Shame because I would be indefinitely more excited if it's Kirby.
Year of Kirby was 2011-2012. 3 games released, one handheld, one console, one collection. Twas glorious.
To be fair that game was a travesty too.
When YIDS first came out, I liked it a bit. Not as much as the original, but it was fine enough.
Once New Island released though, I somehow disliked YIDS even more.
Disgusts me when people keep saying the DS and 3DS games are remakes. At least with YNI I can kinda understand it, but still.
Anyway YNI is way better than YIDS, for several reasons that barely anyone gets into for some reason. Like how getting 100% isn't a test of patience, you can get all of one collectable per run instead of trying to get all 3 in one go(Or get coins and flowers on one run and just stars on a second one)
Sure the majority of YNI's soundtrack sucked, but that doesn't make it a bad game.
I hope they release Yoshi's Story on Wii U VC before Woolly World's release.
Would be nice, but it's already available on the Wii VC.