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2014 NHL Playoffs: A thread full of jerk 'yoffs


Let's hug it out everyone



This Seabrook hit reminds me of when Chris Chelios crosschecked a Blues player after the period ended. Completely changed the series and the Blues swept in 93.

Anyone remember who he hit? I can't remember.


I'd definitely want to see a Bruins/Habs and Rangers/Penguins next round. Bruins/Habs would be glorious. So much hate with those two.


The only series not going my way is the imaginary one in my head between the Vancouver Canucks and Anaheim Ducks.

Otherwise, Canadian Team winning? Check. Anaheim, Colorado, and Red Wing predictions winning? Check. Chicago and Boston losing? Check
Thanks to Smelly's suggestion, by the way, I will now sign every post starting with something completely over the top like FUCK YOU REFS in capital letters with /kingslunk at the end that way the joke is even more blatantly obvious. At least one person got it.

Hope Columbus fucks up Pitt.
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