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24: Live Another Day |OT| Game of Drones


Margot has a heart of stone to treat her daughter like that. What mother could watch that?
The one who is loyal to the mission.

I don't think I've seen Jack this trigger happy since his rampage in season 8.

REALLY, REALLY, glad Kate is doing god's work in the last 5 minutes, especially when she was making sure those Marines didn't even touch Jack. Though, did she just put his pistol behind her pants?

So they really need this Levi character to stay alive; I wonder if he was a former drone pilot himself.

Seriously, I'm surprised that despite taking place in London, half the British actors are playing Americans.
This season has been very enjoyable 4 episodes in. I enjoy seeing Michelle Fairley again so soon after GoT. Unlike in that show, here she gets to play the sadistic one who torments those around her. I also mind it oddly coincidental how her family is structured in 24.

Keep it up 24, we're a third of the way there.
This season has been very enjoyable 4 episodes in. I enjoy seeing Michelle Fairley again so soon after GoT. Unlike in that show, here she gets to play the sadistic one who torments those around her. I also mind it oddly coincidental how her family is structured in 24.

She was so motherly in GoT. Hopefully, in this one, she'd get to slit some throats or hang someone. Let her get bloody in this show.


Heller not believing Jack pisses me off. He may be upset about what happened to Audrey, but he knows Jack, and he knows what Jack has done in the past. Seemed like lazy writing.
Heller not believing Jack pisses me off. He may be upset about what happened to Audrey, but he knows Jack, and he knows what Jack has done in the past. Seemed like lazy writing.

Typical 24. Nobody believes Jack, calls him crazy, he's right, then they're like "OH SHIT, JACK WAS RIGHT"

Fucking everyday of his fucking life.


Loving the season so far. Fuck Heller, though. Hope he's assassinated next episode with no silent clock ticks given.


This might be a weird post, but did anyone else notice they didn't do the "24 is starting" woosh that they've done between the recap and "takes place" VO almost every episode since the series began? Might be the first time, or at least the first time in a while. My memory of it in the earliest seasons is hazy.

I'm kind of attuned to it because I used to watch 24 in a large group and we'd all do the sound together as it occurred as poorly as we could; it was our version of Arrested Development's chicken dance. I got nostalgic hearing it on the first couple episodes of LAD, but it was gone tonight! Not that the epic Callery drumbeat we got instead wasn't awesome!

OK, weird post over.

Not weird at all, I noticed it too. Season 1 didn't have much of a recap but I could have sworn it started with season 2. Now that you mention it I have to go back and see if they've had it this "season" at all.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Not weird at all, I noticed it too. Season 1 didn't have much of a recap but I could have sworn it started with season 2. Now that you mention it I have to go back and see if they've had it this "season" at all.
They definitely have; at least last week's episode did. I was actually specifically wondering if they'd include that for this season, so I made sure to look out for it. I didn't notice tonight, but it'd be weird if it was an on again/off again thing...?
Random question for any US Gaffers - do any of you guys watch 24 with a full 5.1 surround sound setup?

The version of Ep4 that's being broadcast in the UK has basically zero activity on the LFE channel (plays out on the subwoofer). There's LFE on spot-effects like gunshots/explosions and on the intro/end credits, but there's nothing on all the background music etc. It's weird because all three previous episodes have had borderline excessive amounts of LFE throughout (as you would want/expect from 24!). You don't normally get this kind of inconsistency between episodes of the same series.

Could any of you guys confirm whether the US mix is the same? Just wondering if it's a fault with the UK version or if the original dubbing mixers fucked the ep up.


Loving the season so far. Fuck Heller, though. Hope he's assassinated next episode with no silent clock ticks given.

Well in his defense, he is put into a tough spot here. As president, realistically does he even have the other option? Jack is a terrorist and he is holding hostages. I don't know, I don't agree with it but I can understand why he does it. Plus, he has wormtongue whispering in his ear and he's pretty vulnerable at the moment. I hope that ass dies soon.


When 24 is done well, it really keeps your attention better than any other show out there. Really tense episode. Although considering this takes place at least several years in the future (I'm guess 6 maybe) why would the US embassy have such "old ass" computers?


Heller not believing Jack pisses me off. He may be upset about what happened to Audrey, but he knows Jack, and he knows what Jack has done in the past. Seemed like lazy writing.

Jack did go crazy and kill a bunch of Russian officials.

Speaking of which, in S8 the
were involved in the assassination attempts of President Hassan, was there any backlash for it?


Jack did go crazy and kill a bunch of Russian officials.

Speaking of which, in S8 the
were involved in the assassination attempts of President Hassan, was there any backlash for it?

Honestly I'm still not sure how WW3 didn't erupt after S8. You had a Russian president openly assassinating US citizens and a freaking head of state on US soil. Then the US President agrees to cover it up. Like that shit makes all the Syria, Crimea stuff look like a grocery store robbery.

Not even going to get into how Heller treats with the Chinese after what they did to his daughter and all the events that transpired in S6.


What an Episode, Jack can finally pass his mantle to FemBauer Sarah Walker she is worthy.

Also anyone else having mole vibes about Buderau and Milo 3.0/Bootleg Milo?


Hooooly shiitt most fucked up villain of the series confirmed


See how she looks at Simone's hand... the crazy bitch already knew what she was going to do to her


Two things:

1. They couldn't get a proper IP address?

2. Was this the first time the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were mentioned in n the 24 universe? I didn't know they happened there.


What an Episode, Jack can finally pass his mantle to FemBauer Sarah Walker she is worthy.

Also anyone else having mole vibes about Buderau and Milo 3.0/Bootleg Milo?

I'm starting to think it might be Steve Navarro, he keeps bringing up that thing about Kate's husband. Though at this point the real twist would be not having any mole at all


Honestly I'm still not sure how WW3 didn't erupt after S8. You had a Russian president openly assassinating US citizens and a freaking head of state on US soil. Then the US President agrees to cover it up. Like that shit makes all the Syria, Crimea stuff look like a grocery store robbery.

You forgot the part about how they conspired to detonate a radiological bomb in Manhattan.


Is there supposed to be some background info on Naveed that I've missed that somehow makes him essential to piloting the drones? Is he a former pilot or something? Apart from being Simone's husband he seems pretty disposable...


Jack did go crazy and kill a bunch of Russian officials.

Speaking of which, in S8 the
were involved in the assassination attempts of President Hassan, was there any backlash for it?
According to what he said this episode, seems likely everything was covered up. Taylor is probably under house-arrest like Logan was


Is there supposed to be some background info on Naveed that I've missed that somehow makes him essential to piloting the drones? Is he a former pilot or something? Apart from being Simone's husband he seems pretty disposable...

He made some hours on flight simulator
They pretty much have to get on with it with only having eight episodes remaining.

If that was the fifth episode of a 24 episode slate, it would be focusing on Kim/CTU-CIA love triangles/Samwise Gangee being a fuck-up/etc while the main action following Jack and the big threat gets pushed to the background for a bit.

Don't forget that even when the main action is focused on Jack, we'd still have to put up with creepin' Silver-Spoons for half that time.

This episode was awesome. So glad 24 isn't taking a break next week, unlike some OTHER SHOW that may or may not be related to the 24 universe...


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
They're in 2020-2021, those are probably next-gen IPs or something. But yeah, they need to upgrade their CPUs lol

Those specs look like a PC that's 5-10 years old now. What's it doing in 2020???



I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Where did they say this show was taking place in the future? Just figured it was present day.

no one actually knows, but there are listed Years (or months) between "Days", so it's in universe something like 18 years since Day 1. Day 1 doesn't have a year listed, but it was aired on TV in 2001/2002, and deemed to be "roughly present day" at that time, so thats where we get the "about 2020" year from.

The show mostly acts like it's set in the present day, though with the occasional "fantastical elements" like certain gear/gizmo's.

Timeline for a better look at the timeline.

Noticing that within "20 years time" the 24 version of America has had 2 President's assassinated, 1 former president assassinated, and 2 resignations.


Just finished watching the episode from season 3 where
tony helps saunders escape

Such an awesome show, bringing back memories when I first saw it.

Cant remember if it was that episode or the one beforehand, but badass bauer moment when saunders warns jack what he is capable of and jack responds with "You know what I'm capable of too." whilst looking at
Saunders daughter


I have to say, I am really, really enjoying this 12hr format. It keeps the action moving, and there are no episodes that are just filler and bring absolutely nothing to the table.

Why wouldnt the drone pilot just tell Lady Stark that he'll pilot them, and when he has control just launch on her location... and say "FUCK YOU LADY STARK!!!!!"

In all seriousness though, there were other ways he could have handled her, without having his wife lose a finger...


Having a hard time warming up to this season, 4 years later, and it's still pretty much the same identical formula the show has always been, someone has some device that can wreak havoc on large numbers of people or can be used to incite chaos with the masses, Jack needs to find them before it's too late, half a dozen tries later, he will eventually catch them. Everyone acts like a potential villain? Check. Jack is working hard to alienate everyone around him? Check.

Up to episode 3 and it just feel too much like the tread lines are too deep at this point. I'll probably keep watching tho because we're in that dead zone when nothing else is really on.
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