So I
posted this a little while ago and thought Id summarize my thoughts on the rare HP-1 from Grado
Some thoughts on the HP-1 (HP1000) after a little over a week of ownership. This is a long one. Grab a beer. I had one while writing this.
I should note that
all my comments below are based on the modded version with foam lining inside the cups from
purrins instructions on head-fi. It reduces midrange glare and shoutiness, reduces some treble glare, removes a small bit of lower midrange bloat and slightly expands and moves the soundstage forward. The sound is still similar, but the foam lining is, imo,
necessary to push these headphones far enough in front of current Grados and other, more easily available TOTL cans to be worth their inflated collectors pricing.
Ive gone through many high end headphones in the past couple years. I like comparing the different sound signatures and, early on, it was very important for me to figure what I actually like and dislike from the headphones. So now I have a better idea of where the HP1000 fit in.
The HP-1 does the most right of all the headphones Ive yet heard with their faults being mostly trivial for my tastes - specifically lack of bass extension and soundstage height/width. Its my favourite headphone that Ive tried. I wont try to say its technically the best at anything but I find no obvious faults with it and I think I may keep these for a long while, unless I am shocked by an LCD3 which is on its way to me.
The basis for this praise is that the HP-1 has the most natural and most even frequency response I have ever heard (even before the mod but especially afterward). Everything sounds balanced in harmony and no one frequency band obscures another. Theres no sharp ridge in the treble that can be pesky on some female vocals. theres no bass bloat that obscures the mids. The tone and timbre of instruments feels more correct and true than any other headphone Ive tried. This may sound simple and trite but every other headphone Ive heard has some sort of deficiency in this key area that had bothered me.
Regarding details and speed, I put them up there with my memory of the HD800, GS1000, PS1000 and Stax. I dont have a trained ear to notice tiny differences in detail retrieval from one headphone to another. Once we get up to this level of technical refinement, detail retrieval all sound about the same to me.
Can I hear the slight brushing of fingers of a guitarist off to the side of the stage? yes.
Can I hear the barely audible triangle being played in the orchestra and can I tell when its being struck more forcefully or at double time? yup.
Do I hear people clearing their throats (at different tables) and clearly pick out bits of conversation in the audience of a live jazz recording? sure
On electronic music, are there incredibly rapid beats that sound distinct instead of a blurred whole? yes
I cant hear more detail than that. Once I got into headphones costing multiple hundreds of dollars, they all seem to be able to do this. The ones that have issues here, in my experience, are the ones with sound signature issues where, for example, a D5000 bass bloat will obscure background details. Not because the transducer isnt capable of rendering the detail, but because theyve tuned the thing to explode so much bass in your face that you just cant hear the lower volume subtleties.
Soundstage on the HP-1 is not incredibly tall or wide but I am impressed with the depth and forwardness of it. It is layered and precise in the way the Stax O2 was. It cant match the HD800 for width or height. However, what I like about the HP-1 that I dont get from many headphones is that the soundstage feels more forward and out of the head. At one point, I thought I had enabled the cross feed function in the Fidelia music player, but it was just the natural soundstage portrayed by the headphones. I thought that was pretty impressive. its not a miracle, out-of-your-head experience but it does feel a bit more natural than other headphones that put singers between your ears instead of slightly closer to your nose.
Some more direct comparisons of headphones which I hope some might find useful.
GS1000. I just sold these so I remember their sound very well. The GS1000 have powerful, speaker-like bass but they do it by having a mid bass boost like other modern Grados - only more powerful. There is more impact on the GS1000 but those crucial mids are thinner, the treble is peakier than the HP1 and the tonality suffers unless you EQ it.
Stax O2. Its important to note that I never wanted to spend the extra 5 or 6 grand needed to get this headphone working on a powerful amp that would inject a bit more bass impact or reduce lower midrange bloat. I used a GES and 323S. Before the HP-1, the O2 was my favourite headphone as it had tonality nailed down mostly to my taste and had the perfect sized soundstage. But the dynamics and impact never matched other, lesser dynamic headphones. It always felt a little weak down there when a big drum solo would come on. The HP-1 is about the same sound signature (slightly less dark with the equipment Ive used) but gives me the bass impact I need without having to spend 5K on an amp and then wait 12 months for it to be built by hand. The HP-1 isnt the best at bass impact but its good enough for most of my music.
The HP-1 can also sound almost as good straight out of an iPod, so theres that, too. Bass impact, convenience and required monetary investment are the reasons why I prefer the HP-1 to the O2. But I dont want to pretend that the HP-1 is a superior headphone under all circumstances - only my limited experience.
HD800. The HD800 have the widest, tallest, most out-of-head soundstage of any headphone Ive used and that sounds awesome on about 1/3 of my music collection. But on the other 2/3 of my music, the distant soundstage makes the songs seem less involving unless the volume is cranked way up. The HP-1 achieves a better balanced soundstage for the majority of my music. Its good enough for the classical and some jazz (mainly because of that forward nature that pushes the image out a bit in front of the ears) but I dont need to reach for another headphone when I want to listen to something more immediate. In addition, the HP-1 doesnt have that 6kHz treble peak. that treble peak wasnt a big problem for me but its nice to not have to worry about any treble peaks now when increasing volume on songs.
Grado PS-500. I like these a good bit but the HP-1 are just more realistic in tonality and have no nasty glare on any higher frequencies. The PS500 have GS1000 like massive bass that doesnt bloat into the midrange (which is nice - the D5000 are brought down by this tendency) but I know that this comes from artificially boosting the mid bass. Still, the PS500 is very good and shares more in common with the HP-1 than the RS1, SR325, etc.
Magnum V4. I also got these back from Symphones a few weeks ago. With flat pads on - and before the foam mod to the HP-1 - these sounded similar on most songs in my library. Not the same - but similar. There was still more glare with the Magnums than with the HP-1 but the difference wasnt as large. And they both had the classic thick lower midrange and compressed soundstage you get with flats. But the improvements to the HP-1 with the foam mod improved the soundstage and lower midrange sound to the point where the Magnum are left farther behind. Magnums with bowls sound a bit too thin without enough bass for my taste.
Older headphones had other issues (im only listing negatives here). the Denon D5000 bass bloat hurt the midrange. The LCD2 had no comfort, no soundstage, and no treble energy at all. The PS1000 sounded good to my ears, but were very heavy and had peaky treble The HE-5LE were impossible to drive with authority and didnt fit my head. The Stax 407 had no dynamic impact.
I prefer the HP-1 to all of these.
So there you have it. The best dynamic headphone Ive used and my favourite headphone that Ive yet tried also happens to be around 20 years old and is almost impossible to get serviced if anything happens to it. lucky me.
Its charms kind of creep up on you. Its not an immediate whoa sensation like when you hear classical on an HD800 for the first time, or some bass heavy electronica on an LCD2 but it strikes a more perfect balance for my tastes than these other headphones.
But I try to stay pragmatic about all this and not get too attached to physical objects. I still want something a bit better for a similar cost if it exists. I would still like better bass impact and real sub bass. Id like a larger soundstage.
Which is why I ordered an LCD3 and will be comparing these two head to head in around a week or two. Should be fun.
Equipment: My amp is an ALO Amphora. DAC is an HRT MS2. Although I also used a Yulong D18 for a little time. Music files were mostly 320 kbps MP3 from iTunes with a few FLAC files in Fidelia.