Money talks.I thought Garland had retired from movie-making with Civil War being his last one. Now I see he's also going to direct 'Warfare'. That was a very short retirement.
Praise the fucking LORD someone has common sense based on facts and actual previous wonderment what has lead us to this moment...Really not getting the negative nancies in this thread in the slightest, not only was that trailer and absolute banger but it's a got the original writer/director on board with a script both of them are really into which means this is going to be nothing short of fucking amazing.
You can tell this is going to be something different, they would never come back to do a rehash or a generic Z flick so they've got something good whether it be humans devolving back to our tribalistic savage nature or the Rage virus evolving into some worse, afterall they never ate those they killed so unless something has changed you would imagine after 28yrs all the infected would be long dead of starvation, so I can't wait to see what they've dreamt up.
It almost looks like in the trailer there's a main Rage boss man, whose taller more composed than the rest of them, then there was that creepy AF shot of what looked to be the scarred back of something huge, fuck knows.. man it's gonna be a long wait till summer ffs
Sony pictures makes great TV and movies.Why does this trailer feel like a parody of a zombie movie...
Sony Pictures. That's why.
Terrible trailer. Way over-the-top. Cillian-Zombie in a field is already a meme.
Amazing trailer.
The second film stinked but this looks extremely promising.
Good to know, never heard of it, but suddenly hyped. I will watch anything involving War and Alex Garland after Civil WarHe's co-directing the upcoming movie Warfare. When I heard he was retiring I speculated that it would be more like a longer vacation. Ambitious and creative people like him need to charge their batteries sometimes, but they don't call it vacation for some reason. I've lost count of all the "last movies" of Hayao Miyazaki for example.
Dr "Schlong"?I want to like this but the trailer doesn't give a good enough idea of how the finished product will be. We just get some shots of Kraven the hunter a-huntin' some zombies. Also not too sure about the idea for a sequel to already be lined up. I'm too used to most modern movies being massive disappointments.
I'm surprised to see multiple messages in this thread similar to the one belong from Dr. Schlong. Why don't you people like the second one? It was awesome!
Uhh.. that’s a good thing. Way too many trailers spoil the whole entire movie nowadays. This gave us a good amount of intrigue without spoiling anything. It’s basically a perfect trailer.the trailer doesn't give a good enough idea of how the finished product will be.
Uhh.. that’s a good thing. Way too many trailers spoil the whole entire movie nowadays. This gave us a good amount of intrigue without spoiling anything. It’s basically a perfect trailer.
We get the vibe and know a bit of the story, that’s all we need.
No dialogue, it’s perfect
I’m not even gonna watch Trailer 2.
This is the dude playing the zombie who looks like Cillian Murphy.
Jesus, he needs to knock that shit on the head... "35 cals a day, burning 450 in cardio"
This dude is gonna become a real zombie soon, right?
This is the dude playing the zombie who looks like Cillian Murphy.