Yeah, good luck with that...
Yes, it's a link to a wretched cunts twitter, but these cunts are usually the ones to post videos like this...
No-one will hear about all the things the Muslim community tried to do,
it'll just come back to 'ghettos', they don't integrate, they won't take on 'British culture' (whatever the fuck that is) and the usual bullshit you tend to hear from people when they want to blame an entire community for the actions of a few.
There is truth in that in some areas of the country and the one thing some of us do not do to help ourselves and the country is a knee-jerk reaction to cunt flaps like Hopkins to run away ignoring any difficult truths. You do not need to blanket blame communities, but you do need to honestly look at areas in the country where there truly isn't any integration or very little. Why are all of these arrests continually being carried out in very isolated communities? Why do the police and authorities act scared to go into some of these communities and actually do something with reports/evidence? We have legitimate scandals that have gone on in the UK due to non-action from the councils and authorities. This could be another if an independent investigation can backup those statements above on the telegraph site. There should be hard looks at what the hell is going on if intelligence not being acted upon can lead to mass loss of life.
It's not healthy when brains are simply shut off completely because of the fear of "racism/abuse" allegations when it's not true. You can't, on one hand, scream at the authorities and council for not investigating reports/behaviour as them saying they're scared to offend/be racist is nonsense, and then on the other hand name call anyone who talks about integration issues because a knob head like Hopkins (incorrectly) uses truth to extrapolate nonsense/unfair blaming/genuine racism.
Why would your brain read things like this and then say I better ignore it because someone might call me racist?
Do you not think it's far better to accept reality and then we can have honest conversations about what we can try to do as a country? Hopkins has anything but an honest conversation, but then again, anyone sticking their head in the sand and ignoring everything isn't either. Some isolation is born from poverty and a lack of council care, but some of it is born from communities
not wanting to allow others in. What do we do? Well besides trying to educate and encourage communities, the very first thing we have to do is somehow enable our authorities and intelligence services not to act scared, not to cower away, not to
ignore reports and to respond appropriately to 99.9% of cases. They may have to go into strict Islamic communities and may have to deal with "optics" that they are targeting. I mean, they are targeting, if they have credible information that is the whole point in finding a target and going after it. All it takes is one person, who they know of, to be "ignored" long enough and you have over 20 dead, and many injured. That is, if we can have an investigation and prove this man should have been prevented from ever getting to where he has. Early reports suggest yes, we have failed to stop someone we should have. Time to have difficult, challenging and honest conversations about why that might be the case. Unfortunately, it seems to be becoming a reoccurring trend (he was known to the authorities... followed up with people reported him, he travelled abroad, he was on an active watchlist and finally multiple arrests now happen hours within the attack occurring). Intelligence service work isn't easy, but we cannot keep being retroactive to these atrocities. Something has to change.
edit: More arrests today, Police make tenth arrest ~ It may be "lone-wolf" attacks at times, but it's clear there are networks in the UK spanning various communities. Most of the arrests, however, continue to be in heavily isolated communities with very little integration. As I said at times this can foster some serious resentment to the country you are supposedly part of, if the community around you is operating like it's completely cut off and outside of the country. Which can then fuel that nonsensical labelling of the police as
racist if they go into communities they
aren't part of and pull people out. All of these little pieces of the jigsaw add up, racists like Hopkins only take some pieces and then amplify them with hateful rhetoric which is never going to help a country move forward. Not to mention she aims to make it out ALL Islamic communities are like this, in order to fuel the narrative of blanket blaming everyone. That is not the case, and I hope it's more than 100% clear I am only addressing those that fit the descriptors above. Talking honestly doesn't mean you have to talk hatefully, or exaggerate. Honesty is just a key part of the cycle of enquiry needed to ask the right questions and try and find the right answers.
Edit2: Just read Hopkins has been let go by LBC. Adios fuck nugget!