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24: Live Another Day |OT| Game of Drones


He didn't get a silent clock either time he "died". #TonyLives

It's a damn shame that Renee got 2 but Michelle and Curtis didn't get one.

Weird how Curtis didn't get one, especially considering shortly after his death in the same episode a fucking nuke obliterates thousands of Americans.


Weird how Curtis didn't get one, especially considering shortly after his death in the same episode a fucking nuke obliterates thousands of Americans.

Ehhh that nuke was nothing. Only a mere mile or so away just a few hours after that explosion, Aaron Pierce is shopping for groceries and people are playing tennis outside as if nothing had happened. Morris O Brien also finds out his local off licence is open for business as usual

No point having a silent clock for a non-event!


Ehhh that nuke was nothing. Only a mere mile or so away just a few hours after that explosion, Aaron Pierce is shopping for groceries and people are playing tennis outside as if nothing had happened.

"Crazy day, yeah?" or something like that. Me and my friends always made fun of that shopkeeper for that. S2 handled the craziness of a nuke blowing up on US soil so much better, and that erupted in the middle of a barren desert with the only casualty being a an already dying man.


Another great episode as others have said 12 episodes means none of the usual filler to stretch the show out to 24 episodes.

I only started watching this season to see what awful London tropes they'd have but have really got into again.


Ehhh that nuke was nothing. Only a mere mile or so away just a few hours after that explosion, Aaron Pierce is shopping for groceries and people are playing tennis outside as if nothing had happened. Morris O Brien also finds out his local off licence is open for business as usual

No point having a silent clock for a non-event!

That and so much more it's why season 6 is so bad and should be erased or showed as an example of how not do it
I'm really impressed with this season so far.

Yvonne has been a great addition and the return of the Heller's has given Jack's actions a lot more weight. It was satisfying seeing him finally come face to face with them again.


Good episode. Really glad this season made it past that 4 episode mark and is still going strong. Next 2 eps should be heavy on Jack action.


I'm really impressed with this season so far.

Yvonne has been a great addition and the return of the Heller's has given Jack's actions a lot more weight. It was satisfying seeing him finally come face to face with them again.
I would be totally up for 24: Day 10 with FemBauer as the lead.
I would be totally up for 24: Day 10 with FemBauer as the lead.
Same here. As much as i like Jack, i think 24 could still be great without him. This shows format lends itself so well to action and creating a sense of urgency and forward momentum. As much as it is rooted in action formula and tropes, it still feels quite unique compared to other action series. I want more!


I have been calling for jack to pass his mantle to a worthy disciple, I think that disciple could very well be Yvonne character


Kate >>>>>> Carrie from Homeland. I'd definitely be up for a spin off or series relaunch with her at the helm. No one could ever truly replace Jack, though.
It's beyond time for Jack to go home and be a family man. He should've gotten on that plane with Kim and her family in S8 and never looked back.

Too bad that even if the Heller administration absolves him of all of his S8 crimes (and the crimes he's committed so far in LAD, such as "grazing" protesters, blowing up the CIA station, breaking out Chloe, breaking into the embassy, shooting at the Marines), the Russians are still out for blood.

Watch Suvarov come abduct him at the end of the season on some Chinese in S5 shit.

Edit: Yuri should be in jail after the conspiracy was revealed in S8, his successor will go get Jack

Double Edit: According to the 24 Wikia, Suvarov (somehow) keeps his job as President for another seven years after S8. Which means he would still be in charge during LAD.


S8 just completed fucked this show up. Banishment for Jack could have been cool but not in the way it happened. I know Jack is all about getting his hands dirty, but he went full on evil.


Watch Suvarov come abduct him at the end of the season on some Chinese in S5 shit.

Edit: Yuri should be in jail after the conspiracy was revealed in S8, his successor will go get Jack

Double Edit: According to the 24 Wikia, Suvarov (somehow) keeps his job as President for another seven years after S8. Which means he would still be in charge during LAD.
I haven't seen the episode since it aired but on the wiki it says that Taylor didn't sign the treaty and she was going to announce everything to the public. I'm guessing she never got the chance to and very few people know about what actually happened. Her, Jack, Chloe, Suvarov, Logan?


At least see what happens with her for the rest of the season before writing her off. I think she has what it takes, but she's gotta have a strong arc.

I think Kate sub-plot with her husband will comes into play later.
And it's totally going to be Kate all along who's committing treason.



Nice... so Bauer is Sheppard? (renegade version ofc)


Looks like 24's premiere made a HUGE boost now that the DVR numbers are in.

"With the Live+7 numbers in for the May 5 premiere of the 12-episode run, Jack Bauer truly is back, to paraphrase Fox’s social media tagline. The 2-hour debut of 24: LAD rose 42% from its Live+Same Day result of 2.6/8 to a 3.7/11 among Adults 18-49."

This is excellent to see. Apparently this is even higher than the season 8 premiere was. The world was indeed ready for more Jack.

Source: http://www.deadline.com/2014/05/fox-24-live-another-day-live7-ratings-dvr-boost-fox/


God damn this show is so addictive. What a great episode even if Jack didn't get a lot of air time.

Heller must be going through some nasty flashbacks :

I never asked for any of this.....

Not again dammit.

Yes again, remember how badass the rescue was


remember how badass the rescue was


Have to give it to Michelle Fairley though, she is a great actress and knows how to pull off this whole "come back from the dead and become the personification of evil" - thingie.
Looks like 24's premiere made a HUGE boost now that the DVR numbers are in.

"With the Live+7 numbers in for the May 5 premiere of the 12-episode run, Jack Bauer truly is back, to paraphrase Fox’s social media tagline. The 2-hour debut of 24: LAD rose 42% from its Live+Same Day result of 2.6/8 to a 3.7/11 among Adults 18-49."

This is excellent to see. Apparently this is even higher than the season 8 premiere was. The world was indeed ready for more Jack.

Source: http://www.deadline.com/2014/05/fox-24-live-another-day-live7-ratings-dvr-boost-fox/
Great news on those premiere ratings, but how has it done week-to-week? Fox hasn't been peeping much (though I haven't really been looking either!).
Started off indifferent to the season (more of the same), but things kicked off for me this last episode.
WTF is up with Sutherland in this though. The way Jack is written into this comes off just... well apathetic. Like he almost has nothing to do.

Chloe is still a silly character that undermines the drama but is only kept around for fans. Dont care for how they wrote out Milo and her child either.... that was some Alien3 level of poor taste.


Started off indifferent to the season (more of the same), but things kicked off for me this last episode.
WTF is up with Sutherland in this though. The way Jack is written into this comes off just... well apathetic. Like he almost has nothing to do.

Chloe is still a silly character that undermines the drama but is only kept around for fans. Dont care for how they wrote out Milo and her child either.... that was some Alien3 level of poor taste.

I really wouldn't mind it if they switched the setting to Europe for now and made adjustments regarding the cast. If nothing else, these episodes have proven that 24 can be pulled off without Sutherland being in the forefront constantly.

Hard to comprehend how this series is not stale after so many seasons, I just keep eating it like no tomorrow..And I love fembauer

Just need that hair color mod for ME2
This season owns and is classic 24 in every way it needs to be. The scenes between Heller and Jack and Audrey and Jack were both amazing.

Ah yeah it's finally time.

EDIT - I will say though, the whole time they spent on looking through the flight key and the override command my programmer's brain kept screaming in rage while my 24 brain just started laughing maniacally.

The Jack and Audrey scene was... just sort of laughable. Fell flat.
Keller and Jack were great though.
Good episode.

Poor Naveed. :( I was rooting for the poor little guy. It was obvious his gal was going to betray him though. Expected that sooner.

And that Jack and Audrey scene
Jack: "I know your married now. Are you happy? Is he treating you right?!"

Audrey: "..."



Audrey just loves the craziness that Jack brings, a slimy prick like Mark will never live up to The Bauer. Loved their scenes and especially Heller talking with Jack, some great acting there.

Naveed getting capped was pretty likely, I do love how the music stopped when he was headshotted. Pretty brutal execution.


Theres lots of stuff like that. I dont get why they didn't scan that booby-trapped house for like heat signatures or atleast get visual confirmation that someone/something was inside.

Scans like that are usually done from above. With all drones down what would have done it? Didn't take a helicopter, and they thought an attack was imminent (which was true) so they rushed in. I thought that was ok

Didn't care about the flight key stuff either. There was no proof Jack even had the flight key in the room so there was no reason to detain the CIA agent or think he gave it to anyone. And the fact the override hack stuff was true absolved them from any issues after she revealed having the key

Now the Hack hidden override codes and stuff... That's turn your brain off level shit right there :)

I'm curious if giving Chloe the backdoor into the CIA network will mean anything later
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