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$500 cans on, this is how you dream right - Official Headphone Thread


Well, this is the Westone Um3x. Really, really good instrument separation. Highs aren't fatiguing at all. Mids are equal to that of the Hd650, the presence is definitely there but it's not too much.


oh wow i had never considered remolding, thats crazy, how much is it on average?

If you do your own ear impressions, you're looking at $150 or so from either company. If you have an audiologist do them, you're looking at another $50 or so potentially (prices depend on the individual audiologist). Kozee orders come with a kit, while Inearz (Fisher hearing) orders require you to find your own online (or else get professionally done impressions).

This is what taking impressions involves: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57-lHJtZFuo

Whatever happened to the poster with the friend that bought those 2500$ headphones at Guitar Center? I want an update!

Unless I've missed something, we haven't received an update. I'm almost certain that his friend had to be full of it though. Selling counterfeit goods inside your place of employment is brash as hell, and I know Microcenter doesn't carry $1500 cans anyway.


I received my pair of Grado GR8 IEMs earlier this afternoon.


I’ve been listening to them for a few hours and I really, really like them.

A few years ago I was into IEMs exclusively and had tried out some good ones like the triple.fi 10 and the Westone W3. But eventually I dropped IEMs and moved to full size cans as the IEMs always felt a little uncomfortable and pushy in my ears plus the sound from full size cans just felt more dynamic.

Well, the GR8, at first blush, solves both those issues. I may have found an IEM that I can use outside the house and at work that fits my needs perfectly.

I find these are extremely comfortable. They are very small and light and I barely feel them in my ears. The included ear tips in the case is weak - only S, M and L sizes. I ended up with the small size as I have real small ear openings. After they’re in for a few seconds, I can’t feel them and I don’t get that weird congested head feeling I had with previous IEMs I owned. Nice.

Now, the sound is what I really like about these. But I say that because these do an incredible job of replicating the Grado house sound in an IEM - and I love that sound. Midrange is king and there’s a tonality to vocals and guitars that reminds me of my RS1. not quite as full bodied and smooth - there are few that can match the RS1 there - but still aiming for that same sweet spot and gets closer than anything else I’ve heard in this size. There’s a forwardness and urgency to the midrange that’s intoxicating.

Treble is not grating or shrill as on cheaper Grado headphones but is actually quite smooth and easy to listen to. The sense I get from these IEMs is that there’s a lot of air around instruments - nothing feels closed in. There’s a sparkle and airiness to the sound that, so far, I have only heard from open air cans. Closed, portable cans like the HD 25 sounded much more congested in their sound compared to these; like the band was playing in a closet.

The soundstage reminds me of the same size I get from the RS1. So it’s not really expansive but it’s wide enough to get a sense of the space between instruments. This is what I really enjoy about these IEMs compared to older ones I tried or closed, portable cans that I was never satisfied with.

Bass is average. It’s capable of some decent dynamic kick but it’s not going to rattle heads. It’s detailed enough to hear subtleties in bass notes and there’s enough there to create some good dynamic, toe-tapping sound but it’s not going to be satisfactory for a bass head at all.

I’ll be using these unamped straight from my iPhone for the time being. I tried them out on an E11 amp I have lying around and they certainly boost the bass response but I can’t deal with the extra equipment and battery charging management. I can run these high impedance IEMs (120 ohm) at 3/4 volume on the iPod and they’re louder than my ears can comfortably handle.

The worst part about all this is that now I’m going to want to upgrade to the GR10 next year to get that extra bass, soundstage and treble extension that they supposedly have. sigh…

If you’re looking around for a pair of high end, 300 dollar IEMs, I think you should seriously consider these in addition to the usual suspects of Shure, Westone and Ultimate Ears. I won’t guarantee that you will like these more than the others but if you’re a sucker for that open, airy sound you get from Grado full size cans, these are a fantastic option.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Bass is average. It’s capable of some decent dynamic kick but it’s not going to rattle heads. It’s detailed enough to hear subtleties in bass notes and there’s enough there to create some good dynamic, toe-tapping sound but it’s not going to be satisfactory for a bass head at all.

Throw them shits in the trash!
Awesome stuff, man. I'm sure I'll join you on the hunt for a great IEM that fits my sound profile.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Back to listening to all my music without boosting the bass on the E7. My poor ears are getting beat the fuck up from all this bass. :lol


my opinion of them is not very favourable.

1) they have a real shelved treble and focus on bass. the people who like them say they sound more like speakers but that was not the impression I had at all. they seemed to lack a lot of energy up top. my speakers sparkle way more than the LCD2. they sounded shockingly dull to me.

2) they are heavy, huge and clamp super tight on the sides of the head. very uncomfortable headphone. the cable is also very stiff and can dig into your chest if you lower your head.

I’d say the “king” (for under two thousand) is still the HD800. best soundstage, incredibly detailed, incredibly comfortable and great bass when driven with enough power. But they can sound a bit boring if you don’t get massive gear to power them right. they’re not an easy choice to recommend at all.

I think if you’re looking for something more laid back than the HFI-580, you might want to consider the Senn HD650 (or maybe the 600 for something less warm).

Another good option might be the Hifiman HE-500. check out this shootout of high end headphones at inner fidelity. the HE-500 (now 700 bucks) came out smelling like roses.





Thanks. That's almost what I was expecting out of the LCD-2, to be honest. When I hear "heavy, silky, creamy", they don't really speak to the qualities I'm looking for in a headphone. I want airiness, instrument separation, good soundstage, quick response...everything that the K701 is.

I'd be looking for something more neutral than the HFI-580, but not necessarily much more laid back. The Sennheiser HD650 are too laid back to me. I very much like the AKG K701, so I'm under the impression the HD800 are the real step up from that. Might be too big of a step, though. I'll probably content myself with the K701.



Old IEM's busted so i got VSONIC GR07's which seem to be the new hotness. People reccomending 200 hours of burn in but so far they sound great. Fiio e7 to bring some extra bass.

Old IEM's busted so i got VSONIC GR07's which seem to be the new hotness. People reccomending 200 hours of burn in but so far they sound great. Fiio e7 to bring some extra bass.

Sony walkman X? Someone's doin' it right. I've been curious about those myself, care to chime in with some impressions?


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Just sold my Beats Solo HDs for $160 on eBay. God DAMN was that unexpected!


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
That is funny since you can buy them much cheaper refurbished from Monster.

Yeah, I have no freaking clue why they go for so much...but I'm glad they do!

leng jai

Thanks. That's almost what I was expecting out of the LCD-2, to be honest. When I hear "heavy, silky, creamy", they don't really speak to the qualities I'm looking for in a headphone. I want airiness, instrument separation, good soundstage, quick response...everything that the K701 is.

I'd be looking for something more neutral than the HFI-580, but not necessarily much more laid back. The Sennheiser HD650 are too laid back to me. I very much like the AKG K701, so I'm under the impression the HD800 are the real step up from that. Might be too big of a step, though. I'll probably content myself with the K701.

Having gone from the K701s to the Beyer T1 I can safely say that my ears they are what the K701s are without the deficiencies. All round better cans as well as you'd expect from something four times the price. The soundstage while smaller sounds more realistic to me - the K701s make everything sound "big" even tracks that are clearly meant to be more intimate. The big soundstage seems to mess with vocals as well, making them sound a bit distant and echoey at times. Bass response (my biggest problem with the AKGs) is in another stratosphere as well in terms of both depth and impact. IMO the T1s have exceptional tonal balance and this is an area where I feel the K701s really falter.

I've never heard the HD800s but I suspect they would be a good choice for you should you ever buckle under upgradeitis.
Just wanted to thank you guys, especially Des, for steering me towards the SR80i's. They're amazing for the music I listen to most (rock, acoustic, jazz and classical).


Sony walkman X? Someone's doin' it right. I've been curious about those myself, care to chime in with some impressions?

When i first had a listen the highs were a bit hot but after a few days of usage they have become a lot more detailed. The mids and lows are tight and balanced, I'll see if anything changes after more burn in.


When i first had a listen the highs were a bit hot but after a few days of usage they have become a lot more detailed. The mids and lows are tight and balanced, I'll see if anything changes after more burn in.

He meant the Mp3 player i think


I was gonna totally buy either the Sennheiser HD 380 pros or Shure SRH840s...

and now these last few pages with the AiAiAi TMA-1 Headphones are having me salvating. Headphone GAF, how would you recommend these guys for audio recording for filming?

They dont meet my criteria in the last page I posted for collapsible cans, but I'm loving the hell out of that sexy design, crazy nice build quality and minimalism. They seem like they don't have crazy bass which is what I want.

Should I go for AiAiAi TMA-1 Headphones, or stick to the previous two?


I was gonna totally buy either the Sennheiser HD 380 pros or Shure SRH840s...

and now these last few pages with the AiAiAi TMA-1 Headphones are having me salvating. Headphone GAF, how would you recommend these guys for audio recording for filming?

They dont meet my criteria in the last page I posted for collapsible cans, but I'm loving the hell out of that sexy design, crazy nice build quality and minimalism. They seem like they don't have crazy bass which is what I want.

Should I go for AiAiAi TMA-1 Headphones, or stick to the previous two?

Honestly, I can't see the TMA-1's doing all that well for audio recording. Their sound signature is very, very dark. Without a doubt the darkest headphone I've ever heard, so they aren't going to bring out a lot of detail. I'd sooner reach for the Sennheiser HD 25-1 II's for professional use.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
God damnit! I left my LO cable in the hard case which is at home. Unamped today in my first day in the wild with these.


Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
So I have decided to buy the Sennheiser 650's. I was wondering if I could get some help on choosing a decent amp for them. I was thinking about this one:


So I guess my question would be if that amp would be good for those headphones or if there is anything else that would be recommended under the $200 range?

A cheap amp on the HD650's are a waste of money. Don't bother buying the head phones unless you're willing to invest in an amp of the quality of the Lehmann Rhinelander at a MINIMUM. I used the ALO Amphora (made by Red Wine Audio) for a while with my 650's and that's honestly the kind of amp that should be considered as a realistic starting point to demonstrate the headphone's potential. Oh, and you better have a decent DAC as well or else you're wasting your money again.

Can't afford the above? Then don't bother with the 650's at all and instead get a pair of Denon AH-D1100 or something similar and be happy.


I was gonna totally buy either the Sennheiser HD 380 pros or Shure SRH840s...

and now these last few pages with the AiAiAi TMA-1 Headphones are having me salvating. Headphone GAF, how would you recommend these guys for audio recording for filming?

They dont meet my criteria in the last page I posted for collapsible cans, but I'm loving the hell out of that sexy design, crazy nice build quality and minimalism. They seem like they don't have crazy bass which is what I want.

Should I go for AiAiAi TMA-1 Headphones, or stick to the previous two?

Go with something more neutral with a focus on clarity like the KNS 6400 or the 8400. The 8400's clarity is pretty much unparalleled by any closed headphone within twice it's price range.


Thanks. That's almost what I was expecting out of the LCD-2, to be honest. When I hear "heavy, silky, creamy", they don't really speak to the qualities I'm looking for in a headphone. I want airiness, instrument separation, good soundstage, quick response...everything that the K701 is.

I'd be looking for something more neutral than the HFI-580, but not necessarily much more laid back. The Sennheiser HD650 are too laid back to me. I very much like the AKG K701, so I'm under the impression the HD800 are the real step up from that. Might be too big of a step, though. I'll probably content myself with the K701.

yeah, it seems like if you want a flagship one day, the T1 or HD800 are your best bets. The soundstage and imaging on the HD800 is really something else. Nothing else gives me that out-of-the-head feeling. (and it didn't require a monster amp to provide that presentation)

edit: Using the GR8 at work today. they're still awesome. so light. I should mention that they use a very similar "moving armature" driver that is found in the less expensive Ortofon eq5 and eq7. I've heard they sound similar to the Grado. I went with the Grado, though, as they are much smaller than the ortofon IEMs
I was being ironic, but yes the Turbines are good, and you can find them fairly cheap. However, if you're willing to try something new the Fischer Eternas Rev. 1 have incredible bass. I'd sell you mine for $40, but you'd have to give me a few days to ship them.

Id be tempted if you were willing to ship to the UK :p

Tempted to get some new headphones after xmas aswell.. hmm

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Any thoughts on the other rapper-backed headphones? Ludacris' Soul headphones seem to have some very solid reviews. I see 50 Cent is getting into the headphone game too.


EDIT: Also, the earbuds?

So I got my HD 650s last week.

They are incredible.

Now, I'm new to both headphone amps and DACs - but I went for an iBasso D12 Anaconda too. Which has arrived. I listen to music through both an iPhone and my computer, and went for the D12 because it seems fairly portable, and allows for optical input, which my computer has. Plus, it's a DAC, so that can only be a good thing.

But what should I be listening for? Simply more volume? I'll admit the 650s aren't the loudest when running unamped through the iPhone... I mean, I definitely can't complain about the quality of the sound, but should I be able to hear a significant difference while amped/DAC'd?


So I got my HD 650s last week.

They are incredible.

Now, I'm new to both headphone amps and DACs - but I went for an iBasso D12 Anaconda too. Which has arrived. I listen to music through both an iPhone and my computer, and went for the D12 because it seems fairly portable, and allows for optical input, which my computer has. Plus, it's a DAC, so that can only be a good thing.

But what should I be listening for? Simply more volume? I'll admit the 650s aren't the loudest when running unamped through the iPhone... I mean, I definitely can't complain about the quality of the sound, but should I be able to hear a significant difference while amped/DAC'd?

Uh...did you not do any research before buying them?


So I got my HD 650s last week.

They are incredible.

Now, I'm new to both headphone amps and DACs - but I went for an iBasso D12 Anaconda too. Which has arrived. I listen to music through both an iPhone and my computer, and went for the D12 because it seems fairly portable, and allows for optical input, which my computer has. Plus, it's a DAC, so that can only be a good thing.

But what should I be listening for? Simply more volume? I'll admit the 650s aren't the loudest when running unamped through the iPhone... I mean, I definitely can't complain about the quality of the sound, but should I be able to hear a significant difference while amped/DAC'd?

A amp can typically improve bass response by making it less bloated and more controlled. as a result, you might get a greater sense of soundstage, since the sound might feel more open and airy.

A lot of people talk about the HD650 specifically improving in the midrange with powerful amping, as this area is seemingly more prominent and not "veiled" as it might sound without a dedicated amp.

and, yes, volume is certainly part of the equation. an ipod might need to be put at 80% to drive a pair of headphones while a small amp might only be used at 20 or 30% to deliver the same volume.
Honestly, I can't see the TMA-1's doing all that well for audio recording. Their sound signature is very, very dark. Without a doubt the darkest headphone I've ever heard, so they aren't going to bring out a lot of detail. I'd sooner reach for the Sennheiser HD 25-1 II's for professional use.

I should've thought about that before ordering them (TMA-1). Just sent an e-mail to cancel my order. Back to the drawing board. I'll check out the KRK, if I can get a decent price here in Canada.
Any thoughts on the other rapper-backed headphones? Ludacris' Soul headphones seem to have some very solid reviews. I see 50 Cent is getting into the headphone game too.


EDIT: Also, the earbuds?


I dunno. You'd have to be in the market for a very specific and colored sound (usually bass heavy) to go for those types of phones. Probably good for hip hop, pop, R&B, reggae, electronic/dance... And not a whole lot else. That and you can assuredly get better sound for less due to the branding and name dropping.
Any thoughts on the other rapper-backed headphones
Hate to be linking to this site again lol, but innerfidelity has been doing "celebrity cans" reviews as of late. Here's the SL150 review.

I think burn-in is more of a psychological thing than anything, but I've experienced it regardless. Bass gets tighter, things open up a bit...at least that's been my experience with the HFI-580 and AKG K702.
I have the HFI-580's as well and experienced burn-in. I was coming from the very mild HD280's so the 580's more aggressive sound signature came as quite the shock, in fact at first I hated them. The combination of harsh highs and weird S-Logic presentation actually hurt my ears lol.
I let them run for like 30+ hours, tried them again and thought "hey this isn't so bad... actually this is a pretty interesting sound". The highs in particular seemed less sibilant. From that point onward developments were probably psychological but I wonder if something was happening in those first hours. Anyways I'm pretty damn fond of them now, though in the future I'll probably seek something more subtle and balanced to complement them... that or try to revive my HD280's :I.


Having run the HFI-580 on the $4000 Invicta DAC/amp yesterday was quite the experience.

You know what's amazing? My dad, who is not a headphone lover in the slightest, and who owns B&W 800 Diamond speakers said that the music sounded absolutely real (some classical and female vocals) and was even better than the B&Ws. Obviously the imaging doesn't compare, but in terms of the tonality, clarity, and musicality of the sound, it was pretty incredible. Seriously, I had no idea the HFI-580 could sound so good. Usually the bass is too heavy and the midrange is too recessed, but it was extremely tight and the midrange was very forward with this setup.

Now, obviously I'd never buy a $4000 DAC/amp for a $150 pair of headphones, but it was a complete revelation as to just how good headphones can sound. I honestly have trouble comprehending how good the HD800 might sound by comparison.
That's very interesting. From what I've read I came away with the impression that the HFI-580's wouldn't benefit much from amping. Personally I have a Fiio E10 on the way... of course it's not going to compare to a $4000 setup but it should beat the shit out of 1st gen macbook output.


That's very interesting. From what I've read I came away with the impression that the HFI-580's wouldn't benefit much from amping. Personally I have a Fiio E10 on the way... of course it's not going to compare to a $4000 setup but it should beat the shit out of 1st gen macbook output.

I don't mean to say it sounded drastically different or anything, but it was just enough to overcome any "digital" sound. While the tonal balance of the headphone remained similar, it suddenly sounded a lot more real. That's the only way I can describe it.

Anyways, just ordered myself a pair of AKG K702! Excited to have these babies back. I'm going to have to get a half decent amp/DAC for these things. Any recommendations?

edit: I really hate myself for describing it as I have. It makes me think everything was all placebo. But still, I have to admit the difference was there, because I'm not experiencing that level of involvment from the nearly as expensive Bryston BP26 my dad owns.
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