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24: Live Another Day |OT| Game of Drones

I have to say, I am really, really enjoying this 12hr format. It keeps the action moving, and there are no episodes that are just filler and bring absolutely nothing to the table.

Why wouldnt the drone pilot just tell Lady Stark that he'll pilot them, and when he has control just launch on her location... and say "FUCK YOU LADY STARK!!!!!"

In all seriousness though, there were other ways he could have handled her, without having his wife lose a finger...

This is what I thought was gonna happen. He'd just target the crazy lady's house and then fucking book it cause fuck her.


no one actually knows, but there are listed Years (or months) between "Days", so it's in universe something like 18 years since Day 1. Day 1 doesn't have a year listed, but it was aired on TV in 2001/2002, and deemed to be "roughly present day" at that time, so thats where we get the "about 2020" year from.

The show mostly acts like it's set in the present day, though with the occasional "fantastical elements" like certain gear/gizmo's.

Timeline for a better look at the timeline.

Noticing that within "20 years time" the 24 version of America has had 2 President's assassinated, 1 former president assassinated, and 2 resignations.

And not a single president has lasted more than a single term haha.


I have to say, I am really, really enjoying this 12hr format. It keeps the action moving, and there are no episodes that are just filler and bring absolutely nothing to the table.

Why wouldnt the drone pilot just tell Lady Stark that he'll pilot them, and when he has control just launch on her location... and say "FUCK YOU LADY STARK!!!!!"

In all seriousness though, there were other ways he could have handled her, without having his wife lose a finger...

I tough the same, until I realize that plan imply the death of Psycho Sansa in the explosion


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
Margot has a heart of stone to treat her daughter like that. What mother could watch that?
Ah, humans. So defiant when you're threatened but hurt a loved one and they'll always cooperate. Naveed still has a couple hours before his escape window closes though.


I love this show so much. Need more. Really wish there would be 24 episodes like old times, but 12 makes less filler I suppose. Loved it how Jack just choked that guy out and stole his outfit, and told Cloe he got it.


Honestly, the villain in this show is just a straight up loon.

She annoys the shit out of me.

I wonder if she is the main villain.

In 24 usually the person who you think is the top bad guy in the first couple of episodes is only playing a small part in it all. With this being only a 12 episode season, I wonder if she will being the real mastermind behind his all.


I wonder if she is the main villain.

In 24 usually the person who you think is the top bad guy in the first couple of episodes is only playing a small part in it all. With this being only a 12 episode season, I wonder if she will being the real mastermind behind his all.

There is usually three acts.

So by the end of the second act we will know who big main baddy is

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
also, why not transmit the encrypted info and decrypt it later instead of downloading a program to decrypt it on the spot in a shitty pc?
Because 24. The IT in this series (and most TV, really) never made sense, ever.

ROFL. I didn't even notice that when I read his post but.... hahaha awesome.

Gotta love that Wincott voice
I've had a crush on that voice for over a decade. >_> It seems to only ever get deeper, holy shit. <3


Single core CPU lol

This feels like classic 24, none of the fluff except for the oblivious CIA twats (Bratt) who are probably moles


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
If they stick with the 3 baddie system, I'll go, in order:

Tates Donovan
Chloe's Hacker Boss.

All Masterminded by Robo-Logan


venison crêpe
Single core?

Not sure which is worse. Being held hostage by Bauer in that room or working on that computer in that room.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Two things:

1. They couldn't get a proper IP address?

2. Was this the first time the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were mentioned in n the 24 universe? I didn't know they happened there.

no, because some poor bastard network admin would be getting pounded by ping requests by 24 fans. Much like when they used a real phone number in one of the seasons and everyone started calling it.

I'm enjoying this season so far. its 24.
Not weird at all, I noticed it too. Season 1 didn't have much of a recap but I could have sworn it started with season 2. Now that you mention it I have to go back and see if they've had it this "season" at all.

They definitely have; at least last week's episode did. I was actually specifically wondering if they'd include that for this season, so I made sure to look out for it. I didn't notice tonight, but it'd be weird if it was an on again/off again thing...?
I at least appreciate you two confirming I'm not (that) crazy. And yeah, the previous episode certainly had it; I did my pale imitation along with the effect! It best come back!


My dvr was acting up so the part where Marc gets the call ftom CTU/CIA that Jack is at the embassy and has hostages to when Marc desides to tell Heller was recorded but with no audio.

What did I miss?
What you missed was Catelyn Stark offering tea to Sansa and then little-fingering her. Then Audrey gave Mark a piece of her mind. Also, Jack became soft and now he is the property of Kate Morgan and the CIA. Lastly, Sansa's husband is now cooperating since Sansa got owned.


Fembauer was garbage in Dexter (though super hot) and she does NOT strike me as any sort of elite field agent in this. She moves with no confidence.


Fembauer was garbage in Dexter (though super hot) and she does NOT strike me as any sort of elite field agent in this. She moves with no confidence.

I hated her character in Dexter and find her totally believable in this role. Half decent writing can go a long way, I guess


Have you seen Chuck? well you should
I haven't. I'd like to, though. Is it on Netflix? I don't mind her as an actress, she's gorgeous, but she has had some bad characters.

I hated her character in Dexter and find her totally believable in this role. Half decent writing can go a long way, I guess
I suppose, it's just her body language. She doesn't seem like a bad ass at all. If she were just a smart woman who knew how to read people I could see it...but since she's a field agent and she just looks uncomfortable doing anything action related...it doesn't work.
When is Tate Donovan not the douche bag on a show? I feel like he has master that role so well that's the only thing he gets cast for.

Oh and Catelyn Stark is still a gangsta! Even more gangsta than Chris Partlow! Seriously they couldn't give him a more gangsta role?


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
When is Tate Donovan not the douche bag on a show? I feel like he has master that role so well that's the only thing he gets cast for.

Oh and Catelyn Stark is still a gangsta! Even more gangsta than Chris Partlow! Seriously they couldn't give him a more gangsta role?

Tates Donovan was a douchebag all the way back when he was in Memphis Belle.

Totally got a friendly bomber cut in half. Way to go, Tates.


Video Proof: Tates Donovan is a walking human calamity


also, why not transmit the encrypted info and decrypt it later instead of downloading a program to decrypt it on the spot in a shitty pc?

They said out right that the transmission of the encrypted files was blocked. They needed to decrypt first before sending it.


Man so many great moments this episode. FemBauer saving the day, Heller and Jack's phone call, Audrey finding out about Jack, Chloe being Chloe, just great stuff all around.

And oh god that preview. Why isn't it Monday yet whhhhhhy?
That was a hot scene when FemBauer was protecting Jack. I felt something.

Also LOL at the 2.4ghz single core processor at the US Embassy. Straight from my 2002 Dell Dimension.

Loving this season so far. I'm tempted to binge-watch S1-8 again on Netflix, but my life would be ruined for like a month.
the fucker forged the president's sign. He's obviously small-time

That'll definitely come back into play at some point. Hopefully it's more along the lines of it being the moment when Heller loses trust in, and dismisses, his aide, rather than Heller believing his Alzheimer's has progressed so far (in a few hours) that he can't even remember signing it and, therefore, the 25th Ammendment must come into play.

Also, I'm kind of wishing the drones blow up something to see every bodies face.

Going off an analysis I've seen titled "How to Survive a Day of 24" (I don't have the link off hand, but I'm sure one could search if it hasn't been posted here before) it is quite probable that at least some of the drones will reach their target:

Whether or not the CIA headquarters, the parliament, Heller, or the Prime Minister will be hit is a seperate thing, but I could definitely see an airport, hotel, or hospital being struck.
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