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2am + Supra with 1003bhp + London's A1 + 194mph = Ownage

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Doth Togo



(LONDON) http://www.exvitermini.com/movies/nagsupuk.zip

(TOKYO) http://www.exvitermini.com/movies/nag315.zip

(TOKYO) http://www.exvitermini.com/movies/nagflyby.zip


The Supra's lights burst on and a noise like a thousand spinning roulette wheels signalled the three fuels pumps were activated. Booom! The engine fired...

The tips of Mr Kuzuhiko Nagata's fingers were sparkling. We'd just forced him to scrape some ice from the windscreen of our Saxo to make the point about the conditions. Mr Nagata shrugged, placed his hands over his plate-like glasses and giggled. A Japanese video crew had been following Mr Nagata all day, filming his Top Secret Supra take on the most powerful Supras in England. Now they wanted to film him going 200mph on UK roads, and Mr Nagata was up for it. 'Christ, he's serious,' we though, 'he's really going to give in to their demands and attempt 200mph, tonight, on the goddamn A1!'

It was 8pm and the Max crew, still in complete denial, decided to head off and grab a pizza followed by a few hours shut-eye. The pizza didn't taste too good. In fact everything that we put in out mouths was tainted by the sour taste of fear. Worst case scenarios were talked about until knots the size of Tokyo cramped our stomachs and there was a queue to drop the kids off at the pool.

Kenny's face, sullen and pasty at the best of times, turned whiter still as we continued to try and come to terms with the immensity of what we were about to witness... and contemplated all the things that could go wrong. What if Mr Nagata crashed? What if the Supra blew up? What if... ?


At midnight we turned in. Sleep was cancelled out by fear, but closing our eyes would at least trickle-charge our batteries for a couple of hours. Energy was a must for what was about to happen and Mr Nagata had... er... 'crashed out' out hours ago. if he really was serious how could he kip at a time like this?

We finally all met up again at the Peterborough garage where the Supra was being stored. Shit, what would 1003bhp really be like? The huge gaping door of the garage was open. The intense striplights cast a heavenly beam into the darkness and onto the car. For a moment we wondered if we were looking at the most beautiful car we had ever seen... for the last time.

Our convoy headed towards the old section of the A1 near Sawtry, just south of Peterborough. Mr Nagata was anxious to get on with things. We'd all come to appreciate the vastness of his balls, but now it was time to consider whether Mr Nagata was, in fact, many noodles short of a chop suey.

The facts speak for themselves: it was one-degree C, there was frost on the roads, the Japanese film crew had chosen the only bend in a two-mile stretch to film from, the car was covered in cameras held on with gaffer tape, the screen was filthy (no washers) and - just to add that extra element of risk - Mr Nagata had one day's experience of driving on British roads and that was today. What was the film crew thinking?


The Supra's lights burst on and a noise like a thousand spinning roulette wheels signalled that the three fuel pumps were activated. Booom! The engine fired. At idle it sounded smooth - as if the top end was lubricated with double cream - and with surprisingly little blipping of the throttle to warm the motor, Mr Nagata crunched into first and moved off, his cameraman passenger looking nervously ahead.

On the first pass under our bridge standpoint, the Supra was on trailing throttle. Mr Nagata had nailed it for a full-on acceleration run and then backed off. As it went under the bridge (at 150mph) the gulping, howling roar of the engine was interrupted by a cackle from a walkie-talkie. The Japanese film cameraman nodded into the radio and stuffed it back into his pocket. The car was running lean and while we couldn't see it, we knew somewhere, a quarter of a mile away, Mr Nagata was fiddling away under the bonnet trying to sort out the mixture.

Standing around waiting wasn't good. A combination of tiredness and paranoia conspired to turn all cars into police cars and all trucks into meat wagons. The remnants of road building; discarded traffic cones and unopened slip roads, heightened the sense of abandonment.

Word had come though the walkie-talkie that another pass was due. We stood next to the film crew on the bridge, facing northbound. Once again their radios crackled something and all hell broke loose. the film crew grabbed their equipment and scrambled down the bank. Shit! What Now? Has the bloody thing blown up? Has he crashed? Cops?

None of the above. The Supra burbled towards us and stopped on the hard shoulder. Apparently it was time for a burn out. We were laughing our nuts off more out of fear than anything else when suddenly a giant whooshhhhoooowl signalled the start of the most spectacular burn out we've ever seen.

Mr Nagata had eased the Supra into the second of the four lane carriageway, stopped dead and let the clutch out at huge revs. The sounds was like a million bats fleeing a cave. The turbo was hissing like a steam train and the tyres were screaming as if the were dying a horrible death. The engine? Imagine the sound of a Spitfire plane, speed it up and times it by 10. Wild.


The brakes were released after a few seconds and we caught sight of the car again. It emerged from the smoke and then - with another crunch into second - Mr Nagata was gone. Just as it disappeared into the blackness, Mr Nagata changed into third and a flame the size of a golf umbrella burst from the exhaust and gave use a final, glorious look at the car before it went for what would turn out to be its final full-on run.

The video crew were unhappy that the car hadn't cracked the big 200mph. Taka, Mr Nagata's colleague from Top Secret, looked over the engine for any signs of problems. There were none until he tried to close the bonnet. The bloody thing wouldn't shut! Air had got under there, forced the bonnet up and bent one of the securing pins.

"Velly sellious," said Taka, "this happen in the past. Two days before Auto Salon Show last year, bonnet lifted at 190mph, flipped back, smashed screen, destloyed roof." They taped it down hard.

A police T5 cruised past northbound just as Mr Nagata was turning round, thankfully out of sight. It was the last piece of luck they'd have with the 'Old Bill' that night.


Next thing, Mr Nagata's headlights appeared about half a mile away on the southbound carriageway. Even from this distance we could hear the rumble of the tyres and the sizzling turbos. We got on the mobile to the deputy editor John Sootheran who was stationed 400 yards past the bridge. "Here it comes, John, fucking hell!" It was the most incredible sight we've ever seen. It rushed towards us, headlights mesmerising our brains, then with a noise - no scrub that - a frequency we felt in our guts, it passed under the bridge and was gone. Jaws were open, heads shaking. The speed the car passed under us was devastating.

Mr Nagata eased the Supra back onto the bridge for some more checks. When he jumped out we jumped in and pressed the recall button on the Stack; the figures 310kph (194mph) and 9700rpm flashed up. It took a while for the reality to sink in.

Still no 200mph, though, so Mr Nagata leapt in for another crack. It was difficult to see the point. He'd just gone faster than anyone's ever gone on British roads as was still alive. Surely 200mph wouldn't feel that much different?

There was not talking him out of it, especially as we knew no Japanese and he couldn't speak English. Anyway, he'd disappeared 10 minutes ago and there was no sign of him. Then an excited Japanese voice came on the walkie-talkie.

They'd been tagged, not at speed, not doing anything wrong, but told in to uncertain terms to clear off. It was almost a relief to hear. Three cop T5s were prowling, taking an interest in why we were hanging around a bridge at 4.30am.

We decided to go. Suddenly, another message burst from the radios. Taka interpreted: "Mr Nagata, he ready for the challenge now..."


As Mr Nagata hit 130mph, the challenge was over. Three T5s had swarmed around the Supra in a matter of 20 seconds and the car was escorted away by the trio of flashing Volvos, leaving Mr Nagata to face a challenge he hadn't expected.

We followed the convoy, which arrived at Peterborough police station 15 minutes later. As the officers took him inside, Mr Nagata's only hope was to mount a spirited defence using the words 'hello' and 'schoolgirls' - the only English he knows. Even a man fearless enough to attempt 200mph on the A1 for the sake of a Japanese-commissioned video must have been cacking himself.

As we arrived, Taka went in to translate. He was in there for just over an hour and 30 minutes. When he came out he gave an immediate update on the proceedings. "They're not happy," he said.

It was now 6.34am. No one had slept, Top Secret's President was in custody and he needed a solicitor sharpish. Astonishingly, Taka remained adamant that Mr Nagata would do 200mph on the road. "He's no chicken," said the man we know as "The Otter". We could scarcely believe what we were hearing. Eyes bloodshot and screaming for bed, we were seriously doubting the sanity of our Oriental friends.

We offered sympathy as Taka tried to work out what to do next. Incredibly he remained unfazed and asked us to look in the phone book for Perry Mason. When it was explained that he was a fictional lawyer, Taka did not seem so optimistic anymore.


"You could always try someone from LA LAW," it was suggested, jokingly. "Yes, I think that is a good idea," said Taka, looking relieved. Shit. They'll all go down for 10 years at this rate...

Thinks looked grim. Even with an interpreter, Mr Nagata's on line of defence was: "Come on, you honour, 130mph isn't that fast." The police had also seized the video evidence of his earlier shenanigans, which probably featured a close-up of the Stack system showing 310kph - a piffling 194mph.

With that likely to go down like a pork chop at a Bar Mitzvah, Top Secret's other hope was that the police video facilities hadn't yet moved out of the Betamax era.

Later on, a call to the police station revealed that the wheels of Britain's legal system were spinning even faster that the Supra's. A solicitor and interpreter were currently with Mr Nagata, and the case would be held at Magistrates Court shortly.

Once in court Mr Nagata clarified his name, age and promptly pleaded guilty. Good start. The police account of events was read out and shed new light on the case, however. According to them the Supra was stationary on the hard shoulder with its hazard warning lights on when the police pulled up behind it. At this point, they said, the car accelerated off and was pulled over seconds later doing 130mph. Talk about rock 'n' roll.

The solicitor read the defence for Mr Nagata, stressing the time he'd already spent in custody and the Magistrates huddled to confer like the contestants on Blockbusters.

Amazingly, the fine was £155, plus £35 costs, plus a 28 day ban from driving on English roads.


With that, it was over. British justice at its cryptic best. In local and national news, police would be quoted as being "astonished" at the punishment, calling this "the sort of maniac driving at daft speeds that the courts should be cracking down on."

It would also transpire that this was the first serious speeding offence on the new A1(M), and that police were opposed to the road being widened to four lanes for fear of this type of excessive speeding.

We left Court One and congregated outside. Normally reserved, Mr Nagata beamed and once more gave a thumbs-up. He said something to Taka, who immediately translated... "Mr Nagata said that when he comes back to England next summer, he will definitely crack the 200mph-barrier." Oh shit... ;)


Unconfirmed Member
If it wasn't for videographic evidence, I would not believe this news o_O

Last few times I've driven down the A1, I barely managed over 4 hours per mile, damned horrid road.

Even at 2am reaching over 50mph on this road for more than 5 minutes is a miracle*


*Ok, I exaggerate for dramatic effect, sue me :p


Ah yes, the 1000hp Supra. Is there anything finer in the world of street racing? Well...besides maybe a 1000hp MR2 Spyder. 8O :D

That guy's got balls of steel. I wouldn't trust any street radial at 200mph. I know they put those on supercars all the time, but I'm not so sure they are rated to be operated well at that kind of speed. But that video's funny when you see the cop car in pursuit and realize that Nagata could have dusted him with ease. PEACE.


Unconfirmed Member
Pimpwerx said:
Ah yes, the 1000hp Supra. Is there anything finer in the world of street racing? Well...besides maybe a 1000hp MR2 Spyder. 8O :D

That guy's got balls of steel. I wouldn't trust any street radial at 200mph. I know they put those on supercars all the time, but I'm not so sure they are rated to be operated well at that kind of speed. But that video's funny when you see the cop car in pursuit and realize that Nagata could have dusted him with ease. PEACE.

You would be surprised, seriously.

In the early 90's I took a summer job doing PDI (Pre-Delivery Inspection) for a firm contracted to Vauxhall, at the time they produced a very innoculous looking 'super saloon' - the Lotus Carlton:



It's specs were impressive on it's own, 377 bhp / 281.2 kW @ 5200 rpm 0-60 in 4.8 seconds and a supposed top speed of 178mph, owners often reported it being easy to drive "off the clock" hitting faster speeds.
Report of a Lotus Carlton at an Open Race:
With the speedo needle firmly wedged against the stop at over 180mph for much of the way, we finished the 90 mile course in just under 33 minutes to record an average of 164mph. We also just missed out on the "Most Spectacular Start" award, apparently our black lines were 3 feet short of the winner. Our American hosts gave us a very warm reception at the awards banquet in Las Vegas after the race, our performance obviously suited the "Plucky Brits" stereotype perfectly.

Only 5 of the PDI guys were insured and allowed to testdrive these cars on the test-track (Bruntingthorpe, for those curious)

Now and again we'd get a "special" delivery Lotus Carlton, that was a model specifically ordered, and only sold to the British police force. This tuned model was the fastest car on the British roads, guaranteeing that the Police could catch any car they needed to, and was capable of 190+ without issue. Only 1 of the PDI guys was allowed to do an inspection & testdrive these.

That was nearly 15 years ago, I learned then never to assume that you could outrun the police, no matter what you were driving. I doubt that the situation has changed that much today.


Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
"We offered sympathy as Taka tried to work out what to do next. Incredibly he remained unfazed and asked us to look in the phone book for Perry Mason. When it was explained that he was a fictional lawyer, Taka did not seem so optimistic anymore."

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