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22 dead, 59 injured in Manchester Arena explosion (Being treated as an attack)


Seems a bit sleazy, get hope you're fine sure whatever but while you're in a state of shock and panic please sign away all rights to this amateur video

The way these media outlets constantly try to get the videos for nothing is shameless tbh, since they're counting on people not knowing any better.


That doesn't really add anything to the topic.

Stop posting it.


I'm not going to trust anything from random FBs right now, so hopefully this is fake. The feces part is really odd too

Nobody standing "centimeters" away from an explosion and pulling pieces of flesh out of their hair would be capable of typing up a facebook post.

Stop falling for shit.


The injuries seen on the survivors in the few pics in serious news outlets are pretty consistent with IED injuries.
Everyone needs to calm down in this thread.
Yes, people can get trampled on the way out of a panic situation.
If you compare this to Hillsborough, that is fucking hugely offensive in regards to what Hillsborough was and how it came about. Cool your jets.
Feces? That's odd...I've never heard of people getting that on them when there's been an explosion or whatever has caused the injuries. Not trying to make light of the situation, just strange thing to say is on you
Or some really bad sewage got backed up with so much methane and it so happens its got ignited at that worst possible time.. wow. I hope that 20 dead is wrong.


I'm watching BBC news. The person I was replying to was under the impression people were killed in a stampede. We simply don't know what caused the explosion or what caused the fatalities until it's confirmed by officials.

Cool. Again, did you read the post I quoted? He said the explosion didn't hurt anybody and people were hurt by the crush.

Okay my bad, sorry. I misread his post and it made your replies sound different than they were intended.


People get on CNN when they play up stories without any information and now you're mad that they're focusing on another breaking story with more information to speak about.

It appears to be a large incident with huge police presence and they weren't mentioning it over an hour after it happened. Yes, it's in another country but compare this to the coverage of the drunk idiot in Times Square.


People are seriously positing that helium filled balloons exploded and killed 20 people?

Come the fuck on.

This was an IED.

Over on MSNBC, an analyst was hinting that many of the causalities might have been because of the stampede to exit the venue.

This is completely unconfirmed and pure speculation though.


They only can do so much, a stampede caused by panic will still lead to casualties even with the best preparations.
Also, humans can fuck up the planning stage.

Love Parade in Duisburg (Germany) is an example where people fucked up and even though everybody already knew how dangerous stampedes can be.
Oh I agree. Hillsborough is just a weird example since that was a particular problem that they can now avoid.
Yes I have. I'm going to wait until official word comes out before I put my point across because there's no point cluttering the thread until there's official news.

I agree that random speculation is bad, but that is going to happen when news is so facts seem very scattered right now.
Message from Facebook asking me to mark myself as safe, never seem that before. A great feature.

It's been standard procedure a few years now. It's very useful and assuring for loved ones.

Just heard about this. Hope the casualties can remain low, and the cause is discovered soon.
Feces? That's odd...I've never heard of people getting that on them when there's been an explosion or whatever has caused the injuries. Not trying to make light of the situation, just strange thing to say is on you

Yeah that part stuck out to me. Unless the balloons had shit in them too, or someone had shit themselves during all this.


I can almost guarantee that was hydrogen.

Video is incorrectly titled. That is absolutely hydrogen being used; helium is a noble gas that is completely inert and holding a flame to a balloon filled with it will be no more explosive than one filled with regular air.
Yeah that's my fault for actually NOT reading the YT comments. I usually don't but this time it would have been the wise choice.

All you had to do was read the comments section
yeah I don't normally do that because... well YT comments...
I don't know why people are complaining about news coverage. The only thing they do during initial breaking news is bring on about 20 panelists to use their imagination to say stuff OR they report on rumors and innuendo that end up being wrong.

Let the proper people do their job and get the story when things are calm.


This is speculation, so feel free to disregard it, but if it was a terrorist attack wouldn't the timing be suspect? Why do it at the end of the show when people are filing out and the lights are up as opposed to when the venue is packed during the show?

The Paris attacks featured bombings at several locations which were followd by a shooting, for instance. The Boston bombings were also multiple devices detonated at different times. 7/7 was multiple locations, too. It's possible this was just an accident given that I'm not reading about different bombs and shootings and stuff.


Neither BBC News, BBC Radio Five Live nor Sky News are reporting that fatality figure the MSNBC have stated here in the UK.

Quite. People shouldn't believe anything until the BBC or Greater Manchester Police report it at the moment. UK based media is going to be more reliable for this


Could be an IED, or it could be poor use/storage of pyrotechnics. We just don't know yet. So everybody chill the fuck out with all the speculation!

When I combine this tweet
with a photo I've seen of the supposed city room exit (not linking because NSFW/privacy) it definitely seems to an explosion of some sorts, and not just some loud noise some people speculate.


The Manchester Arena is a huge stampede of people as it is when exiting. In normal circumstances it is a big long shuffle of people only just avoiding trampling as it is. I cannot imagine it with the panic and fear in the crowd fleeing. Awful.
Can you please stop saying this? British police have confirmed an explosion and there are casualties. Only the cause for the explosion hasn't been confirmed.

If you're in the UK put on BBC news.

Ok, will have to take your word for it, because nothing else out there is saying this was confirmed to be an explosion.
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