In the grand scheme of things I came up 22 games short of completing last year's challenge, but I did managed to meet my personal goal of exceeding 20 games finished (by 10 games) and in the process also managed to Platinum/100% complete several games. So I will once again be taking up the challenge and I think the best way to start is by finishing the games I didn't get to finish last year.
Game #1 - Marvel's Spider -Man (PS4)
Est Playime - 30+ hrs, 100% completed/Platinum'd base game on 1/2/19
I've been a long time fan of Spider-man (in my book he's right there with Wolverine, the X-men, & Batman as my all time favs) and it's been a while since there was a (imo) pretty good Spiderman game (Spiderman 2 for the Gamecube/PS2) so I was pretty thrilled that this game, which I started playing last year (first via RedBox and then I got it as a Christmas gift), turned out to be really good. Now is it a perfect game, no not by any means (I'm not to big on the game's controls, but they're functional and get the job done) but does surpass Spiderman 2? well based on the side missions alone I'd say yeah by a country mile and it's no slouch either when it comes to the main story which sees an alternate version of the story arc along with a few other arcs from the comics. ★★★★★
Game #2 - Onimusha Warlords HD (PS4)
Est Playtime - 3hrs 34 mins (first playthrough), main story completed w/ a B ranking, 51% of Trophies obtained
I first played this game back in 2001 when it first came out on the PS2, now I don't recall ever beating it back then (I think I got all the way to the final boss, but never beat him) but I do remember enjoying it though not enough to bother pick up the sequels. So as soon as I found out it was (finally) getting a "HD" remaster/re-release I jumped st the chance to revisit this game and while I still enjoyed the game I honestly don't recall it ever being as short (I beat it in 3 hrs 34 mins and I almost 100% completed it, only missing 5 flourite stones, 1 document, 1 magic jewel, & finishing 13 of the 20 levels of the dark realm arena) as it turned out to be, but I will definitely come back to this game to see if I can manage to Platinum/100% it.....eventually

Game #3 - Resident Evil 2 Remake (PS4)
Est Playtime - 15+ hrs, completed Leon A/Claire B scenarios w/B rank on 1/27/19, UPDATE: got the Platinum Trophy on 2/12/19
I've been a long time fan of the Resident Evil series (since 1998 when I played Resident Evil: Director's Cut & Resident Evil 2 for the first time) and was super stoked to learn a few years back that Capcom was finally remaking RE 2. So my hype level was pretty high and I gotta say this game did not disappoint as it was (pretty much) everything I wanted in a remake. I'm loving this game so much that I plan on doing multiple playthroughs (I've already done a Leon & Claire A speed run and have beaten the 4th Survivor & Tofu Survivor mode) and will try to platinum the game. Hell they made Mr. X even more terrifying than he was in the original game by not only having him in constant pursuit/search & destroy mode through a good chunk of the game, but also by having him react to sounds (if you fire a gun, aggro a licker, throw a grenade/flash bang, solve a puzzle that makes a lot of noise he'll come a running) and busting through walls to get to you. ★★★★★
Game #4 - MLB the Show 17 (PS4)
Est Playtime 15+ hours (online and in Road to the Show mode)
I occasionally play a lot of sports games and while I was fine with MLB the Show 16 a friend of mine who I regularly play sports games with got this game so of course I ended up following suit. Overall it was a slight improvement over MLB the Show 16 especially when it came to bunting (16 had a glitch where you could regularly bunt for base hits and even drive in runs with it) and I totally dug the Retro mode. ★★★☆☆
Game #5 - NBA 2K19 (PS4)
Est Playtime 10 + hrs (Online & Career Mode)
I'm not a big basketball guy (I'll pick up/purchase and play a NBA game maybe two or 3 times a decade), I only ended up picking this up to play with the above mentioned friend ( I was kicking his @$$ in Football & Baseball and he doesn't do Hockey) and to be honest this game had me pissed (I was about to literally chuck this Motherf***er out the window after spending hours playing and practicing in the game) about the shooting mechanic (how the f**k can I be standing in front of the ballhandler in his grill with my hands up, and he make a easy 3pt shot from well outside of the 3pt line that also says he was wide open/uncontested) as well as the fact that they locked most of the historic teams (like the 95-96 Bulls, 07-08 Celtics, 92-93 Hornets, etc.) behind a wall that requires you to win multiple online matches, though the only saving grace (so far) is that when I actually managed to beat my friend online (which was a small miracle in and of itself......thank you all time Bulls team

) it unlocked all the historic teams he'd unlocked (which was all but 2 of them) for me. ★★☆☆☆
Game #6 - MLB the Show 19 (PS4)
Est Playtome 15 + hours (Road to the Show & Moments mode)
After playing a lot of The Show 17 I went on a Baseball kick and ended up getting this game, which I've found to be quite an improvement over the last 2 iterations (the Show 16 & 17) of the game that I've played. I'm especially loving the new Moments mode (which they plan to keep updating over the course of the year) and the tweaks they've made to Diamond Dynasty to make it more accessible to people (like me) who were not a fan of the mode's previous online only component. ★★★★★
Game #7 - Devil May Cry 5 (Xbox One)
Est Playtime 10+ hrs (Story Mode) 5/5/19
I've played a handful of the games in the series (1,4, DmC) prior to playing this game, but only ever finished one of them (DmC) so after seeing some gameplay videos & positive reviews I decided to pick it up. Overall I really enjoyed the game and it's story, but I especially enjoyed playing as the mysterious V and his three demon familiars mainly because they were imo a nice change of pace from both Dante & Nero. ★★★★☆
Game #8 - Mortal Kombat 11 (PS4)
Est playtime 13+ hrs (story mode, klassic towers, Towers of Time, Krypt) on 5/09/19 and Platinum Trophy on 6/28/19
I'm a long time fan of the Mortal Kombat series and given how much I liked the last 2 entries in the series picking up this game was a no brainer. Overall I really enjoyed this game so much so I'm very close to getting the Platinum trophy for the game (I'm one trophy short, just need to play 36 more Kasual online matches) despite the game's grindy nature. ★★★★★
Game #9 - Shantae Half Genie Hero (Xbox One)
Est Playtime - 7 hrs (98% item & story completion) on 5/13/19
This is the third Shantae game I've beaten ( Risky's Revenge via the 3DS Virtual Console and Pirate's Curse on the 3DS) and while I do own a physical Wii U version of the game I ended up playing the Xbox One version since it was available via the Xbox GamePass service. Overall I enjoyed the game and may end up getting the DLC for the Wii U version of the game down the road just so I have another excuse to revisit the game. ★★★☆☆
Game #10 - Titanfall 2 (Xbox One)
Est Playtime - 6 hrs, finished Campaign mode on 5/14/19 with all but 8 Achievements
I got this game last year while it was on sale for $5 cause I heard it was a big improvement over the first Titanfall game, but didn't get around to playing it until recently and I gotta say I whole heartedly agree with that sentiment especially when it came to the game's campaign mode. ★★★★☆
Game #11 - Castlevania (PS4 via the Castlevania Anniversary Collection)
Est Playtime - 2 hrs & 30 mins, finished the game on 5/16/19
I'm a big fan of the Castlevania series (the first one I saw/got to play was the , at the time newly released Castlevania 3 , but the first one I "fell in love with" was Castlevania Bloodlines on the Sega Genesis) and have played & loved many games in the series so when Konami announced they were coming out with a 8 game Castlevania collection I jumped all over it like a fat kid on a cupcake despite owning multiple copies for about half of the games in the collection. So I picked up the collection and instantly dove into the classic first game which I promptly tore through before encountering a massive bug that froze my game at about the 50 min mark (just as I was approaching the Death boss fight) made me have to start over and of course I didn't find out until after I got hit with the freezing bug that the collection allows you to load & save state your game by hitting the L2 button. ★★★★☆
Game #12 - Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest (PS4 via the Castlevania Anniversary Collection)
Est Playtime - 4 hrs, finished the game with the "Normal" ending on 5/16/19
Prior to playing through the AC version of this game I had put in maybe 2 hrs into the Wii U virtual console version of this game getting about halfway through before giving up on it. So I decided now was the best time to rectify that and for the first hour or so most of the stuff I remembered from my last playthrough of the game came right to me before I hit a brick wall mostly in the form of heart farming in order to get a few items, dying/having to use continues before I could get said item and having to repeat the whole process again. Overall it wasn't too bad of a game, it just required a decent amount of grinding .......and a strategy guide (

) to get through it. I ended up managing to be Dracula in about 11 in game days which was good enough for the "Normal" ending which lets be honest sucked balls. ★★★☆☆
Game #13 - Castlevania Adventure (PS4 via the Castlevania Anniversary Collection)
Est Playtime - 3 hrs, finished the game on 5/17/19
This was the first time I had played the game and overall I can see why it's considered to be a bad game, but considering it was the first Castlevania game on the Gameboy it wasn't that bad. ★★☆☆☆
Game #14 - Castlevania Adventure 2: Belmont's Revenge (PS4 via the Castlevania Anniversary Collection)
Est Playtime - 3 hrs, finished the game on 5/18/19
Just like with the first Castlevania Gameboy game this was the first time I played this game and I gotta say it's definitely a pretty good improvement over the first game. ★★★☆☆
Game #15 - Kid Dracula (PS4 via the Castlevania Anniversary Collection)
Est Playtime - 3 hrs, finished the game on 5/19/19
This was another game I played for the first time, mainly because it was also the first time this game was available in my region. Overall it was an interesting game as it was more of a Mega Man clone than a traditional Castlevania game also it was a bit weird traversing the "NY City" subways and encountering a axe wielding enemy that looks awfully a lot like Jason Voorhees from Friday the 13th. ★★★☆☆
Game #16 - Castlevania III (PS4 via the Castlevania Anniversary Collection)
Est. Playtime - 10 + hrs, finished the game 4 times - first a Trevor only run on 5/19/19 then a Trevor & Grant run on 5/20/19
It's been a few years since I've last played this game (via the Wii U Virtual Console) so for this playthrough I decided to do a Trevor only run which was a lot more challenging than I was expecting but I managed to finally do it. I then decided to do subsequent runs with the two remaining characters and I gotta say that I was completely surprised to find that Sypha's fire powerup can serious fuck Dracula up, ★★★☆☆
Game #17 - Super Castlevania IV (PS4 via the Castlevania Anniversary Collection)
Est. Playtime - 6 hrs, beat the game on 5/21/19
I had originally played and beaten this game a few years back, but since I decided to go "trophy hunting" for Castlevania Anniversary Collection I ended up re visiting this game and outside of some slow down I still enjoyed playing this game. ★★★★☆
Game #18 - Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon - Classic Edition (PS4)
Est Playtime - 6+ hrs, beat the game (normal dificulty) on 5/24/19
I first played this game last year on the 3DS (I was a KS Backer and got it for free) and really enjoyed it (and after this last playthrough I still do) so when Limited Run Games announced they were not only coming out with a physical version of the game for the PS4, Vita, & Switch they were also releasing a "Classic Edition" which featured a number of physical goodies (poster, soundtrack, etc. and artwork by the guy behind the box art for Castlevania III. ★★★★☆
Game #19 - Castlevania Bloodlines (PS4 via the Castlevania Anniversary Collection)
Est Play time - 6+ hrs, beat the game on Normal Difficulty with Eric Lecarde on 5/26/19
I've played and beaten this game numerous times, but I had never beaten the game with Eric Lecarde so I decided that now was as good enough a time to finally remedy that. ★★★★★
Game #20 - Castlevania Dracula X (3DS Virtual Console)
Est Play time - 5 hrs, beat game on normal difficulty with the good ending on 5/29/19
As you can tell I've been on something of a Castlevania kick lately (part of it is due to the release of the Castlevania Anniversary Collection the other part of it is due to the upcoming release of Castlevania spiritual successor Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night) and since there is only a small handful of games in the series I haven't played before I decided to tackle one of them (all that's left now is Legends, Legacy of Darkness, Harmony of Dissonance, & Judgement) in this case Dracula X since I had just recently (last year) played Rondo of Blood for the first time. Overall I'm kinda luke warm on the game as there were a lot of infuriating moments (mostly caused by down right evil design choices involving Enemy Placement, level design, and the final boss fight ) that I encountered while playing the game that made it really hard/difficult to beat on Normal difficulty. ★★★☆☆
Game #21 - Guacamelee 2 (Steam/PC)
Playtime - 9 hrs 25 mins, beat story mode on normal difficulty (w/49% completion overall) on 6/5/19 ★★★☆☆
Game #22 - Gears of War 4 (Xbox One)
Est Playtime - 10+ hours, beat story campaign on normal difficulty on 6/12/19
I originally started playing this game back when if first came out though it was mostly the online multiplayer modes and about an hour of the game's story campaign. With Gears 5 finally getting a release date I figured now would be as good a time as any to go back into the game and finish the campaign mode which I felt was meh until the last act which when things imo really started picking up. ★★★☆☆
Game #23 - Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (PS4)
Playtime - 40+ hrs, beat story mode on 6/21/19 and got the Platinum trophy on 6/26/19
I've been waiting a little over 4 years for this game and as a backer of this game I'm overall thrilled with the game. I'm so thrilled with the game that I've played through the game twice (Once on Normal difficulty followed by a NG+ playthrough on Hard difficulty), got the Platinum Trophy, and even got all the Boss Medals for beating the bosses without getting hit. ★★★★★
Game #24 - Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy (PS2 Classics on PS4)
Est Playtime - 8 + hrs, beat story mode and obtained the Platinum Trophy on 6/28/19
I have a long history with this game dating all the way back to the PS2 days when I got a PS2 demo disc for the game directly from Sony (they had a official fan club, which I was a member of and they would randomly send out demos and promo merch to memebers) and instantly fell in love with the demo. Later that year it got released and off course I ended up getting it for Christmas, I was so happy with the game I ended up 100% completing it, heck even my sister loved it and had to 100% complete it herself which is a rarity for her. Well earlier this year I finally got my copies of Jax & Daxter 1 & 2 and have been slowly playing through the first game (taking it in, enjoying my playthrough of the game, which I was playing the first time in years) which I finally finished nabbing the Platinum trophy along the way. My sister on the other hand heard about this physical re-release found out I had it and promptly came over to play it, within a week she had it 100% completed along with the Platinum trophy which was her very first one. ★★★★★
Game #25 - Halo 5: Guardians (Xbox One)
Est Playtime - 10 + hrs, beat story mode on Normal difficulty on 7/8/19
I originally started playing this about 2 years ago when I got on a Halo kick and had completed all of the games in the Master Chief Collection, but I never got around to finishing it til now. Overall story wise I felt it was meh as the initial hook of Master Chief being hunted down was slowly discarded as the story went on. ★★☆☆☆
Game #26 - Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS4)
Est Playtime - 10+ hrs, beat story mode on Normal difficulty with 68% of the game's trophies on 7/24/19
I've been a long time fan of the Arkham games having played & platinumed/100% completed the first 2 games in the series (in the case of Arkham Asylum I 100% completed the game on both Xbox 360 & PS3) as well as beat both Arkham Origins & Arkham Knight. Well a few days ago I saw that the Arkham Collection (with Asylum, City, & Knight along with all the DLC) was on sale for $23 and even though I own all 3 games in one form or another (Asylum & City on PS3 and Knight on Xbox One) I decided to pick the collection up anyways. At the moment I'm still debating on if I want to try to go for the Platinum trophies for all 3 games even though I have the Platinum for Asylum & City on PS3, but for now I'm content just replaying/playing through the story modes for each game. ★★★★☆
Game #27 - Assassin's Creed Odyssey (PS4)
Est Playtime - 100+ hrs, beat story mode on Normal difficulty with 97% of the game's trophies on 8/9/19
I'm a long time fan of the series (going all the way back to 2007 with the first game in the series) so I ended up picking up this game late last year and initially only ended up playing about 10hrs before getting bored. I eventually returned to it a few weeks ago and got really into it, I got so into that I about 100% completed the game (trophywise I just need to fully upgrade the ship to get the platinum) which is something I haven't done/attempted with an Assassin's Creed game since Assassin's Creed 2 and thanks to some free $10 PSN gift cards (earned via the Sony Rewards program) & a PSN sale I ended up getting the season pass (with AC III remastered) for $4. I've also beaten the first chapter in the "Legacy of the First Blade" DLC (as well as gotten all the trophies for it) before taking a break from the game, though I do plan on beating the rest of the DLC chapters down the road. ★★★★☆
Game #28 - The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan (PS4)
Est Playtime - 5 to 6 hrs
I was a big fan of Supermassive Games previous game Until Dawn so I naturally ended up picking up their latest game, The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan. Overall I enjoyed the game even though I kinda disappointed in how short it was as I was able to get a so-so ending (3 out of 5 main characters survived) which left on something of a cliff hanger, in about 5 to 6 hours. With that said the game hints at multiple endings which will definitely encourage repeated playthroughs. ★★★☆☆
Game #29 - God of War (PS4)
Est Playtime - 20+ hrs
I've been a long time fan of the God of War games and ended up getting this game as a Christmas present. Overall I enjoyed the game though it did have a few parts I found to be frustrating which led me to take a couple of lengthy breaks., but now that I've beaten the story I may end up coming back to the game to try to 100% complete it. ★★★★☆
Game #30 - Batman: Arkham Knight (PS4)
Est Playtime - 20+ hrs
As far as story & gameplay this is still my least favorite of Rocksteady's "Arkham Trilogy" because the big "twist" involving the Arkham Knight was pretty much spoiled by one of the Pre-Order Story DLC's and the batmobile segments felt hamfisted & overused.....though I do love that it has the Burton Batman suit and batmobile that unfortunately couldn't be used in the game's story mode (which imo would have been awesome) ★★★☆☆
Game # 31 - Gears of War 5 (Xbox One)
Est Playtime - 10+ hrs, beat story mode on intermediate difficulty on 9/28/19
I had started playing this game as soon as it became available via Xbox's Gamepass service but ended up taking a break towards the tale end of Act 2. Well after getting back from vacation I decide to jump back into the game and ended up beating the rest of the campaign in about 5 to 6(ish) hours. Overall I kinda liked the story and it imo looks like the finale of this trilogy (Gears 6) is gonna be crazy. ★★★☆☆
Game #32 - Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Xbox One)
Est Playtime - 15+ hrs, beat the main story mode & Resurrection campaign on intermediate difficulty on 9/30/19
I picked this game up for dirt cheap last year mainly because I was interested in the single player campaign (due to the hook of playing as a member of the Empire) and in that regard the game was a big disappointment for me. Which is why it took me a while to go back to the game to finish both story campaigns and while I was at it I decided to hop into the multiplayer for a little bit, which was better than I had expected....which wasn't much. ★★★☆☆
Game #33 - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019 (PS4)
Est Playtime - 200+ hrs of Online Multiplayer
Game #34 - Yakuza 0 (PS4)
Est Playtime - 30+ hrs, beat story mode on normal difficulty on 12/2/19