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43 U.S. Senators support bill that would make boycotting Israel a felony

No shit, I was taking a shot at some people I've encountered that would defend the First Amendment
for nazis
till the next day, but probably won't make a huge fuss about this.

Those are very few, mind.

Taking a shot at imaginary posts less than an hour after this news was posted. You sure showed those Nazis.


I'll support Israel when they stop treating Palestinians like 5th class citizens. Future generations will not be kind to the modern Israel what with it being one of nearest example of an apartheid state in modern history.


This is insane, you cannot force people to support something they don't believe in or disagree with. To even waste our precious time and money with this stupid shit...
43 senators won't get anything passed

You've got to figure this is one of those 'I'll support it because it clearly isn't going anywhere and will play well to certain people I want to vote for me' type of things.

Because you can't make boycotting something a felony. Nor can you make publicizing a boycott a felony. It's so clearly unconstitutional that I think we should be able to bill the senator's time put into this from their personal finances to pay back the federal government for the wasted hours.
Ben Cardin doing the work for Republicans. People who see Democrats supporting this are unlikely to volunteer for the Democrats, give money to Democrats, or most importantly vote for the Democrats.

Go fuck yourself Cardin and your buddies.

Sen. Nelson, Bill [D-FL]
Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ]
Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT]
Sen. Peters, Gary C. [D-MI]
Sen. Cantwell, Maria [D-WA]
Sen. Schumer, Charles E. [D-NY]
Sen. Hassan, Margaret Wood [D-NH]
Sen. Gillibrand, Kirsten E. [D-NY]
Sen. Donnelly, Joe [D-IN]
Sen. Manchin, Joe, III [D-WV]
Sen. McCaskill, Claire [D-MO]
Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR]
Sen. Coons, Christopher A. [D-DE]
Sen. Bennet, Michael F. [D-CO]

"...including three California House members who have become heroes to Democrats and staples of the cable news circuit: Ted Lieu, Adam Schiff, and Eric Swalwell."


Typical to see statements coming from someone in Congress to say they'll need to read the bill, but are already freakin' co-sponsors of the damned thing. smh

This is what we are blessed to have shaping our country. /s


Small government conservatives and the party of religious freedom though.

There's 14 democrats in that group too. I guess suppressing free speech crosses party lines, at least when it comes to Israel.

Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR]

Fuck this, Senator Wyden. Finally, I have something to call and complain to my senator about...


That just make me want to boycott Israel taht much more.

Id there any Israeli product I can boycott personally?

Exactly. I have no real opinion on it cause I'll admit I'm pretty ignorant of the controversy, but this makes me want to boycott them.

How the fuck is this even constitutional... freedom of speech and all that? And how are they going to enforce that, force me to buy stuff from Israel.

Fuck off with this shit.

And I expect this shit from the Republicans sadly cause I've given up on them being decent people but the democrats supporting this should fucking hang their heads.
Ben Cardin doing the work for Republicans. People who see Democrats supporting this are unlikely to volunteer for the Democrats, give money to Democrats, or most importantly vote for the Democrats.

Go fuck yourself Cardin and your buddies.

Sen. Nelson, Bill [D-FL]
Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ]
Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT]
Sen. Peters, Gary C. [D-MI]
Sen. Cantwell, Maria [D-WA]
Sen. Schumer, Charles E. [D-NY]
Sen. Hassan, Margaret Wood [D-NH]
Sen. Gillibrand, Kirsten E. [D-NY]
Sen. Donnelly, Joe [D-IN]
Sen. Manchin, Joe, III [D-WV]
Sen. McCaskill, Claire [D-MO]
Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR]
Sen. Coons, Christopher A. [D-DE]
Sen. Bennet, Michael F. [D-CO]

"...including three California House members who have become heroes to Democrats and staples of the cable news circuit: Ted Lieu, Adam Schiff, and Eric Swalwell."

Lieu, Schiff, and McCaskill being in this is really disappointing.


There's 14 democrats in that group too. I guess suppressing free speech crosses party lines, at least when it comes to Israel.

Fuck this, Senator Wyden. Finally, I have something to call and complain to my senator about...

yeah i would definitely appreciate an explanation from wyden about this, considering he seems to be trying to position himself in the spotlight a lot these days
Ben Cardin doing the work for Republicans. People who see Democrats supporting this are unlikely to volunteer for the Democrats, give money to Democrats, or most importantly vote for the Democrats.

Go fuck yourself Cardin and your buddies.

Sen. Nelson, Bill [D-FL]
Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ]
Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT]
Sen. Peters, Gary C. [D-MI]
Sen. Cantwell, Maria [D-WA]
Sen. Schumer, Charles E. [D-NY]
Sen. Hassan, Margaret Wood [D-NH]
Sen. Gillibrand, Kirsten E. [D-NY]
Sen. Donnelly, Joe [D-IN]
Sen. Manchin, Joe, III [D-WV]
Sen. McCaskill, Claire [D-MO]
Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR]
Sen. Coons, Christopher A. [D-DE]
Sen. Bennet, Michael F. [D-CO]

"...including three California House members who have become heroes to Democrats and staples of the cable news circuit: Ted Lieu, Adam Schiff, and Eric Swalwell."

Schiff and Lieu are part of this? Ugh I feel sick
I have a serious problem with this, my senators are Schumer and Gillibrand. I called to criticize them.

Simple. Engage them when you got a problem.


There's 14 democrats in that group too. I guess suppressing free speech crosses party lines, at least when it comes to Israel.
If Israel was guilty of the same offenses as Russia is with regards to election tampering, people wouldn't bat an eyelash.

The US is their bitch and always will be. Russia is simply trying to play catch up.
Perhaps in a generation or two they'll be as entrenched as Israel is and they'll have more than just a Rohrabacher or two at their disposal.
Seems extremely unconstitutional. What is the justification. Those Dems on the list should be ashamed and called out as much as possible. As for the GOP members on there, I expect that.

Unfortunately for me, I don't have a Dem senator here in TX. So little use calling mine as they're both maximum shitlords.


In other words, 43 US Senators are bought by the State of Israel.

Why the fuck is lobbying legal. These senators should not be allowed to accept any damn gift from these people.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
I have a serious problem with this, my senators are Schumer and Gillibrand. I called to criticize them.

Simple. Engage them when you got a problem.

I hope you didn't leave a message... because if you did, after this passes that's hard evidence. You will be facing felony charges for inciting support of a boycott of israel.
That just make me want to boycott Israel taht much more.

Id there any Israeli product I can boycott personally?

It's pretty rough. I did a quick once-over to see if there's anything I own that's visibly related to Israel, and without going to the component level I can't find anything.

Kind of a shame, because it means I can only boycott in spirit. Hey Israel, why don't you export some decent shit so I can not buy it?



jesus, this is absolutely abusrd. How has this shit not been fucking fixed


Can't believe we're supposed to get excited by Gillibrand 2020. She's like a worse version of Clinton by every measure.
Aren't both of your parties in bed with Israel? Because that's how it comes across to the rest of the civilized world.

Yeah, they're both beholden to AIPAC and their lobby money. Being anything other than an unapologetic Israeli supporter no matter the policy or action is pretty much career suicide for most politicians in the US.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
How exactly do you enforce making people not boycott something?

We have anti-boycott regulations in place on commerce. Businesses are free to not do business with Israeli companies or goods, but they cannot affirmatively agree to boycott them in writing with entities from boycotting nations. I don't know how this would apply to individuals.


I am pro Isreal but I think that this bill is insaine.

In other words, 43 US Senators are bought by the State of Israel.

Why the fuck is lobbying legal. These senators should not be allowed to accept any damn gift from these people.

Find me a US politician that doesn't accept lobbying gifts of any kind
This law would last about four seconds until a judge grants an injuction against it pending a lawsuit in the 9th circuit that quickly overturns it. It's a stupid idea that a bunch of Senators can use to draw attention to themselves.
This bill declares that Congress: (1) opposes the United Nations Human Rights Council resolution of March 24, 2016, which urges countries to pressure companies to divest from, or break contracts with, Israel; ...
There's 14 democrats in that group too. I guess suppressing free speech crosses party lines, at least when it comes to Israel.

Fuck this, Senator Wyden. Finally, I have something to call and complain to my senator about...

Wyden is usually so good, too. Can't fathom why he'd decide to support such an obviously unconstitutional law.


How can a citizen or resident of the US be forced to do business with a foreign nation?
it's more like you just cant state your intended opposition to them as a matter of your business practices, afaik

if you want to be really stupid you can compare it to allowing bakeries to say no to gay cakes

but in reality there is a massive difference between something that denies people equal service due to bigotry and something that is a statement against a foreign government


Just called my senator's office. The spin is that this isn't banning a boycott or supporting a boycott against Israel, it's specifically banning support for a boycott imposed by a foreign entity (ie the UN). So it's supposedly a symbolic gesture of US sovereignty, affirming that the UN can't tell us what to do...

...by having the federal government tell individuals that they can't support the UN. Ick. Yeah, the more I think about it the more that "protect US sovereignty" thing seems like such bullshit. Nothing in the bill is protecting US citizens, it's expressly prohibiting them from doing things voluntarily.

This is why I prefer internet communication to phone or in-person: I'm not quick enough on my feet.


This is likely a highly calculated bill that will never pass but give the senators something to say in an ad for their campaigns "supported tough laws that help the nation of Israel " that plays well in communities.

These kind of things are actually pretty common. Supporting amendments on a bill that will never pass, or whatever.
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