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2017 B/S/T Feedback Thread | Read the OP, and Prepare to Feedback


That sucks. I hope he comes through. I have added the negative feedback.
I was doing an audit on some previous negative feedbacks and came across this:


Kind of ironic! If you do end up getting the game, please either make a new post (rather than just editing your initial one) or just PM me that you want to renege.
Okay, will do. Yeah, I don't know what's going on with it/him. I've sent him two emails, one back on 11/19 and another on Wednesday, no response. I tried finding him on Google+ (his email is a gmail) to see if I can reach him that way, but he isn't responding there.

I hope the guy is alright, I just want some sort of answer. When we did the transaction, he sent me a screen shot of the order on Amazon where he had changed the shipping address to me. But in our interactions about it to start with, he said...

Yeah, the CE is actually pretty awesome. I really wanted to keep it, but I need the extra money right now.

So maybe he had a change of heart and decided to keep it? I don't know. But I do know I'm out 100 bucks and don't have the game, so obviously I'm a little miffed. I've done dozens of transactions here and never had an issue before. :(


Nork unification denier
Positive Buyer feedback for TheMadMan007

Very quick payment for a Watch_Dogs 2 key. Would do business with again!
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