Game 52.: The House in Fata Morgana -Dreams of the Revenants Edition--
14hrs. 35 mins. 24 out of 25 Points.
14hrs. 35 mins. 24 out of 25 Points.

34. Vampyr, 9/1033. Quantum Break, 8/10
It was surprisingly good, but I'm glad I didn't have to pay anything for it lol. There was just way too much walking and cutscenes. Story was also not that interesting. Gameplay was the clear winner here, but there wasn't enough of it. Visuals were amazing.
28. Watch Dogs (Xbone):
Story: Aiden Pearce, hacker thief, gets his life turned upside down, Fresh prince style, when a heist goes wrong and gets his niece killed in a hit made for him. Months later (I think) his sister and nephew try to live a normal life grieving for their loss. Aiden finds another way to deal with the loss by hunting the person that called the hit, as he climbs the ladder of the criminal underground as "The Vigilante".
Gameplay: Shoot your way through enemy hordes, or stealthily sneak around using your phone to hack vehicles, enemy phones, and etc. Several guns and several neat gadgets help you progress, allowing you to even cause a blackout in the whole area blinding enemies and disrupting their technology.
Art style/ Music: The music gets pretty good at times, nothing super memorable though.
Gripes: Aiden is such a boring character to play as, and it really shows when he surrounded by even more interesting characters such as Jordi and T-Bone. He also plenty of weird and stupid decisions. It's honestly more of just an average game, that it had a hard time holding my interest in several parts of the game.
Additional Info: To be more positive about the game... it's not that bad! I went in with very low expectations from what I remember hearing about the disappointing rants surrounding it. Now the complains still hold true (the ones I remember hearing at least), but honestly when this game isn't boring me it has some cool stuff to it. It plays fine (besides the driving) and it can be really cool when you have your profiler out and see people's occupation, hobbies, incomes, and age. For ex. I saw a Museum curator whose hobby was to make frequent purchases of Hentai, which i just found hilarious. It's really hard to find 2 of the same with the profiler, unless you keep it out frequently unfortunately. It's also pretty fun how you can get through most of the game, without having to kill people and just using the environment around you to do the work for you. In the end, i would say the game is worth a rental if it peaks your interest. It's not a bad game, just average at best.
Score: 3/5
29. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 (Xbox 360)
Story: Taking place shortly after the previous game, you resume the role of Captain Scott Mitchell, once leading your Ghosts against terrorists residing in Mexico as they try to use stolen nuclear missiles against the U.S.
Gameplay: The game takes the controls from the first game and build upon them mostly for the better. You can now view through the camera of your controlled comrades, which is nice to get them to specific points and enemies.
Art Style/ Music: The music is awesome, especially during combat as it amps up
Gripes: Now as this game is an improvement over the previous entry, it has its fair share of problems. Several, several bugs and even the game crashing on me (not to bad of gripe tho.) Your units sometimes don't listen to you, or they'll stop for no reason, and they'll keep complaining for no damn reason. For example there was one mission where i was entering broken debris and my team was following constantly saying "Can't move forward" "Can't Proceed, Captain!" and bunch of other shit, while they were still following me.
Additional Info: Besides all that the game was enjoyable and worth a shot,. Not really a gripe, but the writing is so action-hero it's hilarious. I would say get this game if you can find it for like $5
Score: 3/5
i don't have the budget for this, good luck to everyone.
Yeah, I’ve been using it as an excuse to chip into my pile of shame NES and SNES titles. $0 cost.Doesn't have to be new games, most of the games I played were either Gamepass, Humble sale or old games. I think I've spent under $150 on games in 2019.
Doesn't have to be new games, most of the games I played were either Gamepass, Humble sale or old games. I think I've spent under $150 on games in 2019.
21. Lego City: Undercover
Finished, but mopping up to 100% it (because why the F not). Next title to be determined by what the UK temperature stays like as we are in the midst of a major heatwave at present and anything too demanding turns the Rig into a furnace I'd rather not be close to (my planned complete Kingdomcome Deliverance playthrough may get pushed back a bit).
36. Picross S2, 9/1034. Vampyr, 9/10
Wow, really don't get the poor reviews. The story got me hooked right from the start. Got the worst ending, because sucking blood turned out to be quite fun. Never knew I was into vampires this much...
35. Super Lucky's Tale, 8.5/10
Sweet little platformer. Quite creative.
Seriously, Game Pass is such a gold mine...
100% ed the above, which was a lot more demanding than I imagined. Still glad I did it. If you are thinking of getting the game my advice would be to concentrate on the main missions firstly then undertake the free play missions, and only then worry about doing the district missions. Once you beat the main game you'll unlock Rex Fury and you'll need to use him in your Robber slot in order to access certain goodies in both the Freeplay and district missions.
41. Diablo 3 (XONE), 10/1036. Picross S2, 9/10
I've played like every version of picross out there and these Switch versions are really good. Hopefully Picross 3D comes to switch at some point as well!
37. Crash N'Sane Trilogy - Crash Bandicoot, 8.5/10
Never beat Crash 1 before, great game. Some of the later levels were pretty frustrating though.
38. Crash N'Sane Trilogy - Crash 2, 9/10
This one I played as a kid and it's objectively even better than the first game. Can't wait to play the third one!
39. Crash N'Sane Trilogy - Crash 3, 8.5/10
Too many gimmicky stages, but overall solid!
40. Bioshock 2, 8.5/10
Never played Bioshock 2 before. It was surprisingly solid. Innovation on the other hand... nowhere to be found.
43. Fire Emblem: Three Houses, 10/1041. Diablo 3 (XONE), 10/10
This game still holds up really well. The formula is just really addictive even after like 20 playthroughs + countless hours of Adventure mode. Beat it this time with a friend whose never played Diablo before and he enjoyed it so much that he decided to get it for himself too. I've bought this game 4 times now... (360, PS4, PC and XONE) Should probably get the Switch version as well at some point lol.
42. Guacamelee 2, 8.5/10
At times this games is smooth and fucking amazing and at times it's frustrating as hell. Some of the late game battle arenas and platforming sections really hurt this otherwise amazing game.
44. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, 9,5/1043. Fire Emblem: Three Houses, 10/10
What a great year, another masterpiece comes from Japan. I just love everything about this game, never played FE before. Currently doing a second run. I have no interest in other games at the moment...
19. [✓] The Surge [PC] 19 Hours.12. [✓] Paradigm [PC] 6.2 Hours
Great adventure game I backed a while back that i got around to when I was waiting for the internet company to come by my house. I remember laughing a bunch to most jokes and visual designs. Would recommend to anyone that fancies a nice adventure game.
13. [✓] Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night [PS4] 12+ hours
Like castlevania syphony of the night ? that's that game. Really enjoyed it.
14. [✓] Statik [PSVR] 3-4 Hours
I must recommend this to anyone that has a PSVR (or other platform if available) it is an immersive puzzle game centered around your hands and controller being a box that needs to be solved by different inputs related to the environment youre in. Hard selling point but incredibly effective in game.
15. [✓] Wasteland 2 [PC] 60 ish hours
I have not completed everything but I had my fill of it with a bunch of different endings.
16. [✓] Gunstar Super heroes [GBA] 1-2 hours
I Had a very slow day at work recently and was able to play this to completion without getting disturbed, great day.17. [✓] Katana ZERO [PC] around 4 hours , cant remember, was short tho.
Very short and great game. can't believe i almost missed out on it. one of the must play of the year.18. [✓] Rage 2 [PC] some 20ish hours
Sadly one of the most meh games out there. would not recommend unless deeply discounted. It just falls short of being a good game. I still finished it i guess so...and some hundreds of hours in Time Vampire: Space Ninja edition. got my nightwave cornered tho, can go back to other games now.
If you have a half-decent PC, the free games being given away from the Epic Game Store this year (at least one a week) might be a good jumping off point. Most of what they've given out so far has been pretty decent. There's also no reason why you couldn't play games you already own that are maybe in your backlog, or to replay games you already have.Just revisited this threadto watch the commitment i made, and how i failed so bad.
But i can retake this challenge.....i have zero money to spent on new games. Till FFVII remake and Ciberpunk 2077
46. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered, 9/1044. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, 9,5/10
Man, this game is still badass. Awesome soundtrack and action. Camera is the only reason why I don't give MGR a perfect score. Nanomachines, SON!
45. Diablo 3 (Hardcore)
I'm gonna put Diablo here again. Did a hardcore playthrough this time, wasn't even hard.
Big Update.Wolfenstein: The New Colossus: Liked it more than the first order, and I really liked the first order. Great graphics, well optimized and amazing story. 9/10 for seeing Hittler piss his pants...
30. Gears of War 2: Road to Ruin (Xbox 360):
Story: Join Marcus and Dom in a little deleted scene that takes place towards the end of the Gears of War 2 campaign
Gameplay: Plays just like GoW 2, but what makes this DLC different is that you can either go guns blazing OR take the stealth approach
Art Style/ Music: N/A
Gripes: Is on the short side, took my brother and I less than 45 minutes to complete
Additional Info: Fun lil scene that adds some new gameplay to differentiate itself from the usual style of the series
Score: 4/5
31. Metal Slug Anthology: Metal Slug (PS2):
Story: I'm not really sure what's goin on with the story here, all i know is that this game is sickkkk
Gameplay: Old school run and gun madness that's fun as shit especially if you have a cooperative partner to join you for the fun
Art Style/ Music: The art style is still fucking incredible to this day, I remember playing these games in the arcades and being distracted by all the amazing details, crazy enemy death animations and just everything popping up on the screen
Gripes: The only thing thats keeping me from giving this particular game 5 stars is because I played the emulated version of the Anthology on PS4, and this version of the game has so many damn hiccups and input lag which can really mess you up in a game where one shot equals death
Additional Info:
Score: 4/5
Cries in Final Fantasy VIII, Oninaki, and Astral Chain all at onceI’m on exactly 36 games so far, but with games like DQXI, Zelda: LA and FFVIII coming up, I’m not sure I’m going to make it.
Games finished so far: 9
9) The Inpatient
Developed by: Supermassive Games
Platform: PS4
Time to beat: 2 hours 32 minutes
Rating: 6/10
47. Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled, 8.5/1046. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered, 9/10
Classic game remastered, campaign still holds up. Nuke scene was EPIC.
You finished it already?! I probably would’ve too lol, but I’ve had a busy weekend.![]()
Game 32 - The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening - Nintendo Switch - Completed Sep 21st, 2019
I was right in the middle of a playthrough of Final Fantasy VIII when Link's Awakening came out, and decided to put that on hold for a bit while I played through the newly remastered Game Boy title. I absolutely loved everything about this game, except for the framerate drops. This was a pure nostalgia trip for me, and the fact that Nintendo left all of the dungeons, dialog, and secrets intact from the original game was a huge bonus. The music, which remastered and orchestrated, was absolutely wonderful. The art style is a bit controversial but I really enjoyed the chibi art and tilt-shift camera feel. Overall, I'd say this is an instant classic and the definitive way to play Link's Awakening. I'm really just glad this exists - I hope they decide to remaster other older Zelda games this way.
48. Bayonetta, 9/1047. Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled, 8.5/10
Never was a huge CTR fan back in the day, but man, what a great remake. Campaign was fun, had to play on easy though![]()
48. Bayonetta, 9/10
Great stuff all around. I first played this 10 years ago on the 360 and it still plays just as well in 2019 on the Switch. Looking forward to trying the sequel for the first time!