Miami
LOL. I bet he's going to New York next year. Knicks are back!

Anyway, GG Pacers. Scoring under 90 played into their gameplan. Lance Stephenson is a clown. West is dirty, but crafty. I respect his game. Sucks for Roy. I hope he's alright. Still, crazy that LeBron gets an offensive flagrant but two that should've been called against him were deemed common fouls. Silver needs to protect its face better than this. That said, that was a flagrant. He was clearly frustrated with the officiating at that point and went in there looking for contact.

Anyway, I think the refs were terrible, but I'm not calling bias. They were horribly inconsistent all game, and for both teams. You know you have a problem when both teams are mad at the refs.

Anyway, it's a loss, and probably the nail in the coffin for HCA, but at least we proved we can play playoff defense a whole game. We need to be smarter with passes against a hungry defense like Indy's though. Too many costly and untimely mistakes.

Hopefully Wade is fine and healthy for the playoffs. I got zero worries if that's the case. Well, Indy bothers me, but a lot less when Flash is on his game. PEACE.


LeBron and Pat need to force Wade to take a pay cut, he can't be getting all that money anymore

then LeBron takes a slight pay cut or Bosh so they can sign more people,

Chalmers is gone though, someone will over pay him haha, LA 0_O
It's weird. Rio doesn't have the numbers to justify getting a big paycheck, but he's shown flashes of talent. Certainly, he's improved tremendously as a point guard, even though he's still prone to baffling mistakes. I just don't see that Cole has improved to the point that you want him to helm a championship offense. Cole may well have hit his ceiling, though it pains me to say.

I honestly don't see how the Big3 don't all take pay cuts next year. Wade should honestly take 25% less than the other 2 of he's playing 3/4 the games, but how can you ask the franchise guy who helped put it all together to take a demotion in pay?

Maybe Micky just has to take a bite of that repeater tax shit sandwich until this glorious run is over. PEACE.


Do you see why I was wise to wish that D-Wizzle would suffer a career-ending injury now, Pimpster? I was really just looking out for your best interests.


Do you see why I was wise to wish that D-Wizzle would suffer a career-ending injury now, Pimpster? I was really just looking out for your best interests.
SMH, dream. You're cool in every other regard, but I can never co-sign to your anti-Wade agenda. I am glad to see you've seemingly been cured of your Boston fandom. PEACE.


Look, sometimes you have to take the old dog out behind the shed and put a bullet into his ACL so that you can get a new younger dog for the family. Now you're not quite in the position where you're looking at D-Wizzle getting, oh, say $48.5 million for a 2 year extension. But you're close.


Nice try bud. The refs and everyone else watching the game saw it. Plus, he was yelling. Not exactly inconspicuous. It's gonna kill the haters when Wade retires as an all-time great. My man is also going to win father of the year awards post-NBA. Just embrace the greatness now to soften the blow.

Is there a way to get Mike Miller back for the minimum next season? Heard this week how much of a glue guy he was in the locker room. He could have made this season a lot more enjoyable for the guys. Bring back Miller Time! PEACE.



You can't see it in the angle in that video, but the ref was already going for his whistle, but the ball bounced in front of him, so he grabbed it, and then blew the whistle. Wade didn't have to "tattle".

Game recap: obvious Wade 3 gets missed and not even reviewed, Lebron gets slaughtered on the way to the rim twice, common foul, but he goes up strong against Hibbert, tries to switch to his left to avoid the block and happens to elbow him and he gets a flagrant. This dude gets his face demolished by Ibaka and not even a fucking regular foul gets called, but these idiots get a flagrant on that, incredible how the refs have it in for Lebron this season. Also, Indiana really has to be the most annoying, fake blue collar team in the history of the NBA. They really are just a bunch of soft, whiney punks that somehow got the reputation they have.
What I love is how because of the Heat loss last night by 1 POINT, a lot of people already declaring this thing over, and that Indiana will win it all, etc. I mean, its ok to hate on a team that you dont like, but saying stupid shit like that is just plain.... well, stupid. Anyone that knows a wee bit about basketball knows that a series is not defined by a regular season 1 point loss (ask the 2011 Chicago Bulls vs the Heat on the regular season). So yeah, when the Heat beat Indiana on April 11, all those people will call that win a "fake" and still maintain their naive point of view that this is all over.

P.S. San Antonio is playing like a champ, lets hope that they dont lose steam on the playoffs.


mvp damage controlling lol.

No I'm happy, even with the Pacers being allowed to obliterate Lebron on the way to the rim, with Wade getting a 3 taken away, with West being allowed to blatantly travel by the paid off refs before hitting a miracle 3, and they BARELY squeaked by with a win by only 1 point...we're fine.
No I'm happy, even with the Pacers being allowed to obliterate Lebron on the way to the rim, with Wade getting a 3 taken away, with West being allowed to blatantly travel by the paid off refs before hitting a miracle 3, and they BARELY squeaked by with a win by only 1 point...we're fine.

lebron didn't deserve those calls at all, they finally are calling it right. The only thing you are right about was the wade 3. Refs also made bad calls against pacers.
The Rockets will certainly beat the 26ers tonight, but I need the Mavs to beat LAC. Rockets need to gain ground on the Clippers especially since the Clippers own the tiebreaker against the Rockets.


lebron didn't deserve those calls at all, they finally are calling it right. The only thing you are right about was the wade 3. Refs also made bad calls against pacers.

West didn't travel on that 3? Lebron switching to the left side mid-air and Hibbert getting his face in the way warranted a flagrant? LOL ok


This team is fucking shit right now, bunch of iso jumpshots and Mavs hitting every shot.

Crawford is sabatoging this team

Clips broke the law. Hell to the yeah


The grizz cannot be allowed to win tonight. Cmon Mark Jackson act like a head coach for once.

East is awful and that is encapsulated well tonight.


It's so freaking ridiculous that the Mavs are 9th in the west when they would be 3rd in the east. The playoff format has to change.
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