That's what I thought but I swear she's saying guests... because how can you fit people into a balloon. Yeah okay I should have known but it really sounds like she's saying that.Gas.
That's what I thought but I swear she's saying guests... because how can you fit people into a balloon. Yeah okay I should have known but it really sounds like she's saying that.Gas.
Or, you know, injuries from being crushed in the panic.Pictures show splattered blood all over people. Must have been some huge balloons.
Pictures show splattered blood all over people. Must have been some huge balloons.
BBC and Sky news are running with this now too.
Why? Large explosion, recent history. If true they just panicked.
We're not in fucking mecca this is the UK. This is fucking bullshit.
NBC reporting at least 20 dead. Why would you fill balloons with gas inside an arena? WTF.
What else are you going to fill balloons with?NBC reporting at least 20 dead. Why would you fill balloons with gas inside an arena? WTF.
NBC reporting at least 20 dead. Why would you fill balloons with gas inside an arena? WTF.
There is some serious misinformation in this thread. Can we link to some actual news outlets and leave the bullshit out? The hell.
NBC reporting at least 20 dead. Why would you fill balloons with gas inside an arena? WTF.
NBC reporting at least 20 dead. Why would you fill balloons with gas inside an arena? WTF.
We're not in fucking mecca this is the UK. This is fucking bullshit.
Anyone in the UK should just watch BBC News or Sky News, but yes, some absolute nonsense being posted.
Explosion and fatalities are confirmed by the police.
NBC reporting at least 20 dead. Why would you fill balloons with gas inside an arena? WTF.
Well have no idea. Nothing is confirmed.So let me get this fucking straight, the explosion didn't hurt anyone but the people panicking did?
I live/work so close to this place. I saw Bruno there on the 3rd...
So let me get this fucking straight, the explosion didn't hurt anyone but the people panicking did?
We're not in fucking mecca this is the UK. This is fucking bullshit.
I don't think you know me at all.Knowing you and the circle you follow, I am 99% certain you are looking at fake pictures being passed around by 4chan trolls. But whatever.
So let me get this fucking straight, the explosion didn't hurt anyone but the people panicking did?
I live/work so close to this place. I saw Bruno there on the 3rd...
What else do you fill balloons with? Liquids? Solids?
Well have no idea. Nothing is confirmed.
A helium balloon is "a balloon filled with gas". These are very frequent at concerts as set decoration.
Never gonna feel right seeing these posts and then replies like "Hey X, are you alright? Also, can we use this video?"
Just disingenuous concern to make the ghoulish post seem more polite.
Hillsborough caused protocol to change to avoid similar disastersAre you not familiar with the Hillsborough disaster?
So let me get this fucking straight, the explosion didn't hurt anyone but the people panicking did?
I live/work so close to this place. I saw Bruno there on the 3rd...
NBC reporting at least 20 dead. Why would you fill balloons with gas inside an arena? WTF.
Almost 2h after incident and bomb squad comes in.Bomb Disposal (Royal Logistics Corps) are now on site. https://twitter.com/fperraudin/status/866794727164829696
Oh I agree, I was just pointing out that a "balloon filled with gas" isn't an ominous thing in and of itself at all, and they are frequent components of concerts.I'm just not seeing how big these balloons must be in order to do this I guess. Regardless, if this is was caused the explosion I hope changes are made.
Just out of The Ariana Grande Concert in Manchester,I thought we would leave seconds before the last song finished in order too get home quicker instead of waiting longer for a taxi,As we where leaving a bomb or explosion went off centimetres infront of me.
Peoples skin/blood&Feces where everywhere including in my hair & on my bag,I'm still finding bits of god knows what in my hair.I am fine & back in my hotel I hope everyone involved and in front of me is okay.We are being told it was a balloon/sound system but I can assure you it was not,You never ever expect these things too happen too you but this proves it can happen too anybody.
That sound,The blood & those who where running around clueless with body parts & bits of skin missing will not be leaving my mind any time soon or the minds of those involved.
Again,Hope everyone is alright I am very,Very lucky too be where I am just now x
We don't know.Was this a terrorist attack or it was really the effect of the ballons inside the arena?
What else are you going to fill balloons with?