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2014 NHL Playoffs: A thread full of jerk 'yoffs

That girl in the green Hawks jersey pisses me off. Why taunt someone who just got laid out like that?

It makes my blood boil sure, but shitstain fans that root for injuries are a dime a dozen.

The Blues and Hawks facebook pages were a god damned cesspool of humanity today.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I learned a long time ago you never read the comment section on any site. No good comes from it.

Not sure if you're aware of this or not, but some people that watch sports are total dumbfucks
This thread is pretty clear evidence of that.


Seriously. Nobody should want to see anyone get seriously injured.

unless it's Dustin Brown

jk don't hate me
If Seabrook's suspension is light and Bickell gets nothing, this series is going to be absolute chaos at some point in the near future.

Which is exactly why the league needs to set a strong tone against any further shit like today, for both teams' safety.
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