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24: Live Another Day |OT| Game of Drones


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Shit is that a threat or a promise Jack?


Using Preview as a guess:
Not enough Secret Service to stop an angry populace demanding your head. If it came to it.

UK in a tough spot: Get thousands of people killed if you don't turn him over, or face who knows what kind of consequences from America if they do. Tick Tock

Jack shoots two people clearly in the knee cap "I only grazed them, you know because I pulled the trigger"

Oh jack

Jack was talking about the Marines. Those other 2 are foreigners, and those don't count to Jack (Going by his Body Count of Dead Foreigners)


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
DangerMouse, spoiler tag all preview stuff plz.
He was talking about the two marines, he shot them in the chest where they were protected.

Pretty sure he was talking about the civilians there not the soldiers, think the full conversation was

"You shot two civilians Jack"

"Sir I only grazed them"

"How do you know that"

"Because I pulled the trigger"


Awesome episode, gotta love FemBauer.

I feel like I'm back in the mid-2000s again.

Time to play some MGS5: Ground Zeroes on PS4.
OMG the previews

Bauer pretty much gets vindicated immediately

They pretty much have to get on with it with only having eight episodes remaining.

If that was the fifth episode of a 24 episode slate, it would be focusing on Kim/CTU-CIA love triangles/Samwise Gangee being a fuck-up/etc while the main action following Jack and the big threat gets pushed to the background for a bit.


re: Heller's decision: wouldn't the fact that Jack actually took Tanner's flight key be evidence that he wasn't simply uploading government data to OpenCell?


You like me, you really really like me!
Adrian Cross is going to be pissed when he finds out Jack is getting cozy with the CIA. He's going to blame Chloe.

Anyone got an ETA on Cross getting capped by Jack? I say within 4 episodes.
re: Heller's decision: wouldn't the fact that Jack actually took Tanner's flight key be evidence that he wasn't simply uploading government data to OpenCell?

"What if the pilot really did fire the drone and it was a government conspiracy? We know its not but what if Open Cell thinks thats the case and they're paying Bauer to do this?"

Typical 24 logic right there
Pretty sure he was talking about the civilians there not the soldiers, think the full conversation was

"You shot two civilians Jack"

"Sir I only grazed them"

"How do you know that"

"Because I pulled the trigger"

Badass line

They pretty much have to get on with it with only having eight episodes remaining.

I'm loving this brisk pace. It's so much better than previous seasons. I'm loving it. 24 has returned to form. Or rather, it is distilling all of the great parts of the previous seasons because of the 12 eps.


Am I the only one who has found this season completely predictable and incredibly boring so far?

It isn't bad, just leaving me indifferent. I guess that's better than Season 8 at least...


Subete no aware
What I find funny about this show is that every season no one believes Jack and I'm left HOPING that the terrorists win just to wipe off the smug look on the villain's faces. Having a drone take out Heller as the douchey Chief of Staff watches would be something else.

Adrian Cross is going to be pissed when he finds out Jack is getting cozy with the CIA. He's going to blame Chloe.

Anyone got an ETA on Cross getting capped by Jack? I say within 4 episodes.
Honestly, I bet the season ends with Jack being sent to prison after Heller dies and the CoS guy uses the forged extradition thing to put Jack away for life.


Kills Photobucket
What I find funny about this show is that every season no one believes Jack and I'm left HOPING that the terrorists win just to wipe off the smug look on the villain's faces. Having a drone take out Heller as the douchey Chief of Staff watches would be something else.

It's 24, no doubt a few missiles will go off.

They better not kill Stephen Fry.


I don't know about anyone else but man was I happy when bootleg Sansa lost her pinky. Also, I'm kind of wishing the drones blow up something to see every bodies face.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
It would be kind of amazing if the season left the world burning. lol

Jack could only hold off the inevitable for 18 years.

The world was ruined when a certain someone died at the end of season 1.

Someone that would have been 18 years old "today." JB JR


Wow that was awesome. Although I don't buy for a second that Jack "just grazed them", but I'm willing to assume he didn't actually kneecap them in the crowd.

I'm officially on Mole Alert, now that they brought up the husband AGAIN. Either FemBauer is actually an active mole, or that techie guy setup her husband because he is and he's in love with her.
I always felt Heller/Jack's confrontation in season 6 was a huge character moment for Jack and the phone call tonight was absolutely perfect.

I was going to be disappointed if Jack now works with the CIA to help stop this threat, but I don't know how they could keep him a fugitive for 12 episodes while a terror threat is going on.

Just tell me one thing, damn it, what the hell ever happened to President Taylor and Suvarov? I need to know their fates!

By the way, anyone catch if there was significance in choose the "left hand"? Wife thinks it's her wedding ring hand. Great casting on Margot by the way, just chewing up the scenery. Love it.
Was disappointed in the President's speech. I wanted Heller to combat those accusations.

Also, speculation - we know this season has to jump time in one point. I have to image showing the immediate fallout of a horrible attack is expensive and hard to maintain (ala season 6 after episode 4). Wouldn't a big attack be the perfect cutoff for the jump to later in the day? Cheaper to film and easier to get right to the meat of "what's next" or "what the hell do we do now?"


I thought Heller and Jack were talking about the two marines.

I bet at least one missile goes off next ep. And they'll still blame Tanner.


Awesome episode, I was so hyped for the Jack/Heller phone call. Evil mommy was cold as hell but I predicted she'd hurt her own daughter--after all, she needs the husband intact for her plans.

So this is how the bingo card richisawesome made in the other thread looks like after 3 episodes


Not sure how terrible the British stereotypes are though, and C3 is debatable. Surprisingly Jack hasn't said 'We're running out of time' yet, I think. Anyway I'm sure we'll have to check a few more boxes after tonight's episode.

This needs a "I understand, but right now..."


This season's getting better with each episode. Some questionable writing (i.e. Navarro's whole "you're letting your feelings get in the way" thing), but otherwise I loved this week's episode.


bish gets all the credit :)
I was somewhat excited about 24 coming back, but the first few episodes are so "24 paint by numbers." I guess when a show reaches such previous highs with a certain formula that nothing can match it.
Seriously, why doesn't Bauer have his own lil elite task force to handle shit?

Jack, Tony, Chloe, Aaron Pierce, Bill Buchanan (if he lived), and Agent Baker. A team that comes in and gets shit done. I would love to see a season of them being called in as an outside consulting firm that cleans up the messes that the government cant fix.
This might be a weird post, but did anyone else notice they didn't do the "24 is starting" woosh that they've done between the recap and "takes place" VO almost every episode since the series began? Might be the first time, or at least the first time in a while. My memory of it in the earliest seasons is hazy.

I'm kind of attuned to it because I used to watch 24 in a large group and we'd all do the sound together as it occurred as poorly as we could; it was our version of Arrested Development's chicken dance. I got nostalgic hearing it on the first couple episodes of LAD, but it was gone tonight! Not that the epic Callery drumbeat we got instead wasn't awesome!

OK, weird post over.


OMG. Just finished watching it. Amazing episode!

Simone's hand tho :-/

Also, that presidential aide guy can fuck right off.
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