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2014 NHL Playoffs: A thread full of jerk 'yoffs



And damn this Columbus crowd is fucking ridiculous


Eh I dunno on that Cooke hit, I need another angle. It kinda looks like he's going in for the hit and the other guy dodges out of the way so they contact at the knee.


Eh I dunno on that Cooke hit, I need another angle. It kinda looks like he's going in for the hit and the other guy dodges out of the way so they contact at the knee.
You don't go in for a hit with your knee fully extended out like that. Especially on a player in a vulnerable position like Barrie is.
I hope Bordeleau beats the living shit out of Cooke before this game ends. So fucking tired of that human garbage flying under the radar cause he's REFORMED and everything.

Yeah please stick around and make some more homophobic remarks as well as dumb ass posts regarding a team no one here gives a fuck about anyway.

I have no idea what you're talking about. Feel free to point out my hypocrisy and point me toward I made these remarks though.


I hope the Blues don't get distracted trying to flex tonight. It's a surefire way for them to lose.

Cooke doing Cooke things, to no one's surprise.
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