The Faceless Master
why should how much they make matter? are they less of a man?demon said:So someone making 19k a year should pay the same in taxes as the billionaires of the country?
That's fucked up, man.
why should how much they make matter? are they less of a man?demon said:So someone making 19k a year should pay the same in taxes as the billionaires of the country?
That's fucked up, man.
The Faceless Master said:why should how much they make matter? are they less of a man?
Aselith said:Yo littleorphanfunk I'm really happy you think the rich should get richer and imma let you finish but The Faceless Master has the worst economic policies of all time!
All time.
sounds like the second man should work harder, or get a better education.xDangerboy said:a man makes 1 million dollars and spends 500,000 of it. he now has 500,000 dollars extra.
another man only makes 19k and has to spend 18k of it. Now he has only 1000 dollars extra.
You see where i am going with this?
xDangerboy said:a man makes 1 million dollars and spends 500,000 of it. he now has 500,000 dollars extra.
another man only makes 19k and has to spend 18k of it. Now he has only 1000 dollars extra.
You see where i am going with this?
The Faceless Master said:why should how much they make matter? are they less of a man?
why should i pay twice as much as someone who makes 26k? do i use the roads twice as much? call the cops twice as much? it should be a flat value, not a flat %, a flat % is ridiculous and unfair to hard workers!JayDubya said:Same percentage, yes, if we're going to be taxing a percentage of income as a means of taxation.
A compromise might be to not tax below a certain level of income (much like Friedman's NIT), but setting that level where 47% pay nothing is downright obscenity.
The Faceless Master said:sounds like the second man should work harder, or get a better education.
Fei said:You might want to check your history about what America was built on.
The Faceless Master said:sounds like the second man should work harder, or get a better education.
He's talking about Faceless's plan that everyone should pay the same amount of taxes.OuterWorldVoice said:I have to admit, I am confused.
i'm not the one saying a flat %.kamikazemartian said:How much would $3800 affect you if you were making $19,000?
How much would $38,000 affect you if you were making $190,000?
How 'bout $380,000 if you were making $1.9 million?
Twenty percent matters far, far more when it leaves you with $15,200 than with $1.52 million.
xDangerboy said:The problem is is that most of the top 1% of the wealthy have achieved so through illegal means.
OuterWorldVoice said:I have to admit, I am confused.
If only all the people making 25k a year put in those extra hours at the office or pulled a few more all-nighters in college, they would be billionaires.The Faceless Master said:sounds like the second man should work harder, or get a better education.
OuterWorldVoice said:Morality
OuterWorldVoice said:and an understanding of how Capitalism works
the social stigma of 'lol food stamps' doesn't seem to stop some people from depending on them...bdizzle said:Social redistribution of wealth? you fuckin kidding me? As someone who grew up on welfare you know how unbelievably hard a lifestyle and embarrassing it is to receive public assistance?
Lol. You probably should have gandered at my other posts before getting so defensive and worked up.lennedsay said:Except for my facts come from, not from some buddy at work or some internet gaming forum.
What do you do for a living? Because I prepare tax returns for low income individuals. I see and experience this complete and utter clusterfuck on a daily basis. I see people that falsely claim the perfect amount of money and kids to get the maximum amount of EITC on a regular basis. If I don't do my job right, I could be severely fined or imprisoned for some jackoff trying to screw the government and taxpayers just to get a few grand.
Stating the facts does not mean I agree with the principles behind them.
The Faceless Master said:i'm not the one saying a flat %.
xDangerboy said:how can he pay for a better education when he has no money?
bill0527 said:This is about as stupid of a statement as saying that all poor people are poor - because they choose to be and are too lazy to do anything to improve their situation.
The Faceless Master said:i'm not the one saying a flat %.
The Faceless Master said:why should how much they make matter? are they less of a man?
He is pretty content with poor people dying in the street due to starvation and/or lack of healthcare.gdt5016 said:And for the poorer members of the country (not talking about the "abusers"), you would prefer them not to get any kind of assistance? At all?
Not looking for an argument, just trying to understand your position.
What are you saying then?The Faceless Master said:i'm not the one saying a flat %.
Pseudo_Sam said:That's exactly what's wrong with America. We live in an age where the government legislates morality, and some people still have the balls to call this a free country.
Oh, I wait on tenterhooks to hear this one. Please, elaborate on this mythical version of "Capitalism" where state redistribution of money exists as a crucial support to the economy.
:lol :lol :lol oh man! are you serious?Pseudo_Sam said:That's exactly what's wrong with America. We live in an age where the government legislates morality, and some people still have the balls to call this a free country.
Oh, I wait on tenterhooks to hear this one. Please, elaborate on this mythical version of "Capitalism" where state redistribution of money exists as a crucial support to the economy.
OuterWorldVoice said:Sorry, I thought you were serious!
xDangerboy said::lol :lol :lol oh man! are you serious?
xDangerboy said::lol :lol :lol oh man! are you serious?
xDangerboy said:ok ill rephrase that. Most of the richest of the rich are a bunch of criminals that are getting away with illegal activities because of their wealth.
(see the ceos of the top companies skipping out on income taxes and getting govenment money only to get bigger bonuses while laying off more employees.)
(see also the top ceos that now work for the government and directly influence how much the richest of the rich get taxed through their wealth)
Pseudo_Sam said:That's exactly what's wrong with America. We live in an age where the government legislates morality, and some people still have the balls to call this a free country.
people do it at dinner all the time, it's not really a hard thing to figure out.recklessmind said:No what you're advocating is even more absurd. Apparently you have no grasp of the current disparity of wealth? You could take every cent the bottom half of the population will ever make and still not meet the requirements you'd impose by just "splitting the difference".
It's fucking retarded.
recklessmind said:If you think the alternative would lead to greater freedom I wonder if you've really thought it through.
xDangerboy said:See, this is what i dont understand.
If i was extremely wealthy, and i was taxed for a certain percentage of my earnings; which while high, did not affect my ability to live comfortably in any way whatsoever; and this money went into imporving the livelyhood and staus of Every American and America as a country , why would i oppose this?
It doesnt make any sense.
Toby said:But seriously, I think we need to raise taxes if we ever plan to get rid of the national debt
Pseudo_Sam said:The alternative to legislating morality would be not legislating morality. Yes, that would lead to more freedom. Done.
All my liberal friends are quick to denounce the big bad government for making marijuana illegal (it's our body, man!) or limiting the rights of homosexuals (it's not a choice, man!), but when the focus is shifted from social issues to economic issues they have no qualms with the government getting in the way.
bill0527 said:You're still being ridiculous.
What you're saying doesn't even make any logical sense.
If the top 1% of people are all crooks who are not paying their taxes... then who the hell is paying taxes in this country? Its well documented everywhere from the IRS to to CBO that the top 1% pay most of the taxes in this country.
I realize that jumping all over 'rich corporations' and labelling all of them as crooks and cheaters gives a certain political party a giant throbbing hard-on, but its still nothing more than a shitty generalization.
That's not to say that there aren't people at the top working the system and cheating, but its not different than poor people doing it, which is the whole point of this thread. Human beings by nature will sometimes look to get their best advantage regardless of the consequences and regardless of how it affects anyone else, and this human trait can be found in both rich people and poor people.
Pseudo_Sam said:The alternative to legislating morality would be not legislating morality. Yes, that would lead to more freedom. Done.
All my liberal friends are quick to denounce the big bad government for making marijuana illegal (it's our body, man!) or limiting the rights of homosexuals (it's not a choice, man!), but when the focus is shifted from social issues to economic issues they have no qualms with the government getting in the way.
BECAUSE IT'S YOUR FUCKING MONEY, Jesus Christ. It's the principal of the matter. Many wealthy people would continue to make charitable donations because most humans are good. Some would choose to hoard every cent and give away nothing, which is also okay, although a little dickish.
Genuinely curious, how?JayDubya said:Actually, we can heavily reduce tax revenues and still eliminate the debt in a decade.
OuterWorldVoice said:The reason you can't name a first world democracy without a taxation system is that there isn't one.
When you can name one, I will read about it and see if it sounds like a good idea.
Pseudo_Sam said:Whoa, who said anything about all taxes being evil? Not me. You know, there was a time when income tax didn't exist and America kept on chuggin'.
One should also consider the vast amount of superfluous bullshit our government collects taxes for before rushing to the defense of the IRS.
The Faceless Master said:people do it at dinner all the time, it's not really a hard thing to figure out.
OuterWorldVoice said:Who's defending the IRS? The IRS is a bloated, corpulent mess that has been deliberately evolved to benefit the top 1% we're complaining about. The IRS code is effectively a set of complex tax cheats for the wealthiest. Who apparently can't even abide to use that shortcut half the time.
Gallbaro said:Well an easier way to get to that end would just be to privatize every single function of government, because your talking fees and not taxes. And the permanent ruling class will be glorious!