Shocker Book: His 'Radar' for 'Woo-able' Boys
Michael Jackson's second-worst nightmare has come true.
His former trusted public-relations man, Bob Jones, is about to publish a memoir of his years working for the singer.
Jones was dismissed unceremoniously one year ago by Michael's brother Randy Jackson after nearly 30 years with the singer. His book, "Michael Jackson: The Man Behind the Mask," will devastate Jackson.
Here we go: "Michael had a sinister gift for identifying these boys; it was as if he had some sort of radar. I was continually amazed by how he could determine which of the many children he came into contact with might be 'woo-able,' whose parents could be bought off and counted on to keep quiet about what was going on. I came to understand that Michael manipulated people and events with a great deal of finesse."
Jones details Jackson's trips abroad in the late '80s and early '90s with boys who were essentially his dates, before the famous Chandler family settlement put an end to that.
Kung Fu Jedi said:Legal analysts on TV last night said that the longer it goes, the worse it probably is for Jackson. Take that for what it's worth.
Matlock said:Or Jury Duty!
Kung Fu Jedi said:All I know is that I couldn't be on that jury. I'm not exactly impartial when it comes to Michael Jackson. The dude is at least guilty of being a freak.
Naked Shuriken said:He's gonna be acquitted.
Matlock said:Or Jury Duty!
Ninja Scooter said:i did jury duty on a child molestation case once. Man was that shit the worst experience of my life.
I'm surprised, since Lawyer Girlfriend (who used to be a defense attorney) says that the longer a jury stays out, the more likely it is to acquit.Kung Fu Jedi said:Legal analysts on TV last night said that the longer it goes, the worse it probably is for Jackson. Take that for what it's worth.
Cherubae said:I've done a month of Grand Jury. There's some strange people out there but it wasn't too bad :lol One lady came in testifying that these two boys "raped" her granddaugher and the gd came in like "uuh... ya... I guess they did..." and shrugged it off. It was pretty clear who was more upset over the fact that she had been get'n some pre-18 loving.
Bob Jones is pretty pissed for being fired by Randy. MJ's brother is causing a lot of problems for him and yesturday was wandering around the courthouse which stirred up the nest of reports wondering why he was there.
Even if there's a slim chance of being found guilty, this thing will probably be tied up in appeals court forever.
Well, as it turns out, those ARE crimes.triste said:Maybe showed them porn and gave them liquor or whatever, but I don't see that as a crime either.
-jinx- said:I'm surprised, since Lawyer Girlfriend (who used to be a defense attorney) says that the longer a jury stays out, the more likely it is to acquit.
I actually doubt this is the case. Juror screening is actually pretty good at stopping this from happening. in most cases I've ever known jurors on, the jury is either usually in agreement on the verdict or in the couple hung jurys I have heard about first hand the evidence really was there to support a circumstantial case. here it would be difficult for a hardliner to say he did it as there isn't even any realistic circumstantial evidence.SickBoy said:I wouldn't be surprised if the jury is unable to reach a verdict. I wouldn't be surprised if there are hardliners in the jury room on both guilty and not guilty sides right now.
-jinx- said:Well, as it turns out, those ARE crimes.
That is the defense contention, not a fact.triste said:It's about some people trying to milk MJ for some cash, and everyone knows that. So the moral high horse really has no place in a discussion here.
-jinx- said:That is the defense contention, not a fact.
If you think that giving very young kids alcohol.
there is no evidence that proves he gave them alcohol or showed them porn. yes those are illegal and should be, but the question of the matter here is how did they get them. and while they are saying michael gave them to them, there is no one else saying he did, yet there are others saying they found the kids with both in their possession without michael around. so it's up to the jury to decide if michael without question was the one to do this and the witnessses saying otherwise are lying.-jinx- said:That is the defense contention, not a fact.
If you think that giving very young kids alcohol and having them sleep in an adult's bed is OK, you must be riding a very interesting "moral high horse" indeed. Whether MJ broke the law will be determined in the courtroom...but there is no doubt that he broke standards of propriety.
-jinx- said:That is the defense contention, not a fact.
If you think that giving very young kids alcohol and having them sleep in an adult's bed is OK, you must be riding a very interesting "moral high horse" indeed. Whether MJ broke the law will be determined in the courtroom...but there is no doubt that he broke standards of propriety.
-jinx- said:OK FINE.
If you think that having young kids sleep in an adult's bed is OK, you must be riding a very interesting "moral high horse" indeed. Whether MJ broke the law will be determined in the courtroom...but there is no doubt that he broke standards of propriety.
1) I don't think it's OK for adults to share that kind of stuff with kids below a certain age, no matter WHO the adult happens to be. I've already said in other threads that I think the age limits for various things (18 for pr0n, 21 for alcohol) are arbitrary and don't match the reality of when "kids" actually mature, but 9 or 10 is too young by any standard.triste said:I'm not riding a high horse. I'm saying the accusations outside of the molestation are common occurences and not ones people go to trial over. It's amplified because it's Michael Jackson.
Damn my family should be in jail then...-jinx- said:1) I don't think it's OK for adults to share that kind of stuff with kids below a certain age, no matter WHO the adult happens to be. I've already said in other threads that I think the age limits for various things (18 for pr0n, 21 for alcohol) are arbitrary and don't match the reality of when "kids" actually mature, but 9 or 10 is too young by any standard.
Tell this to all the celebrities and athletes we continue to see getting in trouble with the law. The problem here jinx is that your opinion of acting freakishly and his own opinion of how he views himself obviously differ.2) Part of being a celebrity is realizing that you ARE subject to far more scrutiny than a private citizen. That means that you HAVE to pay attention to what you do, and realize that anything you do can and will be amplified by the general public...and your enemies. If Michael Jackson (and his handlers) can't figure that out, then he almost deserves to suffer some impact. He's been in show business since he was what, five years old? Don't you think that, at some point, he would have figured out that acting freakishly around kids was risky behavior?
"My cousin Frank did it."sp0rsk said:dont kids share their beds with their parents till they are teenagers in northern europe
-jinx- said:OK FINE.
If you think that having young kids sleep in an adult's bed is OK, you must be riding a very interesting "moral high horse" indeed. Whether MJ broke the law will be determined in the courtroom...but there is no doubt that he broke standards of propriety.
-jinx- said:Don't you think that, at some point, he would have figured out that acting freakishly around kids was risky behavior?
he is not being charged with sharing his bed with minors. he is being charged with supposedly molesting them.-jinx- said:OK FINE.
If you think that having young kids sleep in an adult's bed is OK, you must be riding a very interesting "moral high horse" indeed. Whether MJ broke the law will be determined in the courtroom...but there is no doubt that he broke standards of propriety.
I definitely agree that this has a higher probability of happening than him being convicted. Order of probability (based on what SHOULD happen from a technical standpoint based on the letter of the law)xsarien said:As far as socially acceptable behavior goes, there's something very wrong with it. But that's not the decision charged to the jury. I personally predict a deadlocked jury handing Jackson a mistrial. An appeal would be tough on the part of the prosecution, finding someone with no knowledge of the case - let alone a pretty unbiased opinion on it is probably impossible.
triste said:I'm not riding a high horse. I'm saying the accusations outside of the molestation are common occurences and not ones people go to trial over. It's amplified because it's Michael Jackson.
If -jinx- were popped for having alcohol and porn in his house and kids saw it, no one would care, because you're just -jinx-. But if you allegedly had millions of dollars and you were a household name, omg teh villain!!1
Not if he was never exposed to your vision of normalcy, no.
akascream said:You can bet he wouldn't get off because of his celebrity anyway. 2 way street..
Naked Shuriken said:He's gonna be acquitted.
to be found guilty he has to have all 12 jurors believe that, despite there being no physical evidence, despite there only being two heavily suspect eye witness testimonies, despite the fact that of the 10 charges, many charges don't even have eye witness testimony OR circumstantial evidence linking jackson to the charges, and despite all of the testimony countering virtually every charge he is accused of, he did everything that was said.Smiles and Cries said:as easy as he could get 18 years
borghe said:he is not being charged with sharing his bed with minors. he is being charged with supposedly molesting them.
borghe said:to be found guilty he has to have all 12 jurors believe that, despite there being no physical evidence, despite there only being two heavily suspect eye witness testimonies, despite the fact that of the 10 charges, many charges don't even have eye witness testimony OR circumstantial evidence linking jackson to the charges, and despite all of the testimony countering virtually every charge he is accused of, he did everything that was said.
can't even be proven that anyone supposedly trying to imprison or kidnap them ever talked to jackson, let alone that he had anything to do with it.iapetus said:Count 1: Conspiracy to commit child abduction, false imprisonment and extortion between 1 February and 31 March 2003.
none of these can be proven beyond accusers' testimonies and there are inconsistencies in the testimony where it can be construed that this number of times may have never even happened allegedly, let alone with evidence.Count 2: Lewd act upon a child between 20 February and 12 March 2003.
Count 3: Lewd act upon a child between 20 February and 12 March 2003.
Count 4: Lewd act upon a child between 20 February and 12 March 2003.
Count 5: Lewd act upon a child between 20 February and 12 March 2003.
Count 6: Attempt to commit a lewd act upon a child between 20 February and 12 March 2003.
while these haven't been formally dropped, the judge has instructed the jury that they are allowed to consider reducing each of these to a lesser misdemeanor charge of contributing to deliquincy of a minor. much like the molestation charges there are no witnesses aside from the accusers. there are witnesses however saying they saw the boys drunk (while not around michael) and and saw them with bottles of wine (again while not around michael).Count 7: Administering an intoxicating agent to assist in the commission of a felony (child molestation) between 20 February and 12 March 2003.
Count 8: Administering an intoxicating agent to assist in the commission of a felony (child molestation) between 20 February and 12 March 2003.
Count 9: Administering an intoxicating agent to assist in the commission of a felony (child molestation) between 20 February and 12 March 2003.
Count 10: Administering an intoxicating agent to assist in the commission of a felony (child molestation) between 20 February and 12 March 2003.
Simply because of the JC Penney's case I don't believe the family has a chance in hell of winning a civil suit. Literally all the defense has to do is stand up and say "You're not going to let them get away with this again, are you?" and they will have won their case.I'm surprised it's taken so long, to be honest. Let's get it over with, find him not guilty and move on to the civil case and destroy what's left of his life.