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The Aaiaia tracks have a very faint but noticeable buzz during moments of extreme bass. Kinda sad.
Help me out GAF, end my misery. I'm torn between Audio-Technicas M50, Denon D1100 and Ultrasone 550 PRO. I ALMOST went ahead and ordered M50s, but I'm having second thoughts now, and I'm not really sure whyAnyway, I listen mostly to electronica, indie rock (shoegaze, noise rock, distorted guitars and sound-walls are my thing), some jazz and bass-heavy rap. If I had to give one example of music I mostly listen to it would be this track (if anyone cares to listen):
So, will M50s be good choice or should I look somewhere else?
M50s will do very well with most of those genres except jazz and anything that is vocal (or any midrange sound) heavy.
Are you going to be using an amp (even a cheap Fiio E6)? If so, get M-Audio Studiophile Q40s. Best bass in the price range and amp'd give a nice smooth response for everything else.
No amp? Go for the Denon's or Shure SRH840s. Your song sounds pretty good with either (am testing it now), not "basshead" by any means, but nice thumpy bass and wonderful detail, especially the latter. Would pick the Shures myself, given the genre spread (and they are some of my favorite cans which helps lol).
Don't have much experience with the Ultrasones, maybe someone more knowledgeable here can chime in if they are any good.
I went and ordered the M50 from Audio Technica in the end.
Only problem is if they sound better then my HD 555 Sennheiser at home I will want to take my work headphones home every night(or order another pair...)
The Magnums are very fast. Any song I have with lots of layered instruments and fast tempos come across very clearly. I dont get the impression that anything is being smudged or passed over by the headphones.
That's the ticket. Whether it's rock, jazz, or even a movie-- this is what headphones have to be able to do. Glad to hear you like them, haven't heard a ton about the Magnum upgrade(s).
Anyone know of any good headphones (earbuds) that are more suited for the gym/active environments?
My iPod headphones just broke and I'm not about to go replacing them with the same thing.
Ha, should've mentioned this earlier but yes, I will be using an amp, I'm getting some basic headphone DIY amp from a friend, not sure about any details tho because I have next to no idea about headphones, amps and all that. Q40s it is then, in all the reviews I've read they sound like what I want. Thank you very much for your help![]()
The prices I have seen for them used the past few months on head-fi are criminally low (<400). bargain of the year, imo.
Just cop something cheap yet decent quality, like some MEElectronics M9.
Hi all, not an audiophile, but would like to get some good over-the-ear cans. Jumped in with the $50 Sony MDR-XB500, and finding myself not satisfied. Bass is too excessive, which I sorta expected (but was hoping wouldn't be true), and it was mostly the relatively low price and the extra large ear cushions that persuaded me to start with this model.
So now, I'd like to know which model(s) do not have the over-powering bass. I have resigned myself to spending more dough for higher quality, and I had narrowed the choices down to the $290 Denon AH-D2000 and the $149 Audio-Technica ATH-M50. But some reviews say both of these also have very strong bass!
So, any suggestions? I want over-the-ear, comfy cushions, priority on clear highs/mids (that's treble, right?), non-excessive or even under-whelming bass, no noise-cancellation (don't wanna deal with batteries), budget is up to $300, hopefully available to buy at Amazon. Thanks, duders.
Er, I read your description of open vs. closed in the OP, but that just goes over my head.Open or Closed?
Er, I read your description of open vs. closed in the OP, but that just goes over my head.
I am happily rocking $10 Sony earbuds (not IEM) and have been for many years, just want something with a bit "fuller" sound when watching movies.
I have the athm50 and they are definitely the most normal looking headphones. Sound is unspectacular but very good for the price.Hi all, not an audiophile, but would like to get some good over-the-ear cans. Jumped in with the $50 Sony MDR-XB500, and finding myself not satisfied. Bass is too excessive, which I sorta expected (but was hoping wouldn't be true), and it was mostly the relatively low price and the extra large ear cushions that persuaded me to start with this model.
So now, I'd like to know which model(s) do not have the over-powering bass. I have resigned myself to spending more dough for higher quality, and I had narrowed the choices down to the $290 Denon AH-D2000 and the $149 Audio-Technica ATH-M50. But some reviews say both of these also have very strong bass!
So, any suggestions? I want over-the-ear, comfy cushions, priority on clear highs/mids (that's treble, right?), non-excessive or even under-whelming bass, no noise-cancellation (don't wanna deal with batteries), budget is up to $300, hopefully available to buy at Amazon. Thanks, duders.
Isn't that just the Kickersubwoofer technology or the Panasonic VMSS.I heard those new Sony Headphones can reproduce sounds well below frequencies audible to the human ear.
Well I read up on them, and it seems Fostex no longer reproduces for Denon, so those new cans might not only look worse but sound worse as well.
Isn't that just the Kickersubwoofer technology or the Panasonic VMSS.
Seems too gimmicky to work properly, but looking forward to reviews.
I'm sure I can demo them at best buy and buy them off amazon
Absolutely. I don't know how they get around the legalities.If they are anything like the Skullcandy Skull Crushers, they will be pretty offensive sounding. I also got the impression that they might be really bad for your hearing over long periods of listening, though I might have just thought that because it was so unpleasant...
do you need a fiio amp with m50's if im gonna be using them for hip hop/bossa nova music?
So I've been in the market for some new cans for the last couple of months and could never decide on which ones to get. In the interim period I managed to pick up some urbanears plannten plus. They are pretty turd really, but for £20 theyre ok.
Is there anything I can do in the meantime to improve the sound quality of these, I listen to mainly hip/hop, rap, dub step and electronic music and these seem to be lacking some low down bass.
Would one of these fiio amps I keep hearing about do anything or shall I just make do?
Thanks for the help chaps, I wasn't expecting much from them. My main problem is I'm a whore for how my new headphones should look, and everything the I've seen within my price range just looks meh.
FA-004 pics
Beats are the best headphones in the world dude. Always trust the Doctor.
hey headphone GAF, i need some help.
Trying to decide between these two (i know, but budget and size is my main concern)
Beats Solo HD
Yuck. Look into Audio Technica's ES7s for well regarded, aesthetically strong and affordable portable headphones.
I came in hear to ask opinions on whether it was worth getting a desktop amp + DAC if I'm unwilling to spend over $100. That'd more or less restrict me to something like the Fiio E10. My primary source at the moment for home listening is an iPad 1, which I believe is said to have an alright DAC. Thoughts?
Yuck. Look into Audio Technica's ES7s for well regarded, aesthetically strong and affordable portable headphones.